In February of 2007, I took off for the warmer climates of California, and made my way to the Margaret Herrick Library in Beverly Hills, California. This library houses all sorts of books, magazines, and even production items dealing with the motion picture industry. Everything from Oscar statuettes, to screenplays. It was here that I had come to peruse a document that had often been told of to me by fan D.C. Letcher: The screenplay for Village of the Giants.
In the library's archives, rests the Final Draft that was the property of the film's production manager, Frank Caffey. The screenplay is over 135 pages long, and is library-bound in a goldenrod-colored casing. The script's final draft had a completion date of April 13, 1965 (6 months before the film's October 20th release date).
The main pages of the script are standard white pages we've come to know from movie scripts. Interspersed throughout the script are blue pages that were script revisions, dated April 19, 1965. The screenplay is credited to Alan Caillou, with mention that it is based on the screen story, written by Bert I. Gordon.
What follows is a summary of the 135-page script. At first, it may seem like the same story we've seen on celluloid, but if you read further, you'll find scenes and scenarios that you didn't expect. In the final draft, some sequences have been cut, some characters have bigger roles (no pun intended), and in some instances, the giants become much more menacing.
After the summary, you'll find a section detailing several scenes and differences I found when going through the screeplay. These are itemized for your perusal, along with several images to show some key differences or points.

Summary of the Screenplay

On the outskirts of town, on a winding road, two cars careen haphazardly, before crashing. Out of the cars pile 8 teenagers, who begin to dance in the rain and mud. Once their youthful gyrations are spent, they see a sign that mentions the nearest town being Hainesville. They then decide to head on down there.
We cut to the town, where Mike Barry and Nancy Carlson are having a close moment in Nancy's house. Mike discusses going to the local go-go as well. They are interrupted by Nancy's younger brother, Genius, who has just mixed a number of incompatible chemicals. After he leaves, Nancy and Mike try to pick up where they left off. However, an explosion in the basement causes them to sprint down to Genius' lab.
Inside, Genius explains that he put an electrical charge to the chemicals, which caused the explosion. The substance in the jar has taken on a strange coloration, and is also making beeping noises, almost seeming live.
As Mike, Nancy and Genius begin to try and clean up the lab, a cat sneaks into the basement and begins to eat at the Goo. Without warning, the gang are face-to-face with an enormous cat. Genius commands his dog Wolf to get the cat. Wolf takes a wild swipe and scratches the cat's nose, causing the cat to retreat. Realizing what the stuff can do, Mike takes some of it, and feeds it to some ducks. Before their eyes, the ducks grow to be 7-8 ft tall. Mike soon realizes that they have a valuable substance on their hands. But while he ponders this, two things happen: 1)Wolf eats some of the Goo and grows, and 2)The ducks escape from the yard.
Meanwhile, the 8 delinquent teens have taken up in the abandoned theater, preparing for the evening's go-go dance. They make their way to the dance and partake in the festivities. Soon, the crowd is shaken up as a pair of ducks waddle through the front door. But soon, the panic turns to smiles as the ducks begin to dance. In no time, Mike and Nancy arrive at the club, and are soon interrogated about the ducks. Several of the delinquent teens hear about the 'million dollar secret,' and formulate a plan to get the formula. However, Jean's plan to seduce Mike, and Fred's plans to get Nancy to talk fail.
The next day, the giant ducks are roasted and prepared for the local teenagers. During the festivities, Genius manages to make a concoction very similar to the Goo. He hops on his rocket-powered bicycle and heads to the park, only to have the Goo dissipate before his eyes. Nearby, Elsa, hears about Genius' talking, and convinces him to go for a walk (hopefully to tell her more about the Goo).
Back at Nancy's house, Mike & Nancy hide the remainder of the goo in a cabinet. However, it seems that some of it made it into the hands of a spider, who suddenly knocks down some nearby boxes, startling the two. Mike manages to electricute the spider, and he and Nancy return to the park, where a musical number is going on. As the number goes on, the delinquent teens break into the house, and steal the goo, only to have one of them set off Genius' burglar alarm. This causes the others to come running from the park, where a major scuffle ensues. As the fight rages on, another song drifts over the battle, until by the end, almost everyone has been knocked out.
While Mike, Horsey and the others recover at Nancy's house, the delinquent teens go back to the theater, and decide to take the Goo themselves, which causes them to grow to 30ft tall, bursting out of their clothes. At first they are shocked and scared, but soon realize they can use this to their advantage. The girls are fearful of being nude, but realizing all the fabric and cloth from the stage curtains, they are soon overjoyed and begin to fashion some clothing, as the guys make some of their own.
Back at the park, Mike and Nancy share a close moment in the grass, before being interrupted by Horsey. Horsey is still upset that the delinquent teens got away, and demands Mike help him find them. As they talk, the giants enter the square, and demand that music be played for them to dance. During the dance, Georgette reaches down and scoops up Horsey, forcing him to 'dance' with her. Finally, Mike tries to stop the dancing, and gets brushed aside by Fred. Fred then begins to explain their intentions, before the Sheriff and his deputy pull up. After trading barbs with 'the law,' the giants agree to return to the theater.
The next day, a group of people go to the theater to confront the giants. However, the giants have actually kidnapped the Sheriff's children, his daughter Cora, and his son Bobby. The giants manage to convince the Sheriff to turn in the town's guns, lest something bad happen to his children. The Sheriff has no choice but to comply.
Later on, Harry goes out, and breaks down several telephone poles, cutting off phone communications. Rick takes care of the police communications, and smashes the Sheriff's car for good measure.
As Jean supervises the turning in of rifles, the Sheriff sits nearby, distraught at the scene. Nancy assures him that Mike is going to get help. With the road blocked, Mike tries to run out of town for help. However, in the nearby woods, he comes across Fred, who uproots a tree and badly hurts him. Mike has no choice but to return to the village under Fred's watchful eye.
Later that night, the giants turn on their music, and begin to dance, even wilder than the night before. The Sheriff tries to intervene, but they tell him he's violating curfew. Mike also tries to intervene, but is also belittled. Mike returns to Nancy's house, where the giant's dancing is so wild that the entire house shakes from their movement. As the dancing continues, the giants get more and more wild. Some of them smash buildings, and a woman and her baby are killed when the ceiling in their house caves in on them. From afar, Mike, Horsey, Nancy & Red watch, and Mike figures that they need to take a hostage of their own for leverage.
The next day, the area is in ruins from the giants' partying. Fred comes into the neighborhood, and is accosted by Mike, Horsey, and several others in their hotrods. Fred looks to be at their mercy, until Nancy's scream permeates the air, and we see that she has been placed ontop of a nearby building by Tim. Fred orders Nancy taken to the theater, and the guys give up trying to take down Fred.
Back at Nancy's house, Mike and teh others converge to discuss a new plan. A plan involving dancing, ether, and a slingshot.
Later at the theater, Red does a dance to catch the boys attention, while the girls busy themselves with other things. One of the boys plays a miniature bongo drums with his fingers. Fred offers Nancy some chicken, to which she refuses, and refutes his plans to take over.
Suddenly, a rock whistles through the room, and strikes a nearby gong, interrupting the performance. Merrie leans down looking through the lobby and sees Mike with his slingshot. She finds it amusing, until he take a shot and almost hits her. Soon, the giants have amassed outside, where Rick uproots a metal flagpole, and gives it to Fred to use as a spear.
Fred orders Merrie to go back inside to watch Nancy and the kids, who are placed on an overhead catwalk. As Merrie enters, she finds Red still inside. She orders Red to leave, as Mike's friends break into the theater from a hatch in the roof. Merrie has her head turned, as Mike's friends make their way on a catwalk slightly above and forward of where Nancy and the kids are. The guys begin to lower Horsey with some ether, but his actions are interrupted when one of the kids sneezes and Merrie turns around. Horsey then accidentally plummets into Merrie's cleavage. After righting himself, he stuffs the ether-filled cotton into her face, and she collapses to the stage floor. Mike's friends help liberate Nancy and the kids, but take some time trying to find the hidden guns.
Meanwhile back outside, Mike is running here and there, perspiring profusely, angering Fred who can't seem to hit him. Finally, Mike is cornered. Having had enough, Fred lifts a sports car from the street, preparing to squash him with it.
As Merrie comes to and joins the others, Genius comes streaking down the street, the antidote swirling around the giants, shrinking them down to size, their once-fitting clothing now too large. As the townfolk converge on them, the kids take off running for the town. As they run off, the townfolk rejoice, and Mike and Nancy share a kiss.
Looking off into the distance, the townsfolk can see the remains of the kid's giant clothing fluttering in the wind, as they make for the nearby woods, some of it having come off in their escape.
The camera pans back from the jubilant crowd of villagers, before the title of the film returns to the screen.

Observations on the Script

In the section below, I have itemized the myriad changes, descriptions, and differences I found in the script. What follows are my observations and findings from the script that will give you some interesting tidbits on some directions the script might have taken.
1. The opening pages of the Final Draft takes place along a winding mountain road, as two nondescript vehicles race along the winding mountain at high speeds before they both crash near the landslide. The doors open and the teens emerge to dance in the rain. This setup is much different from the film, and helps make more sense than 8 teenagers crammed into a Thunderbird.
2. A possible typo, but in the script, the sign the teens find in the muddy road reads Hainsville, instead of Hainesville.
3. The script gives Nancy's (Charla Doherty) last name as Carlson, and Mike's (Tommy Kirk) last name as Barry. This is almost a reversal of the last name information provided in the synopsis found in the film's pressbook. In the pressbook, Nancy's fullname is said to be Nancy Barry, and Mike's fullname is Mike Carson (the 'L' has been dropped from the name in the screenplay).
4. The goo is much different from what we see in the film. The final draft of the film describes the Goo as "Rubbery, flabby, & is covered with little round design bubbles that come from a sulfur pit." It's possible that the goo could possibly be a lifeform of it's own.
5. After the cat grows enormous, Genius' (Ron Howard) dog Wolf actually did attack it and scratch it on the nose. This was what caused the cat to retreat from Genius' lab.
6. The scene of the ducks growing large was part of a script revision made on 4-19-65.
7. After the duck growth sequence, a page following this scene mentions someone simply dubbed Carlson. This name will pop up several times later. It could be a reference to Nancy, but the scene seems to involve a guy instead of a girl.
8. In the Hainesville theater, Georgette (Vicki London) was originally the main focus of the scene. Jean (Tisha Sterling) was originally supposed to say the 'nitty-gritty' dialogue, and Pete (Tim Rooney) was the person to mention going to the Go-Go club.
9. The ducks originally appeared in the far background, entering in through the entrance of the Whiskey-a-Go-Go, before they made their way onto the main dance floor.
10. Spectators at first are in shock of the ducks, but after some time they begin to lighten up.
11. Fatso (Jim Begg) originally made the line that Harry (Kevin O'Neal) says in the film about the ducks ("Man, what a meal they'd make!").
12. On page 27 of the script, Mike is referred to as Carlson.
13. The duck roasting and party sequence originally all took place at night.
14. Genius' bicycle is rocket-powered.
15. The spider in Nancy's basement was originally hidden behind some boxes, before it was revealed.
16. Genius' 'Robe Goldberg-style' burglar alarm was much more complex, including a hole out through the house for the fireworks to explode through.
17. During the fight for the goo on Nancy's front lawn, the script mentions a 'chummy, off-beat ballad' playing over the scene. It's possible this could have been where Mike Clifford's song 'Nothing can Stand in My Way' was supposed to be heard.
18. Georgette does quite a bit during the fight and the following theater sequence, making note that she was supposed to be a main character.
19. Elsa's (Gail Gerber) taking of the goo is largely through intimidation by all of the other teens.
20. Aside from Elsa, Merrie (Joy Harmon) and Fred (Beau Bridges growing, the script also had a growth scene for almost all the teens:
-Harry's feet begin to grow through his shoes, as he clutches at his feet, trying to get his shoes off. The scene also shows hos hands getting bigger as well.
-Georgette's growth scene was shot from the shoulder's up, with her putting her hands to her mouth and screaming as her dress rips.
-Pete's growth focused mainly on his belt, which gets tighter and tighter until it pops, along with his clothes tearing to shreds.
-Jean's growth is shot from behind her back, to show her body growing and clothes ripping.
21. There is a scene where we see the guys and girls fashioning their clothing from material. The girls actually get over their fear of growing big in this scene, chattering delightedly at trying to create their own personalized clothing.
22. At the park, Mike and Nancy share a moment, before Horsey (Johnny Crawford) comes over, wanting to get revenge on the bad teens that took the goo. There is a promotional photo of Mike and Nancy in a dark setting (see picture to the right), as seen on one of the film's lobby cards. This sequence may tie into that image.
23. During the giants' dance number, Georgette is the girl who picks up Horsey and dances with him. During the scene, Harry realizes that Horsey was the same guy who (earlier) had hit him in the fight on Nancy's lawn. The giant then flicks the miniscule Horsey with his finger (the following dialogue is taken from the final draft).

Hey, cut that out, it hurts!

(to harry)
No, don't, leave him alone, he's mine, my doll.

24. The Sheriff first notices the giants without the Deputy pointing them out.
25. The Deputy refers to the Sheriff as Jim.
26. Georgette is still holding onto Horsey after Mike stops them from dancing. She doesn't let Horsey go until until Rick says a threat about bending the Sheriff's rifle around his neck. (In the film, this line is muttered by Harry).
27. The Deputy checked on Mike after he had been knocked into the bushes nearby.
28. Page 77 of the script makes mention of 'Old Man Carlson.' However, unlike before, the line does not seem to be referencing Mike.
29. The Sheriff and Mike originally entered the theater with the group of men.
30. Unlike before, the Deputy refers to the Sheriff as Jim.
31. The Sheriff originally had 2 children that Rick and Pete kidnapped. One was Cora, the Sheriff's 9 year-old daughter (who was played by Debi Storm in the film). The other was her younger brother, Bobby. Rick originally had them captured in a large net, and was threatening to drop them to the stage floor below.
32. Fred's list of demands also included the ability for teenagers to censor the books and magazines that adults would read.
33. After the theater scene, Rick and Harry went out and actually caused the damage that Fred mentions in the film:
-Harry has a scene uprooting a telephone pole, and breaking communications.
-Rick smashes the Sheriff's car. He then breaks a window into the Sheriff's office, and destroys the Sheriff's short-wave trasnceiver.
34. On Page 89, the Sheriff is named Robertson.
35. As the townspeople are turning in their guns, Mike tries to run out of the village for help. After running into a heavily wooded area, Mike encounters Fred, who uproots a tree and swings it at him. Mike, injured from the encounter, has no choice but to return to town.
36. Later that night, the giant teenagers turn up their music and have a dance. This awakens the Sheriff, who tries to intervene, but is ordered by Fred to return to his home. Fred states that the Sheriff is breaking adult curfew.
37. Mike also comes out to try and stop them, but is also shouted down by Fred.
38. As the giants dance, their pounding footsteps cause the glass and china in Nancy's house to shake and jingle.
39. Mike's dialogue about trying to capture 'a hostage of their own' happens during this scene.
40. The giants' dancing causes damage to the town in several ways:
-Jean's foot smashes through a house porch.
-In another house, a mother tries to comfort her crying baby amid the house shaking. The continued vibrations eventually causes the ceiling to cave in on them.
41. Before the scene ends, the dancing grows wilder and wilder than before (the scenes mentioned in 36-41 were omitted. In their place in the film is the scene where Mike & the other teens give the giants fried chicken and Coke).
42. After the dancing sequence, the film cuts to the next day to show that several houses have been damaged. Lightpoles and street signs have been uprooted by the giants as well (these shots lead into the hot rod confrontation with Fred).
43. Originally in the script, Fred pitches forward when the hotrods charge him from the front with their rope.
44. After another go around with the hot rods, they trip him up again, and send him sprawling backwards.
45. Mike & Horsey try to keep Fred down. When this doesn't work, Horsey sounds his bugle, which brings out more teenagers in their hotrods (aka 'here comes the cavalry!').
46. During Red's (Toni Basil) dance number to entertain the male giants, the script tells just what the girls are doing in the scene:
-Merrie is using the tiny make-up table
-Elsa and Jean are fashioning new clothes for themselves (this explains why their outfits are different from the day before, as we see in the film-a custome comparison can be seen to the right).
-Georgette glares angrily at the boys oogling the 'tiny dancer.'
47. The script mentions that Red's dancing should be 'the wildest of all,' outdoing the giant's dancing that came before.
48. The Sheriff's kids and Nancy were originally held up on an overhead catwalk, above the stage.
49. Fred's spear that he originally used on Mike was actually an uprooted flagpole.
50. Red was originally still in the theater when the giants left. When Merrie comes back in under Fred's orders, the giant girl orders Red to leave.
51. The crowds outside the theater react more to the fight between Mike & Fred in the script.
52. Horsey is lowered from a separate catwalk from Nancy and the kids. When Merrie spots him, the others panic and let go, accidentally dropping Horsey face-first into Merrie's cleavage. After getting out, he shoves the ether-filled cotton in her face, causing her to faint. In the script, Merrie is sitting on the stage reading her magazine, instead of on the bed in the film.
53. Finding the guns hidden in the theater takes the guys a little time to find.
54. Fred was supposed to pick up a sports car, and use it to squash Mike (istead of the lightpole we see in the finished film).
55. The last shot in the film actually stays focused on the townspeople, who celebrate their liberation from the giant teens. Mike and Nancy share a kiss at this point.
56. In a long-shot, we see the giants (now shrunk) have lost almost all their giant clothing as they head towards the nearby forest. This is the last trace we see of the delinquent teens (there is no mention of them returning to their car, or encountering the group of little people we see in the film).
57. The last shot has the camera panning back to show the whole village, before the title card of the film comes into view.