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A New and Complete Periodic Table of the Elements: Part A

The existing Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) explanation of the Periodic Table as described by Richard Feynman in his three volume "Lectures on Physics" is used as base reference then abandoned for an improved approach. The new approach will not only allow better experiment design, prediction and data analysis, but will permit clear mechanical visualization and much broader held understanding.

Richard Feynman would surely agree the periodic table descriptively documents the mechanics, the machinery of the atom as fundamental building block of visible matter as verified by practical experience through experiments. The central task is to descriptively document the mechanics in a much better way without invalidating but rather greatly extending practical experience. Once must say after thoroughly reading Feynman, his great contributions are especially appreciated because he was almost as stubborn in insisting on mechanical visualization as the author!

The Establish-Scientist Reader should go ahead to Part B [] and briefly review Tables 5-5 and 5-6 and the discussions there first. If one is then turned on instead of off, come back and re-start Part A to read in earnest.

The growth spiral logarithmic fractal of Table 5-3 is here generalized to apply to a spherically symmetric dark matter pre-organized fluid space at the atomic level. As previously described and illustrated in the first few text pages of this chapter and in Figures 5-1 through 5-3, each dark matter pre-formed shell around the newly defined original atomic core nucleus may become populated with binding electrons to eventually become fully bound to and thereby extend the boundary of that core nucleus. The core nucleus is here called the maximum density center of gravity (MDCOG). Each new-growth neutron shell surrounding the original core nucleus has metamorphosed from a proton shell. It takes 1/h orbiting electrons in each of two orthogonal directions within the shell to bind it as a solid proton shell of visible matter mass pts. A neutron shell is then one which has a final third, in-out oriented electron orbit ring binding of each of its visible mass pts to that entire concentric sequence of shells forming the MDCOG.

Revisit here also that every atomic core MDCOG has a final Inner Grain (IG) mass pt that is the same size as the one packing the outermost shell of the MDCOG, but the IG is non-rotating. That is, the Cosmic Sensor of Singularity as an IG R-size mass pt, has maximum energy density in terms of the surface vibration energy alone, with no effective rotational motion on the part of its embedded G-size (Higgs particle) mass pts said to be dynamically forming its surface. The Inner Grain (IG) is the central indivisible mass pt and Universal Source Oscillator within the atom that reflects in-out oriented, "Strong Force" binding electrons back outward.  The IG surface vibration must precisely reflect the coming and going of helical path Higgs particles as they reach and immediately turn to leave the surface of the IG. The premise level atomic machinery of the IG was introduced on the second page of this chapter and is illustrated in Figure 5-1.

To the outside world, the atom as a whole is a dynamic mass pt and gravity field entity, and is the fundamental measurable oscillator (or radiator) responsible for radiation. It is here shown in detail that what ever happens to the atom as a whole,  is precisely registered  in a synchronous way at three spherical surface locations, at (1) the IG,  (2) the MDCOG and, (3) the outward connecting-radiating interface, the c-boundary. How can this be? One must see that the atom as a whole is itself a complex mass pt, and as a mass pt, it must continually adjust its dynamic shape, average radius and spin speed to fit into and mark ambient energy density for the space it occupies. This mass pt feature applies to every inwardly and outwardly nested mass pt; in a spherically concentric way without limit in the inwardly direction of small, and outwardly in the direction of large with both a symmetry and asymmetry that is determined by the way visible matter vibrates and is sewn together by orbiting helical path radiation. The radiation binding energy is always in multiples of electron rings whose indivisible mechanical (kinetic) energy is the flow of Higgs particles that form a helical string and move at the absolute maximum speed of vmax » 236c.

Energy crosses the atom's "visible" surface from both inside and outside. The term visible as applied to the outer surface of the atom, means that our measurement and experience of the atom is a direct reflection of the dynamics, the measurable energy states of its "event horizon" surface. That surface is the c-boundary of the atom; the radius from the IG and from the MDCOG at which an electron would be required to be in stable circular orbit at a speed of c. The atom is that unique mass pt nested ensemble whose boundary is always an event horizon for radiation because it is the source oscillator of all radiation; as documented in the established spectra, and as incompletely but usefully described by quantum electrodynamics (QED). One is referring, of course, to the descriptions given by Richard Feynman in his 3-volume "Lectures On Physics", wherein QED limitations are repeatedly exposed along with its many great capabilities as a set of practical tools.

Completely compatible with QED as a set of practical tools, one may beneficially view the c-boundary of the atom as its visible surface that undulates, or vibrates constantly to mitigate and facilitate the passage of energy both inward and outward. By concentrating on the meaningful and measurable undulations of the atom's outer surface, one may then cease to speculate in detail about quantum numbers and electron spin in the complex way of QED. "Why would one want to do that, ask the mathematical elite!?" How about, "because no true scientist has ever said they really understood the current theory in a satisfying mechanical way, not even Bohr or Feynman." That is, the author is totally convinced that all the complex but workable mumbo jumbo of quantum mechanics is successful but unnecessary and extraordinarily complex fantasy. Beyond Bohr's and Feynman's great workable but incomplete comprehension of the dynamics of the atom, lies mechanical and fully visualizable truth as displayed on the pixel-like screen of the atom's outer boundary.

Once the undulations in the c-boundary of the atom are understood, one also understands and is able to visualize and provide descriptive detail at an extended periodic table level. The true internal and external dynamics will then be seen to exist quite mechanically real and always in reflective synchronicity. One will then also see that the relative mass given by the quantity, A, in the periodic table, is a relative measure of the ground level surface energy state for the given element in three dimensions. Outer surface undulations are small changes in the absolute volumetric mass of the atom as a generic and most fundamental mass pt ensemble. One will return to the atom as undulating mass pt and gravity field after an epistemological derivation of a new approach to experimental knowledge; a badly needed re-start in how to come to know things in a mechanically scientific way.

Why Einstein did not finish his theory

Though far beyond everyone else in his understanding of physical reality, Einstein by his own admission never finished his unified theory. His revolutionary energy matter relation E = Mc2 that reflected his intimate understanding of how the electrons stored in the atom could be released as radiation was destined to save the modern world from destruction by Hitler. For that reason alone, he fully deserves the “Person of the Century” award recently bestowed by CBS and TIME.  But Einstein did not really like the Bohr model of the atom, and would have happily accepted the theory given herein had it been presented to him. Why? Because it would not only have fulfilled his image of God as held by his Little Finger, but it would have handed him the full equivalent of his Cosmological Constant so he could have stopped the silly upshot one here calls Big Bang.

The right hand side of Einstein’s famous Tensor-crouched [one likes the accidental term!] field equation, G = 8pT, for calculating the instantaneous curvature of spacetime, G , in terms of the Stress Tensor, T, would have had an entirely different formulation. The essential elasticity or gravitational potential at each point in spacetime is continuously variable as crudely indexed by T would not have gone along with any of the false-dogma-ridden math of Gauge Symmetry and “Superspace”.  There could never be any true real-world solutions;  so Plato could come out of his cave and find out what is really going on that he is sorely missing! A Plato or Einstein in full touch with reality would not have been able to accept the partly-hidden assumptions behind the Euler-Lagrange equations, Hamilton’s Principle, Fermat’s Principle in Optics, the basic notion of the Variational Principle, Liouville’s Theorem, the notion of infinitesimal contact canonical transformations, and the Lorentz transformation. The basic mathematical ideas behind wave mechanics and the notions of metric tensors, and the dynamic surfaces of spacetime were and are mechanically false; in spite of their UH-given ability to predict. The wave equation developed on the principle of separation of variables is totally dependent on variable independence as stated in the derivation of the Laplace equation! Boundaries and eigenvalues of mathematical physics when placed into physical reality as part of so called  “solutions” are mechanically false because all fundamental parameters of real world experimental physics are closely coupled!


Like everyone else, Einstein simply did not mechanically understand the dynamic structure of the atom as visible matter mass pt and gravity field. His energy matter relation could predict like crazy within the very serious limits of experimental design and control, measurement and data analysis using worn-out math, but would never represent physical truth at either the local or global levels of reality. As a gross but good-enough-for-prediction estimate, his dividing Mc2 by Ö(1 – v2/c2), was indeed the simplest way to properly index the quantum-like dynamics of the elastic continuum’s pt to pt character. The problem is that one thus introduces singularity at the ends of big and small as the basis for all causality! The dispersion factor, df = (v/c)4 as defined herein avoids all that by multiplying Mc2 and having the dimensions of 1/M. The mass object traveling near or at the speed of c is free of the nonsensical mass increase without limit. Mass at the radiation origin becomes pure number and is uniformly and helically dispersed as radiation in the three dimensions of space as it makes its way outward along a radial from the source.

One is reminded of the Steven W. Hawking statement as given in “Gravitation” by Misner, Thorne and Wheeler, Box 34.3, quote, ”The view has been expressed that singularities are so objectionable that if the Einstein equations were to predict their occurrence, this would be a compulsive reason for modifying them. However the real test of physical theory is not whether its predicted results are aesthetically attractive but whether they agree with observation. So far there are no observations which would show that singularities do not occur.”  One feels like Ronald Reagan, when in debate and under attack in a way that could only evoke the response, “There they go again!”. Once brainwashed by underlying false math-ideology, an expert opponent of broadly held and used common sense logic compulsively assumes his circle of knowledge is bigger than that of most everybody else and is able to utter pompous circularities of thought as though they were gospel truth!

Had the author been able to respond to Hawking’s statement in real time, he would have said, “Since when have you become the God  of what humans are capable of observing and empirically recording at the level of each living cell and its DNA? To that majority of humanity still in touch with their innate sense of logic, a singularity is by gut-level, Little Finger, God level definition, an indelible prima facie falsity for Christ’s Sake! To think and write that those who feel and think contrary to your  statement, are merely hung up on aesthetics is grossly insulting! You and your camp of followers are not the only ones capable of interpreting what they observe!” The author believes in his guts that Einstein could never have uttered such a statement.

Interpretation of experiment data more important than design, setup and conduct

So far in the history of science, we have designed, conducted and analyzed experiments based on fundamental physics and math model dogma that is mechanically false. Yet we have no choice but to apply mechanical laws as best we know and feel how to; i.e., not only in the mind as a conscious thought process, but with the best feel or intuition of one’s Little Finger -as the author likes to say, one’s GUT. Newton, Einstein and others with whose work the author is familiar, knew dogma needed an overhaul. They tried to change the state of affairs, and made great progress in that they improved our ability to predict in a numerical way. However, to the very extent that they were successful in showing how to predict numbers, they helped us loose contact with our innate common feel. In fact, with Einstein’s mind boggling success, modern science replaced the empirically derived common sense of evolution (including Einstein’s Little Finger) with abstractionist paradigms that only the mathematically elite could understand.

The feel that was lost in the highly successful abstraction process was an automatic built-in ability to mechanically simulate, by visualization using the mind’s eye, precisely what must be happening "out there"; seemingly separate from and independent of our own existence and predictable by repeated experiment.  Many scientists of note never let go of that sense of feel because they could not do so.

From the experiments now being conducted involving radiation or waves as the source of all mechanical force, and from experiments with the application of Newton’s gravity law as applied to the attractive force between equal masses, the first real and desperately needed revolution in science is about to begin at the level of experiments in fundamental physics. By "experiment", one here means "using radiation, especially visible spectrum light, to measure in a radiation-filled-environment; to mechanically track and mentally and physically feel what is happening to cause the spectral shifts in wavelength and in the relative density of re-radiation that one is recording.  By “fundamental” it is meant that one recognizes that atoms and molecules are the sources and sinks of all radiation and using radiation to measure their behavior requires basic mechanical understanding of what radiation is and how the atom and molecule act as such prolific radiators and absorbers of it.  The very meaning of fundamental in this context is not yet discovered; so techniques for proper experimentation and data analysis do not exist for fundamental physics! Thus, one must here try to re-invent the wheel so to speak, so that new basic understanding is possible.

Fundamental physics is all about the mechanics of mass pts, just as it was in the 19th century, except that the mass pt is highly dynamic, literally “alive”, infinitely dual-nested as a fluid contiguity (a la Planck’s Principle and Bell’s Synchronicity), and thus totally redefined.  Since one is focused on the fundamental components of visible matter as source and sink for all radiation energy, the defining surfaces of these components must be seen as being fully packed by spinning mass pts of radius, R, whose own surfaces are defined by smaller spinning mass pts of radius, G. The varying radius, R, for the carrier visible matter mass pt is the varying physical width of a single communications channel, where 1/h (one turn’s worth of) translating G size mass pts (here named Higgs particles) represent the fundamental information bit-frame, or wave packet. The energy transfer as information either spreads out in space from R-size mass pt to R-size mass pt (an entropy represented by the redshift phenomenon as measured), becomes more concentrated ( blueshift phenomenon), else is of constant radius because it is in circular orbit about the local MDCOG.  So the apparent molecular density of re-radiation is a final, spatially integrated snapshot at the receiver end of a channel. That snapshot is a function of (1) the average finite aperture or opening of the detector, and (2) the relative intensity of radiation as determined by the spatial concentration (# per unit surface area) of molecule-sized pumping actions at the source.

The energy from far away stars gets to mostly spread out (redshifts), and only re-condenses (blueshifts) for the final short relative distance to the Earth from the edge of the Milky Way galaxy. Most of the spreading out is compensated for by the inevitable condensing as the light comes back into the galaxy and to the surface of the Earth. It is the difference in outward and inward travel (relative to the galactic level MDCOG) that results in net redshift.  That difference manifests itself precisely in the size of the radiating molecule level matter at the source versus at the receiver; which we mistakenly perceive as ‘redshift’ due to universal expansion.

The re-radiating molecule-equivalent gets as big as ten to the 10 centimeters or roughly equal in radial distance to the speed of light in intergalactic space. But by the time light comes into our Galaxy, the radiation molecular mass pt size is reduced again to on the order of .2 centimeter. As the light reaches the receiver at the surface of the Earth, the molecular sized radiator in the detector is on the order of ten to the minus 5 centimeter. As the light left the surface of a far away brightly burning star, the radiating molecular size was likely on the order of ten to minus 3 centimeter in radius; a factor of ten to the two bigger on the average, than the radiator at the receiver for the same type of molecular matter. The source and sink atoms are of course proportional in size to the source and sink molecules. More energetic or hotter ambience means bigger c-boundary radii for atoms and molecules.

This simple but profound discrete information channel vision leads to gut level understanding of how the dark night sky provides the miraculous viewing window that it does; so that we can vividly see the array of bright stars out to a distance of 1/h, or to ten to the 26 centimeters and likely far beyond! 

The energy-exchange information one is seeking in the lab is happening in real time at the molecular level as driven by the atomic level. Real time energy transfer events, traveling from the defining surfaces of the subject visible mass objects to the functional molecules of the optical detector(s) by which we measure, is happening at the speed of light. Both for Stars and ordinary objects in the lab, "visible" means real time light-mechanical touching between source and receiver; this elementary truth that radiation consists of contiguous (touching) helical strings of Higgs particles being pumped (literally extruded) from source atoms to receiver atoms, cannot be overemphasized! The described contiguous real time energy exchange defines physical reality at the local level as we actually experience it!


There is neither any standing still anywhere, nor any standing separately and independently, and especially no universal inflating balloon type expansion that accelerates in speed with distance. In perfect nested synchronicity, as a closed but "Infinitely Alive Oneness" that we mistakenly call  "An Expanding Universe"(our particular cosmos, actually) and the defining surfaces of all visible objects, are vibrating or breathing in and out with a displacement  proportional to the average distance to the dark matter driving MDCOG. That is, the average radius of the statistical number of G-size mass pts located an average distance, R, from the center of the visible matter mass pt they discretely define, are vibrating as well as rotating to the tune of R/G = 3(c-squared). This Universal Harmony (UH) equation is the "mass pt local", 1-axis c-boundary energy state whose tightly coupled, discrete-distance incrementing, continually pulsing changes are benevolently hinged to the note of "c". Kepler’s Universal Harmony, Newton’s Instantaneously Applied Gravity Force, Planck’s Principle and Bells Synchronicity are all about this single underlying truth; space is fluid such that everything is mechanically interconnected.

Fluid Truth is measurable because pertinent energy transfers are continuous in space and of constant speed and acceleration. As we learn how to see/feel clearly with light, the characteristic drum beat of the source becomes faithfully reproduced at the receiver, because we know both ontologically and in ultimate scientific detail, how energy and momentum are universally conserved as a sensual touching process.

It is all that beautifully simple; in a mechanical gut and cerebral feeling way that one calls "spirituality"! Tags like "non local" and "nonlocality" are "warm fuzzy confusions" that "the chosen few" can share in a shallow, individually tuned way. The same applies to "Soul-Making" and they add nothing to the generic meaning of either "synchronicity" or "spirituality. One finds the new theory provides a warm and non-fuzzy (you might say "commonly clear and deeper") marriage of "gut and cerebral feeling"; at the species level.

As relatively macroscopic entities in terms of integrated space and time, we are benevolently stuck with sampling across an always modulating aperture, a inevitable process of nested averaging.  Determinism is no less deterministic because our "formal or experimental limits of sight" always implies a conceptual blurring at some scalar regime level; as a necessary but non-mysterious snap-shot-driven uncertainty of position (space) and speed (time). At the local mass pt level, UH lets reality be as deterministic as a digital (discrete) clock; because that too is what a mass pt is in every sense of the Einstein-like phrase, "local proper time".

Remember that field-centered maximum density mass pts as MDCOGs are nested in reflective synchronicity, in every dark and visible matter mass pt. Black hole MDCOGs are therefore literally everywhere like a nested dot matrix or pixel-like underlayment that is very dynamic. But for experimental measurement purposes, there is a common-single-operative-absolute reference MDCOG, the ARMDCOG, whose gravity field immerses and provides the scaling for the entire reference frame of space that the experiment properly encompasses. The pre-requisite and pre-existing ARMDCOG dynamically structures all experiment-pertinent space. By "experiment-pertinent space" one means that a 3-D rectangular and polar coordinate set of axes are pre-specified. Those axes are origin-anchored in the ARMDCOG, whose radius serves as a discrete, finite radius, maximum density mass pt = math pt that is an indivisible central location in "experiment-pertinent space". The radius of the ARMDCOG pre-specifies via the logarithmic growth spiral, a specific scalar marking, a non-linear gradient, for the incrementing of distance along each of the radially oriented coordinate axes.

The axes triad is fixed within the ARMDCOG from outer surface to the Inner Grain (IG); but the space inside the ARMDCOG is for experiment measurement purposes, a single mass pt = math pt. That maximum density mass pt = math pt is a separate and distinct internal "universe" or experiment-pertinent space which is not operative for purposes of the present experiment except as an indivisible finite radius, causative origin and location, whose reference number is Unity or 1 on all three axes. There is no such thing as a location of 0,0,0, because that would allow fractional steps along the axes without limit which is neither mechanically possible nor of interest here. The real triad of axes locations , x, y, z for a given point on a subject space curve must share the tightly coupled rhythm of UH.

Of equal importance is the fact that the axes have an outer, finite "end-point" for radiation measuring purposes that marks the "c-boundary"; that precise distance from the ARMDCOG that marks the location where the dark matter structure, namely a shell of R-size mass pts, is rotating about each of the axes at a linear speed of c. The individual R-size mass pts, the embedded G-size dark matter mass pts forming the outer surface of the R-size mass pt, and the three coordinate axes themselves, are all locked into that c-boundary shell so everything measurable is moving in synch relative to each other at the speed of c.

There is no way understanding at this level can be made neatly succinct and stuffed like an axiom into the rote memory of one’s head.  Once the reader sees fluid space as vividly as the author does now that he has math modeled it, it will never be forgotten at the unconscious, biological-cellular-whole level for the simple reason that it constantly "rings true". The real time, reflective synchronicity of  universal harmony (UH) which makes our fractal (self-re-generating pattern) existence and spirit possible, surfaces continually at the conscious level upon command by an ever operative Inner Voice; the final instinctual level replacement for Einstein’s Little Finger, as awakened in everyone who embraces Holistic Science.

Experiments are largely a not-too-well-educated groping in the dark

The author means every word of this heading’s title. One is reminded of the often-encountered explanations for why science persists in the broad and inadequately examined use of the abstractions called “math point” and “zero”.  We, all of us I fear and believe, have only an intuitive feel at best for what we are doing in a real world sense when we use these notions as part of experiment design and analysis.

Most of the scientific community are sadly going solely on dogmatic rote that has become unconsciously held in routinely employing such notions. The now long term result of the swallowed-whole false dogma, is the ease with which genius levels of mentality have come to blithely talk and write of “universal beginnings and ends”, of “infinite density“, and of the “vacuum” (infinite ‘undensity”?)! How very fortunate we are that Einstein (and many others before him) once upon a time knew better and used the notions of the math point and zero with great caution.  Einstein was as reluctant in this regard as his outstanding formal education, little finger, and extensive deeply understood research let him be. In the final analysis, even Einstein caved in to the abstractionist efficacy of the math pt in going along with gauge theory as a tool for explaining his theory. Only a tiny handful of people have come to the point where the Early Einstein left off, and the acceptance of the notion of zero energy on the basis that it merely means a derived plus and minus balancing or “neutral” level between multiple influences, is logically circular and completely absurd upon detailed mechanical examination.

Gravity is both universal and all-permeating; a continuous gradient, a vector slope that is never flat, that acts on all visible matter immersed by that infinitely nested universal field! A neutral level of gravity between any two, or any ponderable number of mass objects, leaves the marked location, the mass pt = math pt in space, with a non-zero absolute value for mass and energy; by any rational definition of a universal gravity field! Sure you can define the ever-present, permeating dark matter energy, to be outside the energy conserving “system”, or as negligible – but then the “system” is totally abstract instead of real. The groping by almost every one this author has ever read in depth, stems from the lack of sufficiently-driven desire to achieve practical conscious level success in getting rid of the notion of “nothing”.  Einstein came the closest to success in this, but by his own admission he did not make it in the final analysis.

Getting rid of the "nothing"  between and within visible matter objects requires an immovable stubbornness in finding “a viable something” to replace it.  In the final analysis for the author, the answer has always been there like the nose on one’s face that one is forever forced to look beyond. Space has the ‘obvious’, prima facie quality, that it literally and energetically immerses every measurable “location “ as a matter of logical definition. That “viable something” is of course what we call dark matter; here given the indirectly measurable simplest property as a nested infinity of very dynamic (fluid-granular) mass pts; always too small to directly detect and therefore invisible by definition. Tangible "visible matter" is continually emergent, immersed by and given measurable relative energy and mass by that fluid dark matter which is always in absolute motion as force-imparting gravity field structure around a local MDCOG. As the visible mass pt radius changes or stays the same, the wavelength changes or stays the same as energy travels through a fluid space.

The central idea here for experiment design and analysis purposes, is to realize that "seeing" via the pulsing process of radiation is a fundamental mechanical (force applying) process. By mechanical, one literally means "touching". When we use our eyes to drive in traffic, we are mechanically touching everything around us with our eyes via the continual pumping of energy by radiating sources. Energy impinges on the retina and gives us a real time infinity of very useful and vitally necessary tactile information for our safe travel though the fluid of space; which is constantly filled with a lot other visible matter with which we might otherwise fatally collide. We only "collide in a destructive way" as visible matter with other visible matter, which means automatically and biologically that we are able to sense its presence and track its relative movement else we would not be here. The “something” with which we do not collide but which is ever passing through us is not unnoticed; we feel it waking and sleeping as universal gravity. Ontological knowing is as real as gravity!

The invisible changes of the visible surfaces of the radiating sources are nevertheless encoded in recorded light data. The finer grain dynamic texture of what we are seeing is being told to us also; all we have to do is consciously look for it in an effective way. Our physical presence as cellular level instinctively mechanized whole, reliably picks up the pertinent upshots of such small-scale dynamics automatically. After all, those small-scale dynamics of radiation energy exchange are modulating the gravity force we feel with every cell of our body.

Thanks to Universal Harmony (UH) as Rational And Benevolent But Ever Ruling God, we are able to do all of this course and fine grain seeing and mechanical feeling continually as a matter of elementary biological and psychic survival – mostly and mercifully by automatic or instinctual processes; in each of our self-replicating, 3D-fractal genes in every living cell.

New Paradigm Shift for Scientists of the 21st Century?; Its called Reverse Stupid!

In Feynman’s Lecture Series, Volume III, 2-6 Philosophical Implications, fourth paragraph, he states “Today we say that the law of relativity is supposed to be true at all energies, but somebody may come along and say how stupid we were. We do not know where we are stupid until we stick our neck out, and so the whole idea is to put our neck out.  And the only way to find out that we are wrong is to found out what our predictions are. It is absolutely necessary to make constructs.” The author agrees wholeheartedly to all the statements of the paragraph, especially the references to stupidity, except the one that says for the second time as spoken dogma, that the basis of science and the only way to find truth is by successful prediction. This automatically-installed “if it works use it and justify it” outlook is as insidiously stupid for higher scientific education as one can get! Maxwell, Einstein, Edison, Bell, Marconi and others predicted with astounding success how one could control and greatly benefit from electron flow without practical end; but never realized the underlying scientific truth!

The experimenter is most often today, consciously and unconsciously damned by their twentieth century ingrained illusions of higher learning’s wrong dogma in terms of math, physics and philosophy. That means, as scientific truth seekers, Feynman might have said that they must be willing to shift into reverse at the dogma levels of math, physics and philosophy. One sticks their neck out only in terms of acceptance or non-acceptance of the elite group to which they feel they belong – which feeling, itself, is an underlying stupidity or lack of proper use of one’s God-given intelligence. The true scientist’s first rule must be “Do not let any Idol enslave your mind”, including one’s Ego, School and Work Community, and their tightly-disciplined-dogma as required to graduate, feel socially-good about oneself, and to earn a good salary and pension!

How does one shift into reverse? Well, for starters, existing math tools have underlying premise level assumptions that are flat out wrong- about "control and independent variables" and about "continuous or discrete functions", and infinitesimal math pts that deny the existence of Universal Harmony (UH) and its real time and very dynamically operative mass pt features. One must indeed begin the reverse gear process with a new look at math; one that takes into account the tightly coupled parameters, reflective symmetry, and synchronicity aspects of UH. The new look includes communications theory and complex waveform analysis.

For example, the generation of starlight that we record is not under our control, and the energy transfer functions are definitely discrete in the way that it tells us nearly everything we want to know. But the coordinate system and measurement units are locked into a synchronicity whose rhythms are interdependent but still peculiar to and indicative of the source and sink environments. Those environments have to do with a nested, contiguous dual infinity of mass pts, the invisible elements of which are in constant absolute motion about the major MDCOGs involved at the large scale celestial structure level. But UH makes it easy to abstractly gain numerical consistency using phony math tools, and intuitively easy to gain that same consistency but with full mechanical understanding – provided we model and fully grasp the applied meanings of UH. The "Good Force" of UH is deeply embedded in each of us and can be developed highly to tap the conscious level in those of us willing to be ancestrally (species-level) pure of heart in the search for truth!

Remember Sir Galahad of late Authurian legend: "I have the strength of ten because my heart is pure!" It means one is unselfishly driven; in deeply caring about and contributing to humanity. To the degree that excellence is a matter of confident inner strength which relentlessly proceeds as heart felt unselfish strong force energy of motivation, then abstract formalism learned by rote, and not by mechanical feel, is forever misguiding and therefore weakening in all who use such tools in the search for scientific truth. So maybe the first rule is really "do not be an experimenter (a pilot of the laboratory) unless you have a good genetically installed general purpose autopilot that has been thoroughly re-enforced in its present-era application by an appropriate amount of "proper" education and training. Guess what the author is about to further define?

Proper scientific education and training must sadly start over again; which is why this reading must be so tedious. But there is a pot of gold at the end, so hang in there if you can. Eventually the single Global University of Holistic Science will be available free to everyone on the Internet. Those reading with comprehension here will become the first part-time-volunteer Global Professor's Emeriti. Successful industry will learn to regard with the highest respect and salary, those who hold degrees from this new 21st Century institution of higher scientific education.

In the meantime, one must here attempt by concrete example to formulate the proposed Experimenter’s Rule and make it mechanically very clear.

Looking for the Experimenter’s Rule

Using simple algebra, one lets the relationship between frequency, f, wavelength, 2pR, and speed, v, be expressed f = v/2pR. One now concludes that the change in frequency, Df, is a function of change in either v or R or both. In so call free space here defined as the c-boundary of visible matter at the atomic and molecular levels as complex mass pts, and at the c-boundary of all pertinent dark matter mass pts, the speed v = c by definition of the term "c-boundary". One has just said that what we have previously called free space or the vacuum of space is non existent and that it really has to be viewed as "where ever light travels at the constant speed of c", which is another definition of c-boundary. When v = c, a constant, one then writes for change in frequency, Df ~ 1/DR, where the change is redshift if Df has a minus sign or frequency is reduced, and blueshift when the sign is positive. When DR is an increase in radius, Df is a decrease in frequency and minus, and vice versa.

Now the 64 dollar question definition of DR! Mechanically as radiating atomic source, DR has to represent the change in radius of a given visible matter mass pt as it re-radiates the h amount of energy as an oscillator; whose instantaneous discrete location is a momentary absolute event address in fluid space. But the radiation our instruments are capable of receiving is that which emanates from the more volatile molecules that are formed by statistical quantities of atoms. In other words, both at the visible matter source and visible matter sink, the frequency that is registered and recorded correlates directly with molecular level mass pt radiators and only indirectly (a nesting level or two removed) from the atom as the standard spectral origin and ultimate sink. The supermolecule formed by the shared orbit electrons emanating from the c-boundaries of atoms whose nuclear MDCOG have a growth radius on the order of ten to the minus 8 centimeters, must have a radius on the order of one centimeter! That means the frequency of radiation from that source must register at about that ten to the ten cps, or numerically equal to the speed of light. This molecule radiator case corresponds to background radiation, or is from molecules whose average radius is on the order of ten to the minus 2 cm (wavelength of .2cm). One will see the mechanical detail of this later. For now, the DR one must look for is associated with the changing radii of radiating molecules as R-size visible matter mass pts, not the source atoms making up the molecule.

The DR one is looking for then is the change in the average molecular R-size mass pt radius as compared to that which exists here on Earth when we precisely confirm the speed of light, c, by calibrated and extrapolated measurement. There are certain standard conditions for such measurement of course because we cannot actually create the so called vacuum of space (c-boundary) condition. But consistent measurement under set "standards" yields predictable results, and there is indeed an average visible mass pt radius for measuring the passage of light here on the surface of planet Earth. You can get an idea what it must be by solving f = c/2pR, where R is the average radius of a visible molecular R-size mass pt at the average replacement sphere (c-boundary) radius of the Earth. That radius is R = equal to whatever so that one gets the frequency of yellow light (about 5.45x ten to the 14 cps) or the center frequency of the visible spectrum. Why? Because of our calibrated "tuning" of instruments based on what we see here on the surface of the Earth.

If we lived on another celestial body at closer average distance to the cosmic MDCOG, the average energy density of our atomic and molecular mass pts would be uniformly higher as a function of how much nearer than here on Earth. A higher average ambient density means a larger average c-boundary radius and therefore lower average frequency of atomic and molecular radiation. The dominant or central visible spectrum color for our instrument eyes to biologically see would then be redshifted appropriately relative to that here on Earth. The mechanical reason being that the average atom has a higher ground energy state and therefore greater MDCOG and c-boundary radius growth corresponding to that ground state. The upshot is that the closer to the cosmic MDCOG, the lower the average frequency of the molecular level radiation one needs to be able see, and track the all-important relative motion of close-by visible matter. More importantly from the viewpoint of interpreting the meaning of the apparent redshift of light from far away stars as it arrives here on Earth, on the outskirts of our cosmos, it is quite honestly silly to believe that the redshift is due to universal expansion, or Big Bang.

Think about it mechanically. That is, using a simple and ordinary sense of logic. Light has to be continually pumped through physical space for us to continually be able to see, record it, to feel it in real time, with our sensing instruments in a direct way- no matter how far or close! By feeling it, one means automatically dig all the signal out of the noise based on one’s own biomatter and its preprogrammed processing ability with respect to stimuli; a processing that uses a genetically supplied reference data base that is empirically proven by species survival.

Science is a tall order for genetic (intuitive) common sense first and last; in order for us to be here at all! The pre-requisite absolute reference has to pre-exist at birth and can be faithfully registered and utilized in the analysis of data as an automatic internal process at both the individual and collective human physiology levels. The result is strong-force ontological knowing, as well as strong-force empiricism at the species level. It is the ever-operative presence of UH as rational God in each and every one of us. And now we can model it as well as automatically know it.

We can also not know something if is summarily rejected by that most trustworthy (survival proven) inner voice that most of us have. The precious inner voice actually gives one an innate feel that says with one’s guts,  “do not learn (mentally eat) stuff, even it works numerically, when it does not taste/make good sense and may poison and generally mess up your survival in the long run”. It used to be said that to be a scientist, one had to be a natural (gut level) skeptic. Now one is expected to routinely swallow dogma whole without asking any gut-evoked questions at all!

If we drive over to a given light source in space, and find that it is still pumping energy at us, we can destroy ourselves for real by running into it. So the first thing we want to learn how to do is steer around it with our space probes and that is a piece of cake as long as we take good "seeing instruments" along for the ride. But of course we need to know how much propulsion energy for how much payload weight to get to the light source. So we start guessing distance based on relative brightness and the apparent orbital track of the source, with a general map of the large scale structure of the celestial sphere (the constellations) in mind. Well, we have been guessing relative distance terribly wrong since Edwin Powell Hubble made his famous plot (1923) and came to the wrong conclusion. This Famous Experimenter’s tragic but successful wrong interpretation of data happened less than 30 miles from where the author is sitting at this moment in Newhall, CA - at the Mount Wilson Observatory near Pasadena. Had the experimenter been sufficiently broad in his analytic perspective in analyzing the star data, and in better touch with his ancestors, the author likes to think an Inner Voice would have spoke to him and said, in a way that could not be denied, "But it does not make good sense!"

Now the author is able to say this about Hubble for two reasons: (1) he greatly respects his work and expertise, (2) and knows first hand as Hubble himself did, that no one is infallible. Here in a brief true story poem is what the author is talking about; written in 1974:

Whispers of Id

From the depths of my troubled soul one night, pushed upward though dreamless sleep, a message of ominous portent did my Sudden-Awareness keep.

The voice of a Presence Within spoke with great authority and light, and left suspended in air, these haunting words of the night.

"Arouse Precious Hopes gone to sleep; tell them what they want to know. Let go the ones you cannot Keep, and Nurture those that need to grow."

The stanza I slowly repeated as though the words were mine, and a cascade of vented feeling followed each enchanted line.

An overwhelming sense of relief with these cryptic words came through, and I knew I must respond to words that Rang So True.

From that Fateful night until now, I have found an Inner Peace. By giving Life to the Hopes I can, and to the rest, a Kind Release.”

The secret Hope that one is technically or otherwise fully grown and invincible is the biggest no-no of scientific research and of life in general; it deserves kind (to everyone), and self-enabling release.  In the Early Einstein, a very real and simple humbleness was more than sufficient for incredible relative success. Today, with the concrete-like base-encrusting false dogma that Einstein innocently helped to create, a logically relentless, strong emotion jack-hammer feels much more proper!

The experimenter’s rule that the author is rather urgently formulating and attempting to quickly broadcast is all about how to do better in the future so that science does not continue in such a sad state of affairs!  Scientific incumbency must of course strongly resist going backwards! As a successful complete-systems-architect-oriented scientist and engineer, one had to kick technical ass (including the behinds of superiors) for 30 years to get the job done. There is no longer another way. In gut-honestly-felt (intuitive-proper) terms, the experimenter’s rule is easy; UH Says Believe Mechanically In And Thereby Insist on Feeling What You See!

Dear Reader, please figure out how to turn the real time frequency modulation of pumping atomic sources into a tactile (touching) sense; an ability to literally feel the dynamic texture of the pumping source material – at both the atomic and molecular levels. The retina sensibly “feels” light in the visible part of the spectrum, but all the individual cells of the body sensibly feel the entire spectrum of energy impact. We are fully conscious of that feel when the intensity begins to damage the cells or interfere with normal functioning. Those same cells continually feel and re-act to the positively curved passage of dark matter as gravity force. That is, cell-binding forces are continually re-acting to maintain, function, and posture.

If one does not understand what the author is saying here, their mind is stubbornly refusing to do so out a primal sense of ego survival that has absolutely nothing to do with the search for truth. Guaranteed!

The author was assigned to the highest priority technical tasks of his company for most of 30 years and is here reminded of the times some over-educated pompous ass would say in a technical meeting; “I do not want to hear that!” to which the response, without loosing a beat, was “Ah Gee, that’s too damn bad!” And the author’s not always silent afterthought was – “So get the hell out of the way!” The smart ancient Greeks used to say, “the question of fair play (of being ultimately nice or polite) just begins to enter when the pressure of necessity is somewhere near equal. Well, the pressure of necessity for a life saving rescue of physics and math is off the damn scale!  Figuratively and literally! Those few able to see the truth clearly through all the fog of current dogma are going have to be permanently powerful and temporarily mean-as-shit; as the Untouchables of  Holistic Science (UHS)!

It took almost 2000 years for the Greek heliocentric philosophy to catch on through the work of Copernicus and others, and one wonders how long it will be before the residents of Planet Earth will realize that our perception of light and its color, its frequency, is indelibly tainted or interdependently coupled to our place here on the Earth. The numerical values we get from receiving and recording starlight do not matter nearly as much as the relative average distance of the source and receiving atoms with respect to their common gravity field level ARMDCOG (Absolute Reference Maximum Density Center of Gravity). Redshift is a measure of how much closer to its cosmic MDCOG is the source as compared to the receiver here on planet Earth. The further away the star source is, the greater its relative energy state must be to register with a receiver here on Earth. That is, the greater the distance to the measured and recorded source, the hotter, the more agitated its atoms must be in their characteristic-equilibrium ground states. The ’footprints’ of star-source atoms are determined by their average energy states and corresponding growth radii, as those atoms exist in their home environment. They are related correctly to atoms here on earth only if we understand the real mechanical reason for the measured differences in characteristic spectral frequencies.

The instruments we use are molecular matter both for detection and emission and their carefully calibrated capabilities result from appropriate "tuning" of the molecular vibratory environments involved. That tuning is done here on the Planet Earth and assumed to hold constant if and when we put those instruments in a controlled environment outside the surface of the planet, or in a specially insulated (controlled) laboratory environment at or near the Earth’s surface. The relative energy and mass of visible mass pts, beginning with the atom, will then be seen to tell all through the dynamics of their Mass Pt Two-Set structure as a self-defining, always undulating outer surface that depends on the status of the central MDCOG. That central MDCOG’s growth radius then determines the radius of the c-boundary that radiates to the outside world.

The ever present, predictable, visualizable, Local Two-Set mechanics of dark and visible matter c-boundaries is an ongoing underlying process here called and math modeled as Universal Harmony (UH).

One will here show that surface energy/mass variations at the atomic level continually propagate to the molecule level and are therefore responsible for energy/mass variations that yield visible object defining surface vibratory displacements as large as ten to the minus four centimeters; as a matter of livable ambience for the measuring humans and their laboratory instruments. Gravity-sensitive experiments such as those being conducted by Dezso Sarkadi and L. Bodonyi at the Private Research Center of Fundamental Physics in Paks, Hungary, encounter these natural vibrations in plotted data when small levels of mutual attractive gravity is measured between nearly equal masses.

New Experiments in Hungary Prove that Space is Fluid

From the author's viewpoint, the Sarkadi-Bodonyi experiments are yet another proof of the fluid space unified force theory here being presented. Where mass is outer surface registered to the outside world, the cyclical close approach and separation of two masses of comparable value should cause two intimately connected systematic effects in the sensitive measurement of mutual gravity influence. First is the brief presentation of a repulsive force as the molecular surfaces of the two masses come cyclically close enough for their rotational (spin) and vibratory states to interact via a relatively short intervening array of slightly compressed, contiguous and also-pulsing air molecules as mass pts. Second, a closely related systematic noise is present in the measurement of cyclic displacement; said by this highly sensitive experiment to be due to attractive gravity between the two masses. The vibratory noise is there because of the experiment-ambient molecular-vibratory, thermal environment affecting all visible matter objects involved in the sensitive measurement process. In other words, the sensitivity of the experiment acts to place the measured cyclic displacement at just above or within the experiment mean-vibratory noise level as minimum attractive force levels are approached. To get rid of the ambient molecular noise is to make the environment non-functional for the experimenters and their instrumentation by creating a frozen lab.

Newton’s gravity law as derived from Kepler’s Laws, represents a clever normalization of the attractive-force mode of Supergravity; but it only works good  when the orbit motion of one of the two masses is being locally dominated by the mass of the other, and the two masses must be commonly immersed by the cosmic gravity field. As soon as the masses approach equality, and one is not immersed and significantly controlled by the other’s gravity field, the gravity force law is no longer applicable. The only mechanically feasible reason that the mass of one is multiplied by the other is that one of them is sufficiently larger so as to dominate in terms of  dark matter absolute motion that completely immerses all the atoms of the other, and imparting a force proportional to the atom’s mass. Only then does each unit of mass of the one serve to sum its circulating dark matter force onto every one of the atoms of the second mass in a near-equal way. When the masses are near equal and small, it is difficult to conceive any measurable mutual force actions on all the atoms involved. Per Einstein’s gravity, they would each have to cause near equal energy transporting undulations in the abstract field with the causative mass distribution changing accordingly. Larger equal masses are called for and this has been indicated to the author in messages from Dr. Sarkadi.

Allowing small changes in the masses (that is, in their internally stored energy) due to cyclic energy exchange is akin to an on-off  weak chemical bonding.  While such smaller scale energy re-distribution dynamics can be explained with QED or fluid space theory, ordinary gravity law seems definitely inadequate.

The test of the fluid space vision should prove very simple by suspending  two suitably large equal masses near each other at the same height in a properly controlled environment. The suspension cables should be of equal length and long enough to allow close proximity and theoretical contact with measurable force due to mutually attractive gravity.  The experiment must be such as to contain and nullify the effects of coriolis and electrostatic influences, and be immune to any known measurable disturbance of the Earth’s local vertical.

The proposed experiment, if feasible, would serve to verify the upshot of the previous experiments with smaller near-equal masses, and would substantially verify the severe limitations in applying the attractive gravity force law.

What the Sarkadi-Bodonyi expriments did measure is a kind of "modulation on pulse" equivalent to that which may be said to be due to mutual electrodynamic gravity between two masses as a result of the plus and minus effects on each other as volatile energy/mass entities immersed by the same dominant gravity field; where the instantaneous field location of one of the masses is changing cyclically with respect to the other. With electronic measurement, they are seeking to calibrate the fine grain influence of the presence of a fixed mass on the swing extent of a similar moving mass. In other words, they are measuring the push and pull effect of the fixed mass on the swing arc of the moving mass; with no dynamic control of the energy states of the atoms and molecules making up the masses.

One here attempts to show that the experiments are important in a revolutionary way, in that they prove an equivalence, a natural ongoing complimentarity between Newton’s classical mechanics and quantum mechanics, once one sees the process being measured in fluid space terms. The complimentary is literally in the measurement of controlled changes in Brownian Motion at the supermolecule level; in a laboratory container where a roughly constant pressure of one atmosphere with a roughly constant temperature has a volume of fluid space that is rhythmically vibrating on its own. Ambient Brownian motion is then perturbed in a carefully controlled way in a region of the space where small changes in pendulum arc are being monitored. Anybody conducting experiments along the equator knows for sure that their Lab is a "pressure cooker".

At the atomic and molecular electrodynamic-state level, it is the electron as particle that must be seen as the orbiting and ever-perturbing field object; in the full sense of Kepler and Newton. But the experimental phenomenon worth measuring is really about what is happening in real time to the self-defining surfaces of the atoms and molecules as they dynamically makeup the mass objects placed under laboratory controlled conditions. The Experimenter’s First Rule of "do some good in the name of holistic science" will here be translated into a proper Periodic Table from and to which all Experimenters cyclically travel. An experiment that is not consistent with the new table may make money and fame, but it ill serves science in the long run; so stay tuned, and there is more and better everything!

Viewing the Sarkadi-Bodonyi experments in fluid space terms

Figure 5-xx [] shows the Sarkadi-Bodonyi plot of measured ''delta pendulum displacement" vs the ratio of target mass sizes, said to be due to the attractive force between small and nearly equal masses. The mass on the pendulum is in calibrated cyclic motion with respect to the fixed target mass. The curve's cusp or smooth drop in displacement where the masses approach equal value, is the first mentioned effect of a repulsive force as opposed to an attractive one. The experiment measurement apparatus is able to see this transient negative force buried in the noise only for the case of equal masses. Why? Because when the masses are equal, the effect of the force of repulsion results in an elimination of the noise of measurement!  One here attempts to explain.

The mechanical meaning here appears unmistakable if one is focused on the energy-giving-and-mitigating dynamics of an immersing dark matter fluid space. The small and equal mutual attractive force (with only the moving mass on the pendulum able to move in response to attraction or repulsion) has given way to the dark matter mechanical energy transfer dynamics between the two masses involved at the point of closest approach. For each such closest approach when the masses are equal, there is a change, a mutual quieting, of differential undulations (difference of vibrations) of the defining , mass-holding, outer surfaces. The result is that the instrumentation sees no net effect on pendulum displacement due to attractive gravity! In other words, the systematic measurement noise with an anti-gravity direction is precisely offset by a synchronicity of fluid space equilibrium with respect to the vibration of the visible matter involved. All the fluid gear chain of sending (radiating ) and receiving (detector apparatus) mass pts are ringing in harmony because there is nothing left to mitigate by the transfer of energy!

In electrodynamic and kinetic terms, the moving mass has directed excess energy that impinges on the equal fixed mass but is reflected back and is not absorbed. From the kinetically limited viewpoint of the pendulum, it is simple air molecule interactive friction loss proportional to speed squared. The mitigation of universal harmony (UH) is to take away or hide in the realm of dark matter, the excess energy of the moving equal mass. Now if the excess energy of the relative motion were to somehow approach the speed of light, there is a much different energy transfer result; the whole experiment set up would come apart and the entire set of nested gravity fields would be undergoing a drastic identity destroying and creating process. But for slow relative motion of the pendulum, it is simply dark matter (Higgs particle) energy absorption, a quite acceptable and quiet mitigating change in the dynamics of the underlying invisible fluid. UH tends to be supportive of energy-transfer-peaceful, or conflict-free, equality between closely adjacent visible matter objects; both organic and inorganic. Things are indeed much quieter that way, and adjacent visible matter entities as mass pts neither have to explosively shrink or expand in real time to accommodate a passing meteor so to speak.

The author knows in an excruciatingly painful way about the effects of human aura's (self-defining dynamic outer surfaces) in close proximity; we too are complex mass pts and gravity fields! He has one Son, forever unnamed, who is so out of tune with his father, that when they stand close to one another, things get instantly explosive all by themselves as a matter of UH; both emotionally, and electrodynamically, including occasional sparks of electricity and other obvious levels of thermodynamic and chemical exchange! We both have learned the hard way to simply stay at arm's-length-plus and still care and laugh a lot.

We humans tend to be unconsciously very aware of the lack of equality and synchronicity as to vibratory (breathing in and out) energy states of each other when standing or moving close. And more to the point here, when there is close equality and synchronicity of aura's, we tend, like all life forms, to procreate or build together instead of mutually destroy! Dear reader it is all due to a benevolent but ever ruling UH as immersing fluid and rational God! That God is very forgiving of near-perfect matches, actually insists on small differences and on MDCOG and attending field-extent growth. But if differences are too large, it forces a new, more harmonious identity of wholes. Though improbable, it can become Armageddon everywhere on Earth and not just in the Balkans; so lets try to see and work together. One Alternate Reality at a time for almost all humans, please!

In fluid space theory, one thing is for certain per Newton's concept of equal and opposite force; the dark matter circulating (Higgs particle) fluid that imparts the force of attractive gravity is intimately interactive with and continually immerses the two visible matter objects. As those objects approach one another, the common energy imparting dark matter fluid which intimately and instantaneously immerses them both,  makes them swim and vibrate like Bell's bells in synchronicity somewhat automatically! Thus one rationalizes the cusp of quieting in the data at the point of equal masses. So Dr. Sarkadi you can blame it on Bell’s Inequality.

The second, more logic-exciting effect displayed by the data lies in the fact that the smoothed curve goes back up as the target mass becomes less than the moving mass, then appears to project onto the vertical delta displacement axis at a value of unity for the theoretical instance where there is no second mass at all! In this case, unity means one times ten to the minus four meters! This prompted the author to suggest a systematic error on the order of ten to the minus four meters! What could this second curiously asymmetric and unexplained effect mean in fluid space terms? One here postulates that the mitigating fluid of space allows a natural redshifting of the underlying and dominant vibratory (thermal and kinetic) force that is present.

The larger supermolecules of the air have a now-dominate vibratory force involving mass object breathing displacements on the order of ten to the minus four centimeters. Instrumentation is likely removed from the point of closest contact of the two masses by a factor of ten to the two (100) in the direction of detecting longer wavelengths in the pertinent fluid medium vibratory motion.

Ok, one may ask, so what? But in a seamless fluid space, the separation of the instrument within the common dominant gravity field is a standoff perspective with respect to average distance to an MDCOG, due entirely to molecular makeup. This means that the vibrations of the fluid medium as that fluid contiguously impacts the detection apparatus, are fluid-gear shifted in frequency! In other words, the makeup and placement of the measuring instrument is necessarily such that the natural lengthening of wavelength of the telltale vibratory energy is on the order of 100 times that of its wavelength as it leaves the surfaces of the two objects. The result is a systematic noise bias at about the average level of measurement sensitivity; so the ambient molecular vibration of ten to the minus four centimeter displacement is transmuted by the fluid mass pt gears of space in its travel to the relatively macroscopic measurement apparatus such that the wavelength of the system noise becomes 100 times longer to get to ten to the minus four meters!

It sounds and feels like a big logical stretch but it fits the author's theory; because (1) interactive fluid is continually adjusting in terms of mass pt rotation and vibration to mark ambient energy density for the space volume occupied, and (2) this results in measured redshift of energy transfers between visible matter objects as the telltale energy travels, on the moving average, outward from the atomic source maximum density centers of gravity (MDCOGs) in order to get to the detecting apparatus. Removing this bias lets the plot go to negative energy displacement levels as target mass approaches equality where repulsive force arises, then to a displacement of zero when target mass goes to zero. It certainly makes better sense as an interpretation of the general shape of the data; even if one wants to dismiss the numbers all together. One thus concludes that the experiment inadvertently verifies the fluid space theory. The same conclusion is here said to apply to similar but much more vivid re-interpretations of the famous Black Body Radiation (Ultraviolet Catastrophe), Michelson-Morley, Hubble and Background Radiation plots of experimental data. In each instance, true meaning is in the shape, the distinctive character of the data, not its numerics. Truth is indeed non-dimensional; a matter of profound and tightly coupled relationships between dimensionless ratios - like the M/m of the Sarkadi plot.

In effect, Newton's Universal Gravity Constant as a macroscopic or gross normalizing approximation of a Unified Force Theory law cannot be refined in accuracy by ordinary mechanical experiments because the inescapable constant vibratory or thermal energy exchange levels pertinent to the visible matter involved, cause the commensurable smaller mass levels to dynamically change at a level that continually interferes with the intent of the experiment. The Cavendish torsion balance works for an approximate verification of Newton’s Gravity Constant because the masses differ enough that one can be said to be immersing the other in its stronger gravity field. One is reminded of reading somewhere that the torsion balance experiment can be shown to involve a temporary repulsion when masses are brought together and every science student has felt very strongly both the attractive and the repulsion force of two magnets (as fields) when their poles are brought close to one another. Every hunk of ordinary atomic matter can become temporarily magnetized to some extent just by what is happening around it.

Most import in this fluid space vision is that fact that Newton’s Gravity law does indeed depend for ordinary matter on most if not all of the causative mass residing as a point-like mass at the center, here called a finite spinning black hole MDCOG with a field identifying finite radius. The field structure outside the MDCOG out to the visible c-boundary of a visible matter object is volatile and capable of loosing and gaining internal electron energy almost without limit. So when visible matter mass objects are forced to come close together whether big or small, their volativity differences, like those of individual atoms, lead to energy exchanges and new larger and smaller entities not covered by the simple two-fold application of Newton’s laws. That is, the attempt to follow and measure the energy exchanges leads to intractable ‘hidden parameters’ problems. In the upshot by ignorance alone , one simply allows the hidden redshift of molecular sized radiation of energy from statistical quantities of atoms to totally obscure sensitive experiment data!

In his most recent papers, Dr.Sarkadi cleverly proposes letting the universal gravity constant vary slightly in the manner G’ = G(1 – e), where e varies by less than some arbitrary small amount so as to compensate for the apparent changes in the two masses of the mass objects under test.  Fluid space not only specifies that the mass of a visible matter object is mostly at its center but is by the reflective symmetry of UH also in the density of the mass pts defining its outer visible surface. The mass changes effect both the radius of the central mass of radius, R, and the radius of the G-size mass pts defining the tangible (visible) outer surface of mass objects. As gravity fields themselves, whose visible outer surface is vibrating to the rhythm of energy transfer inward and outward, the mass objects under test are indeed of a dynamic geometry. Not all of those dynamics are under experiment control, but may very well be calibrated out of the system noise. When bringing these objects as complex gravity fields and larger mass pts together close up, one forces new synchronous dynamics at both the outer surfaces of all the nested and nearby gravity fields involved, and at all their point-mass-like MDCOGs. While abstraction offered by G’ = G(1 - e) may allow extension of Newton’s Gravity law,  it does not assist understanding. It would help greatly to use (G ± DG) and (R ± DR) on opposite sides of the field equation, and then define  “solutions = workable average values of the deltas”; as vibration displacements of  the atomic c-boundary surface level mass pts whose radii are G and R, which vibrations serve to transmit the energy one is measuring at the molecular surface mass pt level.

The experiments by Sarkadi and Bodnyi are therefore an important marking of a measurement limitation in applying the classical gravity law and remind that the desired levels of precision in ordinary mechanics will ultimately require a different approach to controlling and measuring mechanical force. It is already routinely that way in the semiconductor industry but it is not being currently recognized as gravity law application of another, supergravity theory kind.

Back to the periodic table : Newton's laws at the atomic and subatomic levels

What does such mechanical limits of classical gravity law application have to do with redefining the periodic table? Because the periodic table is the result of experiments whose data have never been interpreted correctly. And because the author feels strongly that a lot of current experimentation reminds one in a way that cannot be denied, that mechanical measurement is not limited to nor dependent on what we normally think of as mechanical law; wherein relatively macroscopic experiment props, tools and instruments are employed in measurement. Radiation itself as the other mode of supergravity is rather the ideal mechanical vehicle and math model for detection and measurement of energy-change mechanics at all energy transfer and visible mass pt size levels; as long as we remember to adjust the data for the natural redshift due to mostly outward-from-atomic-MDCOG travel to get to the light detector/receiver. This kind of application expansion is what quantum mechanics naturally and correctly attempted as it developed in the twentieth century. But it lost its way in complex if beautiful and workable abstraction that is without true mechanical foundation. The new periodic table changes that, and allows experimenters to much better understand what they are doing and how to properly interpret data.

It seems obvious enough. To know visible matter, one needs to know individual molecules and atoms making up the matter. All of which leads to wanting to see clearly what happens inside the atom, to its internal energy in the form of orbiting electrons; whose count gets much more prodigious than currently realized.

In an immanently practical way using the new theory, the detailed mechanical rhythms of the periodic table can be vividly shown to be the ultimate meaningful foundation for all measurable mechanics from quark to cosmos. That is, ultimately if one chooses, they can do most of if not all the work of celestial mechanics through the observation over time of the way the radiating atoms of the stars and other measurable objects are behaving as determined from the changes in electron-ring-energy emission and absorption spectra.

O yeah, you say, "prove it"! And so one shall in many ways.

One here seeks to assure the reader that (1) all interactions between atoms and all other visible matter objects, and (2) between the objects and the interstice space dark matter mass pts that keep them separate and synchronously intact in a fluid space, are both reflected in surface energy state changes. Because of the built-in synchronicity of Universal Harmony along with its dynamic reflective symmetry, we only need to model, and can only measure and experience, the happenings between atoms that may be said to be touching through the dynamic process of shared-orbit electrons. That is, all atom to atom interactions are both the result and the cause of orbit sharing of one or more electrons of that volatile family of electrons whose orbits are periodically carrying their energy to the c-boundary of the subject atom. The visit of an electron to the c-boundary is the "Undulatory Event" of the moment at a given G-size mass pt location in that c-boundary.

In our dynamic math model of the atom, its current energy state is the "steady state" or average summary expression of the undulations; the vibrations of its defining surface. The visits of internally orbiting electrons contribute directly to the strength with which the atom's surface is being bound or hardened by the helical path mechanical stitching of Higgs Particles locked in tandem spiral motion. This motion subscribes a helical path around and along a beaded string of mass points that form a closed loop we call an orbit. The net force of stitching of Higgs Particle helical strings of electron motion give it a scalable degree of tangibility in terms of hardness; referred to here as the Ionization Energy. Ionization Energy is the amount of controlled (bombardment) energy from the outside required to free (release) an internal electron that is periodically visiting the c-boundary.

Variations in surface vibration in atoms not actively involved in an ongoing chemical process may be said to be caused by changes in the storage and distribution of internal energy in the form of orbiting electrons that visit the c-boundary and therefore agitate the mass pts forming that boundary. The ground energy states of the atomic elements as given in the periodic table should therefore be represented by a number of electrons and their orbit distribution; which is precisely what quantum mechanics does. The question being addressed and answered here is whether the quantum mechanics representation as an ongoing workable model is also mechanically correct or close thereto. Since orbiting electrons identified by the periodic table quantum numbers do not have specific average orbit radii, nor does the ground state atom as a whole, the quantum mechanics model is clearly quite incomplete in a mechanical sense. The abstract meanings and their contrived arrangements with respect to quantum numbers and electron spins suffice to predict but not to explain the why and how in a way that can be satisfactorily visualized. Fluid space theory does both.

Using the fractal expression of Table 5-3, one lets the spiral arm or shell number i, tell of the UH-incrementing way by which the shells become populated with orbiting electrons. One must remember that for the neutron shell, each R-size mass pt forming it has 3 orbiting electrons pulsing (in perfect phase) through it. Yet for the growth neutron shell around the original atomic core of radius, Ra0, the number of internally stored electrons representing the releasable increments of atomic radiation is equal to 1/h. That is, only 1/3 of the total number populating the neutron shell, the in-out oriented ones, are releasable. The other orthogonal pairs are interlocked with one another in a way that causes them to be immediately replaced upon release by ordinary means of growth and decline. The automatic replacement is by the n = Z electrons that reach into the nuclear proton shells. 

Before a fully populated proton shell becomes a neutron shell by becoming locked to the core by the in-out oriented Z electrons, it goes through a growth process whereby it may alternately store and release a limited number of electrons not yet locked by an orthogonal partner; such a proton shell is then said to leave an open slot via which an electron may alternately come and go in a deep (negative valence) way in an orbit-sharing (as chemical bonding) arrangement with another atom.  A less deep and more typical (positive valence) way of molecular bonding via the sharing of electrons,  is when the outer visible surface defining electrons, the free Z = n  electrons,  of two or more atoms are sharing orbits.

For all atoms in the periodic table above hydrogen and helium, there are multiple partially populated proton shells. The new periodic table must parse the active proton shells and all active outer visible surface-defining electrons within the gravity field of each atom; in a way that explains the laws of chemistry as just other manifestations of a unified force.  Defining the shell number of the logarithmic growth spiral so that it represents the proper UH-driven incrementing of shell growth, by well-known increments of energy state change for each atom, provides the needed parsing mechanism. The information on the internal geometry of the orbiting electrons is given by the fractal way the core is growing in radius as measured by A, and by applying one’s imagination as driven by UH.

One assumes the two dimensional fractal formula of universal harmony must surface- store a hologram-like blueprint specifying a self-regenerating  3-D pregeometry. The numerical value of the shell number, i, must then be viewed as containing embedded or nested information.  As a radial distance measure from the MDCOG in a force field with its own built-in, nonlinear, discretely stepping coordinate system, the precise distance measure as a whole number and fraction in decimal notation for a given field, is viewed as a construction comprised of a set of discrete-interval growth marks. The growth marks are of increasing depth like the growth rings of a tree, or more to the point here, like the increasingly heavier arms of the growth spiral; therefore shell number, i, proceeds in a non-linear manner and contains nested dimensional components called electrons.

One will show that the essentially infinitely small fractional value, i  =  h2  represents an oscillator stored mass of h; corresponding to one electron in a single proton shell  just outside the atomic MDCOG.  When i reaches a value of one, it means that a growth neutron shell has been formed; because as the logarithmic growth spiral fractal shell number, i must multiply 1/h, the number of electrons said to be releasable from one 3-axis-populated shell.  It will be developed that the atomic number, n is equal to the whole number in i, plus one. That is, when i equals 1 plus a fraction, n must be equal to 2; indicating that helium has one growth neutron shell plus two fractionally populated proton shells. The fractional part of i is the scalar representation of the electrons populating the two proton shells.   

Armed with the following premises, one should now be able to piece the puzzle: (1) the atom must emit or absorb one electron orbit ring quantum at a time, (2) the effective core nucleus is fashioned of neutrons and protons as electron-populated 3-D shells (3) a neutron shell has an electron ring passing through each of its 1/h2 mass pts in 3 orthogonal directions and is strong force bound to the original atomic core (4) a full proton shell has 2/h electrons, or 1/h orthogonal pairs at the moment it turns into a neutron shell, and (5) in the plane of the fractal, a nearly full proton shell must be assumed to have the same impact on the magnitude on the growth of i as a neutron shell, but is rotating with respect to the core, (6) the Z electrons are driven (positioned) by proton shells.

One must first parse the whole number of 1/h packets as growth neutron shells and then decide how the fraction indexes the collective electron population of the proton shells; the number of proton shells being equal to the atomic number, n. 

As one tries to describe this visualization of the detailed mechanics of the atom, the author finds a news article in the LA Times entitled, “Holograms Are Us”, by Times Science Editor K.C. Cole. He has interviewed the well known physicist Leonard Susskind of Standford University, who is expressing his views about the discovery of  a set of new equations that appear to accurately describe the universe –as full of hologram-stored information. The upshot of Susskind’s discussion, as summarized by both he and Cole is that “ a two dimensional surface can contain all the information needed to reproduce a three-dimensional solid”. Well, that is precisely what one is doing here; parsing the 3-D-embedded blueprint information contained in the one dimensional fractal spiral arm or shell number, i. The article makes it clear that the top physicists now know that all the information stored in the interior, the “bulk” of a visible object is somehow encoded in its boundary surface.  As Susskind so importantly points out in the article,  “We are far from knowing in detail how to translate back and forth between the surface and the bulk”. One here visualizes the n = Z electrons as the Information Shuttle (IS) between the “bulk” core of the atom and its c-boundary surface as displayed to the outside world.

By the electron and shell parsing process being described here, one is able to see and model clearly, i.e. in ultimate mechanical detail, just what the surface embedded holographic information is, and precisely how it gets into the measured values we gather from consistent experimentation.; which means that when we really understand the mechanics of the atom, we see four closely coupled things: (1) that UH not only embeds in the object’s visible outer surface all that we ever need to formally or intuitively know about its infinitely nested dark matter interior, but (2) the undulations in the outer boundary (as absorption and emission events) tells us all we need to formally and intuitively know about how the electron-discrete changes to the interior bulk are communicated to the outside and visa versa,  (3) we then see the rhythm and 3-D geometry by which the proton shells build and turn into neutron shells in growing the core nucleus, and finally, (4) we see how the 3-D nucleon (neutron and proton) growth process projects into the plane of the growth spiral fractal and the scalar value of A.

Why we desperately need to “Intuitively’ as well as “Formally” know things

In hopes of persuading the reader that the new science here described is not only worthwhile but inevitable, one reminds everyone that current scientific theory really stinks to high heaven for a whole lot of good people.  On that note, one is reminded that many if not all of the original Prussian-German group who dominated physics during the 19th century and into the first three decades of the 20th, liked to brag about their understanding of what we humans need to know and it did not include anything that was immeasurable and therefore not predictable by technician-mentality scientists.  The author wants to free everyone; scientists, philosophers and poets all, to not only be anxiously able and willing but insist on seeing clearly why and how something is measurably so.  Please consider the following from the Master of Curiosity, Richard Feynman and his “Lecture Series on Physics”.

Volume I, Chapter 38  “The Relation of Wave and Particle Viewpoints”, headings 38-4 The Size of the Atom, and 38-5 Energy Levels, show clearly just how far arrogant-technician-mentality science = QED had brought us by 1963.

In 38-4, first sentence, “ We now consider another application of the uncertainty relation, Eq.(38.3). It must not be taken too seriously; the idea is right but the analysis is not very accurate.” Then immediately following Eq. 38.13, near the end of 38.4: “What does a negative energy mean? It means that an electron has less energy when it is in the atom than when it is free.” Now Feynman had cleverly used a QED notion that he did not really believe in to “independently” derive the Bohr radius for hydrogen; whose general magnitude as an atom had been well established as belonging to the angstrom scalar regime. The Bohr radius of 5.28x10-9 cm, is the QED-derived radius of the atom in its lowest or ground energy state. In fluid space theory, one will show that the c-boundary of the hydrogen atom is ra1 = (1/hc2)Ra1 = (1/hc2)A1Ra0 = (1.67919918216x105)(1.00794)(2.243928162x10-14) = 3.79792027297x10-9 cm. Now Feynman would not quibble over the difference in radius here, for he writes, after using the derived Bohr radius to calculate the ionization energy, 13.6 ev, “We have no reason to think that it is not two or three times this –or half this – or (1/p) times this, because we have used such a sloppy argument. However, we have cheated, we have used all the constants in such a way that it happens to come out the right number. This number, 13.6 electron volts, is called a Rydberg of energy; it is the ionization energy of hydrogen. So now we understand why we do not fall through the floor.”

His mind was suddenly pre-occupied, quite understandably, with the much larger nagging questions of quantum physics like how does an atom with only one or just a  few electrons orbiting its nucleus keep from being crunched under outside pressure. Not having a good mechanical answer either in the front or back of his mind, he leaps from hydrogen to statistical quantities of all kinds of atoms and goes on to say, “As we walk, our shoes with their masses of atoms push against the floor with its mass of atoms. In order to squash the atoms closer together, the electrons would be confined to a smaller space and, by the uncertainty principle, their momenta would have to be higher on the average and that means high energy; the resistance to mechanical compression is a quantum-mechanical effect and not a classical effect.”

By using the expression “quantum-mechanical” at this junction in this way, one suddenly sees Red Buttons happily singing, “Strange Things are Happening!” and he is beating Feynman’s bongo drums as he does his dance! Feynman, as he must, is vaguely referring here, among other things, to the fact that in quantum mechanics charged things like electrons and protons rather mysteriously but for real repel one another, as well as attract one another as in an ordinary gravity sense. After mentioning the trouble of classical physics (physics without QED) in explaining why the atom does not crunch under pressure, he writes, “--but never mind, we have the right way out, now! (maybe.)”. Then says, “Incidently, although we have no reason to understand it at the moment, in a situation where there are many electrons, it turns out that they try to keep away from each other.

”In reading Feynman for the 3rd and 4th times, the author tried desperately to see where the best mind that had been put forward on quantum electrodynamics was coming from --in his understanding of the mechanics of the atom.  The author’s struggle to find a data-compatible way to parse measured relative mass with respect to the growth of stored electrons in the atom, led the author to searching through everything that Feynman had to say in a plain language way about the how and why of energy states; because the author found, repeatedly, that he is very good at it! But in 38-5, entitled “ Energy levels”, the author came away sadly with the following consternation. The author’s comments are in brackets [ ].

The one-page 38-5 heading starts out, “We have talked about the atom in its lowest possible energy condition, but it turns out the electron can do other things [meaning other than just circling around in a constant way in a particular orbit]. It can jiggle and wiggle in a more energetic manner, and so there are many possible motions for the atom .” [but what is he seeing as the mechanical coupling between the jiggling wiggling electron and the atom as a whole??] He goes on to state the basics of what is meant by energy states, emphasizing that the designated “excited” energy states,  E1, E2, etc do not remain in that state forever. “Sooner or later it drops to a lower state and radiates energy in the form of light. The frequency of the light that is emitted is determined by conservation of energy plus the quantum mechanical understanding that the frequency of light is related to the energy of light by Eq. (38.10) [ the uncertainty relation]. Therefore the frequency of the light which is liberated in a transition from Energy E3 to E1 (for example) is w3 = (E3 – E1)/h, (38.14)“ He then writes about sum and difference relationships in characteristic spectra. [38.14 is the deterministic photon energy relation Ep = hf  applied to an energy drop that is turned into a photon. But one has to be talking about one electron, the hydrogen electron, else there are multiple electrons involved and/or multiple atoms and we get into radiation sum and difference statistical milieu at the undulating c-boundaries between atoms and molecules – the subject here is the atom and its particular set of characteristic energy states.]

Again the author desperately asks, where is the necessary mechanical coupling between the Z electron(s) and the radiating atom and how did the atom get to the higher energy state in the first place? What is the quantum mechanics point here? After further wandering statements about the Ritz combination principle and the inadequacy of classical mechanics, he goes on to make it clear that quantum physics does not explain radiation in a mechanical way either. The last paragraph under this heading is given verbatim below so the reader can decide for themselves that either the author is a dummy and cannot read well, or Feynman does not know what he is talking about in his guts and does not have the feel he himself seems to require to be lucid. It could of course be some of all three.

“We have talked about quantum mechanics as being represented by amplitudes which behave like waves, with certain frequencies and wave numbers. Let us observed how it comes about from the view of amplitudes that the atom has definite energy states.” [with this ending, he tells us we just started – he knows he has not gotten anywhere yet and he is compulsively honest!] “This is something we cannot understand from what has been said so far [see !], but we are familiar with the fact that confined waves have definite frequencies.” [ok,  but sound and radiation are different phenomenon?] “For example, if sound is confined to an organ pipe, or anything like that, there is more than one way that the sound can vibrate, but for each such way there is a definite frequency. Thus an object in which the waves are confined has certain resonance frequencies.” [waves of what? For sound we know it’s a gaseous liquid of compressed and decompressed air molecules-- what is the fluid media for the waves of radiation for Christ’s Sake!? – and what is the mechanism of confinement that creates the resonances and gives us tangible scalar handles for our notions of frequency and amplitude? Those are the begging questions whose answers we all feel mechanical-hunger for!] Finally he writes, ”And since the general relation exists between frequencies of the amplitude and energy, we are not surprised to find definite energies associated with electrons bound in atoms.” [not surprised, and not nearly satisfied mechanically!] 

Richard Feynman was way above everyone else in explaining modern physics– if he could not find the mechanical feel needed here, nobody of his genre can. Could it be because his best teachers were more lost than he was in the disconnected array of crudely workable but phony dogma? Feynman’s penetrating questions as a student must have been close to insufferable!  He brilliantly goes just beyond where the dogma-by-rote takes him in every direction, and lets us vividly see the serious limitations at every juncture. The author is richly indebted to him for helping show the way to a new and complete theory: namely, in finding that the media for radiation has to be the “live” field of dark matter mass pts whose absolute motion structures and confines (loosely encapsulates) fluid space as an infinitely nested paisley of spherical gravity fields -- and in finding causal black hole MDCOGs everywhere (as Feynman himself jokingly and vaguely suggested once), and seeing inside the gravity fields of atoms and molecules, that the dark matter field structure is made rigid in varying degrees by electron-rings of helical path radiation.

It can not be overemphasized: a nested synchrony of electron helical path radiation also binds (structures) atoms into molecules and molecules into substances to provide the amazing variety of visible matter confinements.

Quantum electrodynamics is indeed a practical tool set, but it is not right as Feynman repeatedly suggests ; in that it does not provide acceptable local-reality vision for energy/mass transfer as radiation and the author has not found anyone who understands it as mechanics! For 30 years as an engineering manager and supervisor concerned with multiple-discipline technical detail,  in basic research papers, technical requirements for complex systems design, detailed build-to specifications and elaborate fail-safe plans for development and tests, he feels over-qualified to pronounce quantum mechanics, ”usefully clever technical garbage”. He invites anyone and everyone to shoot him down if they can! But they must first realize that theory as described herein clearly identifies and gives ultimate mechanical substance to Feynman’s electron jiggling and wiggling; to cause the variety of energy states of the atom. The n = Z electrons are capable of being more than just standard electron-rings alright, but not by jiggling and wiggling in the manner of either quantum mechanics or String Theory, as one will clearly see.

As an immanently practical but grossly limited scientific outlook, QED grew to become logically silly and powerfully arrogant; such arrogance is to be expected of the aggressively-capable but broad-education-limited laboratory technician who works by extensive rote, but not of broadly and deeply educated scientists. Because of prolonged lack of oversight, of properly disciplined scientific and engineering supervision, we now have another and more dangerous kind of arrogant technician – the hacker-brilliant programmer that knows nor respects any peer, and whose ego demands hidden trap doors that only they know about, and the human spirit is finding once again that the power to predict and control without adequate understanding (with its gut level instinctive/cultural caution) not only corrupts absolutely, but has quickly broadcast an insidious danger for the human race!

A philosophical bent that began to take hold in the late 19th Century is the seminal cause of philosophically-putrid science in the late 20th. Prediction success without adequate understanding of why and how resulted in an explosive period of technology development,  beginning in Germany in the 1930’s. Logically crippled but arrogant science became a technology monster that would innocently engulf Planet Earth in an irremovable constant threat of instant Armageddon, both physically and psychically. So please guys and gals, we need a way out -- so open up your bright minds to the longer term possibilities offered here on a scientific-intuitive-religious-logical platter, with revolutionary new prediction promise!

 Clarifying the interdependent fundamental parameters of the periodic table

Very poetically, the “eye”, or the i , of  the fractal expression must be resolvable into mechanical components whose simple sum is a measure of the total 3-D distributed amount (the necessary dark-matter-fluid-media volumetric confinement) of  the internal energy of an oscillator (the individual atom). That internally stored energy is releasable (extrudable) into c-boundary interstice space traffic. That is, since the atomic oscillator must radiate or absorb one electron-ring, or orbiting electron, one turn about 1-axis at a time, one can write for measured relative mass of the atom, A = (1 + h )i/h = (1 +h)x  where x = i/h = the absolute number of  growth electrons.

The value of A for a given element in the periodic table is viewed as a measure of the fundamental or ground state of excitation of the atomic oscillator. The parameter, x, is the number of releasable growth electrons orbiting inside the envelope of the atom, and varies in a limited and rhythmic way for the allowable energy states above ground level as recorded for each element; yet n = Z remains fixed for the higher energy states of each element.  This implies that certain rate ratios of electron in and out traffic can occur that will raise the amount of  energy above ground to certain levels that are characteristic of the particular element.

All release and absorption of electron energy occurs at the c-boundary by definition; so that the quantum amount of energy, equivalent mass and speed of transfer per one turn of the atom’s c-boundary about 1-axis, is fixed per electron. The number of electrons being absorbed in sequence (in tandem), and the number of them coming back out in tandem cannot be the same for a given elevated energy state, and the number that adds to the quantity x, must exist somewhere in a steady state way that must show up in three places; (1) at the c-boundary, (2) at the core and (3) at the Z electrons that shuttle the energy changes back and forth!

Conclusion: since the number of n = Z electrons remains constant for the given atom, their average energy level must vary significantly as those atoms go into higher energy states. Thus the Z electron is a variable payload energy shuttle!

It is already recognized that energy leaving and entering the given atom in the table does vary significantly with ambient temperature, and it is recognized that this energy flux is radiation as measured in energy “packets”, hf, called photons. What is not yet recognized are 7 other mechanically important things; (1) the electron is a photon where f  =  vmax/2pRan at the atomic MDCOG and f = c/2prcn  at the c-boundary , (2) the typical atom continually absorbs and emits prodigious numbers of electrons with characteristic rhythms, (3) a rhythmic sequence of electron emissions and absorptions by multiple atoms inside a molecule constitutes the chemical bonding of those atoms (4) whether inside the atom or the molecule, the electron-ring, orbit-frames or packets are made up of Higgs particles traveling in a helical string path, (5) a rhythmic sequence of absorbed and emitted electrons must contiguously touch one another, i.e, integrate into one continuous helical string of Higgs particles, as they come and go from atomic and molecular c-boundaries to/from the core protons shells on the “coat tails” of shuttling n = Z electrons, (6) extra incoming electrons joining in tandem with the Z electrons may be partially or totally absorbed by proton shells, (7) a given energy state above ground level for a given atom is a characteristic amount  of “Z-coat-tailing” that fills the elastic-capacity of the protons shells for temporarily holding electrons.

Now one can see in a mechanically clear way what Feynman wanted to show with his frequency calculation equations 38.14 through 38.17.  The photon energy equation he was using as a base, hf = E as measured, applies to the energy passing a given mass pt = math point in space per unit of time for a single ray of light or radiation. A ray of light must be made up of a sequence of contiguous photons, and the speed of energy travel though the given mass pt location in one-turn-quantums, h, is measured as the constant, c. One necessarily looks for the needed variation in frequency as a variation in the length of the photon as a wavelength and mass pt perimeter. In other words, the radiation that is traveling along a re-radiating contiguous chain of mass pts will register at the detection point according to the size of the re-radiating mass pt = math point marking the detection location; which oscillator size must locally yield the frequency. The notion of frequency is now f = E/h = c/2pr, where r is the average radius of the radiating mass pt = math pt said to be marking the indivisible measurement location or event address in space. One hears the mind’s door slamming shut for just about everybody but the author! But this is precisely where the fluid space theory boils down to one simple bit of elementary mechanics that satisfies, at once, the Universal Harmony of Pythagoras and Kepler,  Wheeler’s “A implies B”, Plank’s Principle, and Bell’s bells.

This mass-pt-local vision gets rid of  “nothing and zero”, “infinite density”, and “infinite undensity”. The fundamental oscillator that radiates energy is a spherical energy-surface with a spinning causal black hole at the center. The outer c-boundary surface is being maximally spun (occupied by an electron-ring quantum of energy) about one axis so that the constant 1-axis energy (v2) of one turn of the mass pt is passed on to the next mass pt in line because it cannot absorb it by changing radius (shrinking) and spin (rate of rotation). The indivisible, variable radius mass pt = math pt is of course a unit of mass in an absolute dark matter sense, and precisely occupies contiguously and as a perfect, “living” sphere, every ponderable event address (location) in spacetime.

As mass pt, every living address in space instantly adjusts radius and spin about each of three axes to mark ambient energy density. So at any given moment, an event address mass pt, as dark matter, is sitting there with its c-boundary interfacing with the outside world. When a photon comes along that represents maximum density in an adjoining c-boundary interstice space, it just keeps on going as automatic dark matter mass pt re-radiation. If the mass pt is an ordinary visible matter atom or molecule with a radiating/absorbing MDCOG inside, then there is a question of absorption and re-radiating in variable proportions indicative of internal electron growth status.

Energy is transported from one mass pt address to another in contiguous infinity. The incrementing event-address steps, the adjacent math points along the line of a ray of light, are finite-width graduation marks on the local ruler of space. The local spacetime gradient of the mass pt = mass pt graduation marks defines the ray-local field; i.e., that field having a built-in coordinate system for local measurement.

As incredible as it may seem, it is the size of the radiating mass pt marking the absolute location of measurement that determines the frequency of radiation! That mass pt = math pt location, is for our measuring instruments always, a mass pt that contains a statistical quantity of lightly-bound atoms and an encapsulating c-boundary radius that defines the molecule in real time! The Planck Principle pf Universal Connectivity and Bell’s Synchronicity keeps the given molecule in scalar step with the constituent radiating source atoms per established spectra.

Our measurements always involve a 2-D aperture (an limited crossection of space) whose real world thickness in not infinitesimal but equal to the diameter of the local visible matter mass pt = radiating molecule! There can be as many (but not one more) rays passing through the aperture simultaneously and in phase as there are mass pt molecules filling the aperture in a contiguous (fully packed) manner. The size of the molecule and its radiating frequency is caused by the characteristic rhythm of the constituent atoms as they alternately absorb and emit one turn electron-rings of energy into the c-boundary interstice spaces, the neutral gravity “vacuums” of space that dynamically defines their tangible boundaries. Atoms excited above their ground state (n =  Z = constant) level, are rhythmically absorbing and emitting with the emitting part not keeping up with the absorbing so that their energy level is raised temporarily, and when the increased electron storage level drops, it can only do so by emitting more electrons per unit of time for a while to join the milieu of radiation in the surrounding c-boundary interstice spaces; that same milieu that provides the light-force binding of the atoms to dynamically form the radiating molecules.

While constant in number for a given element of the table, the n = Z electrons are of variable average energy as necessary to explain the known excited energy states.

At the core, the electron with a mass of h is traveling in an orbit at the absolute maximum linear speed of vmax  » 236c, so that its kinetic energy is h(vmax)2. At the c-boundary, one has here formulated and visualized as fundamental definition, that the kinetic energy of one electron is hc2. No one should be surprised to find; (1) that the precise formula for the c-boundary of an atom whose MDCOG radius is Ran, is rcn = 1/hc2Ran = (1.67919918216x105)Ran, (2) that depending on location between c-boundary and core,  two electrons traveling in tandem have a kinetic energy that ranges from 2hc2 to 2h(vmax)2, and (3) that three electrons have 3hc2, and so on, and (4)that outside the atom, the tandem joining of electrons exists without practical limit as to the helical-path-contiguous number; always in the c-boundary interstice (neutral gravity) spaces between atoms and molecules, (5) the average speed of an in-out oriented Z-electron is significantly higher than c, and slows only slightly with increased mass while kinetic energy increases by the square.

One therefore proposes that the average Z electron, in tandem-helix-shuttling of kinetic energy to/from the MDCOG from/to the c-boundary, actually varies in kinetic energy proportional to the measured ionization energy, Wi . Specifically, the new periodic table will show that the ionization energy in electron volts is proportional to a dimensionless ratio of (1) the kinetic energy of the average n = Z electron as it orbits within the atom, (2) to the kinetic energy of the average electron as it impinges at the c-boundary as particle directed from the outside.  Where S is the energy state and v is the average speed of the Z electron, one proposes that WSn = k(vSn)2/c2,  where k is a proportionality constant with the dimensions of electron volt (ev). Because it is simplest, will work great, and makes good mechanical sense, one assigns k = (1 ± p) as a relative Z-electron mass in terms of electron volts. The p  measures the temporary cyclic increase and decrease in mass of the Z electron in driving the elevated state. One can then explain the established energy states and spectra for atoms in a much simpler and fully mechanical way to hopefully please at least those who appreciate Feynman’s great work.


Because our measurements are necessarily taken according to an established set of standard conditions involving statistical quantities of atoms, one is stuck with the notion of a typical or standard atom that may or may not actually exist.  In addition, the fluid-gear redshift under standard measurement conditions is not calibrated. Nevertheless, consistency of measurement is readily available and yields the established mass value me = .91093897x10-27 =  .137477903775(h) with a kinetic energy value of mec2. Viewed as radiation energy (hf), the absolute versus standard electron measures must differ in frequency by a factor of 1/.137477903775 = 7.27389618678, with the electron as it exits the c-boundary of its oscillator atom having the higher frequency and smaller c-boundary radiator.

The real atom as oscillator maintains the absolute energy of electron-ring quantum radiation absorption and emission at it’s c-boundary by its frequency and radius marching in lock step to produce the constant we called the speed of light; that is, per 2prf = c.  After all, this is the definition of c-boundary and the fundamental character of the atom as a mass pt that must adjust its rate of energy absorption and release,  radius and spin to fit into and mark ambient energy density. The smallest c-boundary atom, hydrogen, has a fundamental  (ground state) emission and absorption frequency of,  fa1 =  c/2prc1 = c/2p(1.67919918216x105)Ra1 = c/(1.05507196291x106)A1Ra0 =c/(1.05507196291x106)(1.00794)(2.24392816158x10-14) = c/(2.38630368523x10-8) =(2.99792458x1010)/(2.38630368523x10-8 ) = 1.25630471869x1018 cps. Nature provides a cut-off frequency for visible matter and gives our Cosmos a particular scalar regime of existence; as long as object identity is maintained in real time by fractal patterns of fluid-motion-defined existence.

Note that c-boundary ambiance is the mechanically necessary neutral gravity point between adjacent atoms being held apart by nested granular dark matter; dark matter with non radiating black hole MDCOGs without end in the direction of small in terms of radius and spin. The “ultraviolet catastrophe” that shook physics in the late 19th century and caused a terribly wrong turn, was real but inconsequential and immeasurable. One now calls it  “the infinite energy of the vacuum” to paraphrase standard model language.  We definitely do not need to know in a detailed formal way that which is forever immeasurable and invisible by definition, but intuitive “knowing” of IT as God-Given-Benevolence and Rule, is of immeasurable value, and most precious to our everyday sense of mechanical feel as scientists.

Fluid space model language precisely locates all the missing matter of the universe and eliminates both Big Bang and Big Crunch with clear mechanical certainty, in infinite logical detail. Species-level Science, as currently held at a mathematically elite level, must know its limitations; i.e., know when to back up, when to hold it and when to fold it! God does indeed plays cards with the universe, but the deck is benevolently stacked by universal harmony (UH). One could call it a Universal Operating System (OS) that allows genetically installed, strong-force cultures with a minimum of the “necessary evil” call Government. A strongly evolving culture is capable of building into every descendant in every cell of their body, a set of safe instinctual defaults; for empirically based quality survival without practical limit!

The same thing is said intuitively and logically in a Poem ….

New Psalm of Life (On God as OS = Operating System)

“Oh Great OSness all around, lift my spirits to higher ground, where the PC and I dream dreams. Not for just the I in me, but for each cell and it’s Genes, where still lives my Ancestry.

The voices of one Soul are there, as stored emotions left to warn when Life’s Road dead-ends somewhere. They tell of Dangers in the Storm; finding new life with each heeding, always in times of great needing.

At last I feel the Larger Why. Its not just for you and I, or just tricks and tips from the past, but OS-chosen Safest Routes, User-Tuned and Future-Cast, freeing all of Default Doubts.”

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