
While Wimbeldon is in full swing over in England, and Tim henman once agian gets knocked out the EWE stars are having there own little tournament. Its not like the french open where everyone Boos Serena and her hairy armpits .. OH NO ... this is a casual nice event until ......


Angle is shown playing tennis with Al Snow, as the umpire Skull has a bottle of whiskey in his hand and just called out even though it was easily 3 foot in ... This means Al wins the final game in the final set to win the game, set, match. Angle has a tear in his eye as he is forced to shake Als hand and as tears roll down his face he shakes skulls hand before walking off centre court. Earlier in the day Rock had just played his semi final match and walked out the victor. So Now its rock vs Al SNow in the finals off the EWE version of wimbeldon.

As Al Snow is coming off the court he suddenly realises his shoelace is undone .... He bends down to tie it, but in the mean time a big Piano falls from the sky and smashes right where Al Would have taken his next step. Al Stans up and looks at the Piano, before sitting down on a seat which came down with it and playing Mozarts 5th symapthy. The crowd go wild as Skull stumbles off his chair and starts doing a solo dance, while the camara zooms into Rock who is sat down the steps they go down into locker rooms, with a thing in his hand with a big red button in the middle of it saying Piano drop. Rock snarles

I-I HUGE hollywood film star - The Rock I-I
I'll get you Al Snow, And your little dog too HAHAHAHAHAH .....

All off a sudden Skull comes walking down the steps and looks down at Rock ....

I-I Supposed Slammin Boss - Skull I-I
You better not touch Pepper you bastard ... because if you do ...

Skulls falls down the steps and as hes falling his whiskey falls all over the ground .... Skull screams in anger as he sees his percious whiskey all over the floor .....

I-I Supposed Slammin Boss - Skull I-I

Skull starts licking the ground as the sound of Mozart is heard throughout the EWE arena and rock is still there with an evil look on his face, as the scene fades to black ...

The scene opens up the next day, just a couple of hours before the big final and Al is playing chess with Head as intense preperation for the final. Head is thinking about his first move, and Al is waiting in anticiapation to see where head moves .... Nothing happens. Rock is seen looking in through the window, with a sick smile on his face, As the camara turns back around it shows that one of heads peices has moved and Al goes rock gets a sick sedistic smile on his face, Al puts the piece down and all off a sudden rock starts frowning and looking confused. He cant believe it ... Head gets Al in check mate in the next move as he gets the 2 move check-mate. Al looks pretty pissed as he stans up and carries head away, and Rock suddenly comes into the place where they were playing chess .... He picks up the chess piece that Al moved last and looks at it before banging it down on the table ... and as he does the piece blows up in rocks face .....

I-I HUGE hollywood film star - The Rock I-I
God dammit, why does al always get out of these damn predictuments .... But he wont get away from the next trap BWAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA .....

The scene opens up a bit later, with Rock pouring Oil and washing up liquid all over a hugh empty room, Rock knows how much Al likes Empty rooms so they will no longer be empty if hes in them ... After rock has put all the stuff on the floor, he awaits Al Snow at the opposite end of the room, After a while of waiting Al sure enough enters the room, but instead of falling on the stuff on the floor, he starts to skate around gracefully, pulling off stunts and other tricks, before leaving the room again not long after. Rock stands up and looks in shock, as he has just figured out hes on the wrong side of the room and has to try to cross the floor without falling over ... and he fails miserablly at doing that as he falls on his ass many times .....

Even later in the day and just before the big final the scene opens up near a lake ... Rock knows Al always comes here before a big match, because al likes to play the stick game with head .... where they pick a stick, stand on the bridge which is only a short rope bridge and they throw there stick over the bridge and race it ... its a very interesting game to Al and a crowd has gathered to watch Al and head play, putting bets on them and everything. When in true cartoon style Rock is seen with a knife, cutting the edges of the rope bridge, after a while the bridge falls, but instead of just falling straight down Al does a really dramatic dive into the water. The ladies go wild and rock gets jealous of him .....

I-I HUGE hollywood film star - The Rock I-I
WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH Ladies, that was nothing compared to what the rock can do ... watch this ....

Rock strips off and does a dive into the pool, only to realise that the lake is only about a foot deep, and he smashes head first into the ground below .... as AL Snow happily smiws around having fun .... the rock cant believe it .....

As the big match starts, Skull is still the umpire trying to get the last drops out of his whiskey bottle, and Al Snow won the match 6-0 6-0 6-0 ... Rock cant believe it, and was in shock, as Al Snow wins another trophey, and Rock walks off mumbling to himself .....

I-I HUGE hollywood film star - The Rock I-I
Why does he always win everything in peoples damn rolepalys .... before walking off into the distance

:{-}: Disclaimer :{-}:

This Layout and All graphics were made by Blaine a.k.a Skull. Do not take anything you see her without asking first! E-mail Skull

:{-}: Disclaimer End :{-}:

:{-}: OOC :{-}:

Someone deleted my angelfire account ... i blame glenn, anyone else hwo blames glenn raise your hands in the air ... good good i like you people with your hands in the air .... Thanks, give me feedback my AIM is Yorkshiresbadass and my email is yorkshiresbadass@aol.com

:{-}: OOC End :{-}:

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