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Dyslexic People Shouldn't Be On My Site

Dyslexic people are useless and stupid. People who can't read serve no purpose in the great circle of shit. If you can't read, then you can't get a job. If you can't get a job, then you mooch off of others. If you mooch off of others then you don't learn how to work. If you can't work, then you should die. Cut your fucking heart out and deliver it to me so I can eat it.

Now, I know some people will say "It's not their fault they can't read!" Hey now, I didn't say that, did I? No. But now I will. It's dyslexic people's own damn fault they can't read and, consequently, suck at existing. Dyslexic people don't deserve to live. I go to school with some of these "people". I blame my peers' bad grades on them. In all honesty, I really do think they cause everyone's IQ to drop lower than my scrotum in August. Every word that comes out of their mouths sounds surprisingly similar to a walrus fucking a hampster. What I'm trying to say is that everything they say is just plain wrong. They could describe the process of wiping their ass and they'd still be wrong.

Now, I know that these half-retarded cunts probably can't read anything I've written so I'll give them something in their language they'll understand:

.ssa ym fo tuo tihs eht kciL

There we go, a nice little message for all those dumbasses attempting to read this.

In conclusion, if you know a dyslexic person, I feel for you. The best thing to do is to kill them.

Cut out their hearts so I can eat them. I piss on dyslexics.

emoH oG