Wierd and Unusual Stuff
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Wierd and Unusual Stuff


I went hunting with my uncle and saw this at the end of a steep ravine. It looks an awful lot like missiles of some sort....

Here are some pictures I took of the missile things.





My neighbor, Nell has gotten very sick within the past 2 days. She keeps whining about the drinking water. But I can't taste any differences. It's not well water. It's piped. I live in city limits, so we get pipe water. The same water as everyone else gets. No one else has complained about water. But the reason I posted her on here is because she has gotten sick lately. Stomach pains and skin rashes.

I took pictures of her to annoy her. Wasn't I mean? These are old pictures, because I took them a while after they started to use the field in back of my house for a landfill. We complained about it, naturally, but they didn't care. Now the reason I am posting these pics, is because Nell started to act wierd ever since the landfill was started. It was started either in 95 or 96. She used to sit on her porch for hours, staring into the landfill, for no reason. We would walk over and talk to her, but she never responded. Her husband died in 1994, so we think she may have gotten delusional. Who knows? Anyway, in these pics, you can see her working in her yard near the fence.

In this pic, you can see her wandering along the fence. She actually freaked me out sometimes because she hardly ever spoke after her husband died.






Now this is one of the freakiest pictures. She had her son build her a tower so she could look farther into the landfill with binoculars. She kept saying they were burying stuff. We all just ignored her, because of course they were burying stuff.


Venture into the deep, dark hole

I gathered 3 friends, Jeff, Chris, and Jeremy, and Jeff's dad, who is a city worker. Thanks to his dad for the helmets he got us, as well as rope and cord, and safety straps. He said he never installed a sewer into the landfill/dump so he was suspicious about it, too, after he learned that it existed. Chris stayed near the bottom of the hole with a walkie talkie so he could relay any messages from Jeff's dad, who stayed at the top. You can see his dad sort of laughing, because he couldn't believe we were actually doing this. I couldn't either, really.


In this picture is Jeff facing me. The guy going backward crawling over Jeff is Chris who was trying to crawl out of the way to puke because the smell got to him. At times, it made me gag, too. Let's just say it didn't smell real nice. For some reason, I just had the feeling that I didn't belong there, and could somehow felt like there was something just ahead of us, beyond our field of vision, that kept moving ahead while we were, watching us...


We walked, and crawled off and on, but we eventually got to an intersection with a bunch of smaller tributary shafts that were just too small to crawl through. Jeff's dad loaned us his homemade robot that he made from a kit which we used as a sewer rover. He mounted a 640 x 480 resolution color camera to it with a light. He strung down a mile-long feed of cable. Eventually the rover came to a slope inside the concrete sewer. I stopped it, because I didn't want to risk losing a $1,000 robot. I about pissed my pants when something freaking bumped it or nudged it or something!! It was freaking bumped by something!! I estimate it was about 300 ft away, so I know for damn sure it wasn't one of us!! I don't know what the hell it was! The damn robot fell through the damn hole! I knew it was lost. It couldn't climb back up that 90 degree vertical shaft.


Now this next pic of what I am about to show you will disturb you.....after the damn rover plunged down about 50 feet, it landed on its tracks since they are so huge, designed to stabilize the rover, I drove it forward about 20 feet. It's light ranges about 15 feet, and it picked up on its camera what appears to be a fragment of some sort of deformed skull.......AS WELL AS SOME SORT OF FUCKING CREATURE THAT APPEARS TO BE TRAPPED IN THE SEDIMENTS TO THE RIGHT OF THE SKULL!!!!!! I COULD SEE IT TRYING TO GRASP SOMETHING. It moved slowly, sort of like how E.T. did when he was dying!!! OMFG I was scared shitless! That really shocked me into extreme paranoia, and I am still trying to recover from such a traumatic sight. I am almost certainly going to be forced to go see a counselor or a psychiatrist now, just so I can sleep at nights. I am deeply mentally and emotionally disturbed ever since I saw that sight.


Here is that one pic with yellow borders around the possible creature, since everyone seems to have trouble distinguishing where it is, as well as a new spot that I just now noticed that could possibly be blood from a possible atrocity in the past. The foot step I think everyone is talking about appears as a footstep in the picture, but as the rover turned around and left, I could make out a small groove like maybe a snake had slithered along it. Another mystery that I have asked myself since that day, is, what is this place??


Disturbed, I hastily drove the rover back to where I thought was the drop off. That was a $1,000 piece of equipment, so I wasn't about to just leave it there. I got it down there, so no matter what happened to me, it was my duty to get it back out. I knew I couldn't get it back up, and it didn't have a hover feature on it, so I just had to maneuver it around and try to find some daylight. I eventually came to what I thought was a ventilation system, and to my luck, there was no grate on it. I drove the rover through. I don't know what the place ended up being, but there was debris everywhere. There was a shiny bright object, which I assumed was metal. I have no clue what those colorful things are.


I spun the rover around. By now I was having anxiety attacks from the trauma I suffered from witnessing such an atrocious sight. I also had the extra burden of being responsible for bringing back the rover. There was a pile of debris behind the rover. I drove it in reverse, and then sent it forward as fast as it could go, which was only about 10 mph. It reached the other side of the mound when I saw another ventilation shaft. I sent it right through it. I jumped when Jeff relayed from his dad to me that I had only about 300 ft of cable left. When it got out the other side of the shaft, it came to something. I didn't know what it was, whether it was another room, or the inside of a bigger shaft, but all the power was lost instantly. I never again regained contact with the rover. This is the last pic we got from the rover before we lost contact with it.


I didn't know Chris came to tell us it was getting dark, but halfway back out, we ran into him. His walkie talkie had stopped working. We had a long ass cord that I strapped to my waist, and Jeff did too, in case we got lost, or Chris had to come get one of us, or both of us. Anyway, we followed the cord back. About 10 minutes later, we heard a splash behind us. We spun around, and saw Chris struggling to get up. He was struggling to stay up in the water! He was in danger of drowning down where there would be no chance of help!!! As if I wasn't traumatized enough, I now had to deal with this. Jeremy and Jeff helped him try to get up, but it seemed he was caught on something, or was being pulled by something. I could see them being pulled with Chris. If he was just caught on something, it wouldn't pull 3 teenage guys backward. I was scared to death. I thought we were all going to die. I knew I shouldn't have gone down in there. Terrible thoughts started running through my mind. What if it was another creature. Was it an alien? Extraterrestrial? Sewer creature? Zombie? I didn't know what the hell it was, or what was going on just now. But I was determined, maybe it was just adrenaline, but I made for damn sure that I got out, and that they did, too. I grabbed Chris by the collar, and took it upon myself to keep him above the water. Jeff helped him stumble out. I think he had taken in water into his lungs. I seriously thought he was going to die.


Thank God, the hole was just above that sewer drainage system, on the other side of the maintenance room. We bound his feet together, and tugged on the rope, alerting Jeff's dad to pull him up. Chris had no strength, probably all exerted trying to stay above the water. Chris was the first up, then Jeremy, Jeff, and last, me.


Today after school, a stealth fighter flew over my house. There is restricted air space over the plant. I thought it was odd that I heard a plane, so I ran outside with a camera, and snapped this excellent shot of this low flying stealth! It landed in the plant, which leads me to believe that there is more than we are led to believe.


Inside the plant!

Yesterday evening, I took a camera and my bike and rode out along the perimeter of the plant. There was one area where there was a tree right by the fence, and to my luck, found a low hanging limb, which actually hung over the fence! I went back home to get a rope, but by the time I got back, it was about an hour later. I was just going to go in for a few minutes, so I climbed it, looked around about 10 times, then JUMPED IN!!! Omg I can't even begin to tell what an adrenaline rush I got. Luckily, the tree was part of a wooded area, so I took refuge in the trees. When I was convinced no one saw me, I ran to some other trees, squatting down as far as I could. The area surrounding the plant was higher elevation. I wonder if this is to conceal the plant. I crawled a great deal, then I got close enough to this one area with big sphere shaped structures. This is the first pic I took of them. I took several pics from different angles.

Pic 20

Pic 21

Pic 22

I just kept squatting down and running. The grass was pretty tall. It hadn't been mowed for quite a long time, and I think it benefitted both of us. It benefitted them because it slowed down the speed of someone out there. It also helped hide their assets. It helped me because I could scurry through it almost unnoticed (I hope). As I got past the sphere structures, I came to sort of a clearing. It provided a great view of the plant. I took two pics.

Pic 23

In this second pic, I crept a little closer. At this point, a helicopter flew overhead. I kept watching it but it landed somewhere way beyond this area. There was no way I could take a pic of it.

Pic 24

I kept going only this time I turned around in the direction where I came because I saw many different smoke stacks. I figured there was probably a huge facility over there, so I decided to check it out. The whole time, I was kind of surprised at the seeminly lack of security. Just then, a jeep came driving around a building. I don't know if it was the same one, but I could see two more in the distance from the direction I was going. Good thing I turned around! They drove like within 50 feet of me. They had M-16s. They all had .45 caliber machine gun tripods in the back. I crouched down as low as I could get. When the engine sound died down, I got back up and traveled lower to the ground this time. After about 20 minutes, I got to within camera range of the huge smoke stacks. Here is my first pic of the smoke stacks.

Pic 25

There was a white fence that I had to get around. The thing that surprised me very much was that there were 3 cows in a pasture about 1/4 of an acre. This area, obviously had low grass. I had to hurry to get to the other side of the pasture. After I did, I snapped this pic of them. Now these smoke stacks must have been super tall, because you can see how tall they are even in the background compared with the trees up against them. I was still about half a mile away from them at this point.

Pic 26

You asked for more pics of the same redundant thing.......? You got it. Here it is about 50 feet closer.....

Pic 27

I wanted to get a different view of the smoke stacks, so I kind of walked a little to the northeast. It looks like they are lined up symmetrically. You can kind of see my finget accidentally getting into the picture on the left. Oops.

Pic 28

Ok after I got my snapshot of they on the side, I backtracked and went back southwest. Now in this pic, I accidentally cut off the left 2 towers.

Pic 29

After I snapped the picture, I realized my mistake, then went farther and took another pic.

Pic 30

I wandered around for about an hour longer, but I didn't see anything else of interest. When it got later, I decided I better head back while it was still light. I came back down a different route. Eventually, I came to 2 storage tanks.

Pic 31

As I came back, I came upon these strange objects sticking up out of the ground. I was facing the sun at this time, so I had to wait until I was west of them to take the pic. They actually look an awful lot like nuclear fuel rods! I wonder if those many pipes surrounding them are coolant pipes.

Pic 32

Unfortunately, a convoy of semis entered the plant, and drove up to the area the jeeps were patrolling. They sat there, about 45 minutes or so. I didn't have a watch to time them. I guessed by how dark it was. I took advantage of this to move around more freely. I took this pic of the thin objects since their lights were lit up and illuminated them so beautifully.

Pic 33

I got up closer to the facility to get a closer look. I didn't dare get any closer, though.

Pic 34

I decided I better get back home now. Then I realized that I had been in there for about 3 hours! I really decided I had better get out. I had heard once, about that in secret bases or areas, that they have satellites observe the places, taking pictures every time interval. Then they take those pictures and compare them with previous pictures and see if anything different showed up. If it did, then they would know that it didn't belong there. I had completely forgotten about this!!!! I just now remembered it for some odd reason. Probably because I looked up in the sky and saw stars, and wondered if I would see a satellite. Luckily, I had forgotten my sunglasses, and had to keep my face down and cover my eyes to avoid the brightness. Hopefully, that was enough to hide my identity. God, I sure hope so! If I had thought of this before I got there, I wouldn't have gone in! This was the last pic I took of the plant.

Pic 35

Just before I got past the facilities, I came upon a burning barrel. I had no clue what they were burning, but the smoke sure smelled wierd. I was way freaked out by this time, so my only priority was to make it out alive. Only afterward did I realize the full complexity of what I accomplished. I feel like I earned a rite of passage, of sorts...but until my next adventure, I can reflect on what I just accomplished.