What a Horrible Website!
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RaVe AgAiNsT tHe CrAyOlA!!!

What we do in this shin-dig

Midwest Oriented Party promoters Drop Bass Network...they are sooo satanic... It's Raverworld! if you look at the pics for the rave Turned on 2, there's tons and tons of pictures of me...the one w/ the violently red hair see Seizure the epileptic ferret!
Tripping Grandmas, my best friend's page, just so you know, we're 2 different people.
heh heh heh, try this page, it's, umm, cool...
Japanimation Page with a lot of pictures from shows like Ranma 1/2 ( a cool japanimation show)
This is a great site for people who like Final Fantasy 8
Well, I gotta give this place credit, couldn't have this wonderful page without it

you know, there's an image on here that many people take for granted it's so cool, and almost no one notices it. so, just so everyone can notice it, I'm going to put it on here a few more times... Much better.
Hello Everyone, this is my website that I really don't work on anymore, but when I'm extremely bored and I have nothing better to do, I'll add to it...and so on and so forth...Wow, I realized, I have absolutely nothing to add to my website right now...You see, this is me probably 4 years later then when I created this. I may as well do extensions of this page...we'll see. Feel free to E-mail me, and tell me what to add to this thing, cause without you, I wouldn't be doing this in the first place. I also have a guestbook that you can sign too. It's on the way bottom of this page. Alright, I guess that's it. I have a non-finished page of Final Fantasy VII cause that game is really cool. However, I never got around to finishing it. Oh well...I'm having a hard time with the FF8 one as well. Anyway, just so you guys know about it, you should go buy Playstation and Final Fantasy VII and VIII for I'll kick you outta my Evil Crayon cult. Thanks.. -())_>:)EvlGldCryn_))>
You gotta play:

G's have been to this site

No Wait!I'm not done, you still have to find out who Mike Duffy is, But who is he, and why is he so cool? He's done so much for me I just wish i could tell him how much I love him. He helped deliver my child , Johnny Boy, in a flaming Golf cart, and he's found Manhattan's stolen jewels in a Stealth Bomber while it was in flight, and needless to say, he jumped out of the plane and recused them. And his poor wife, Ester, is suffering from a deadly disease, gingivitis, and her teeth are all gross looking, and Mike is not afraid to kiss her, even though she's old and smells like puke. Mike Duffy, I salute you!
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