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Rome Burns @ The Garage, 27-09-03

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Rome Burns, the second band on stage on the night, had got off to a really good start by handing out a demo CD at the Gig, Thanks, I wish that a few more bands would do that.:-))

Opening with Non-Specific Ghost Story, the title track from the new CD. A great song which is a combination of clever lyrics from Simon and great guitar work from Daevid and Nevla. Empty Samsara more Rockier song from the new CD, Bug Song from the first CD Done and Dusted, War of Pygmies again from the new CD, Dusted, from the promo 2000, Seeking Mr Hyde, again from the new CD and finally Catharsis from the EP Bereaved and Bereft.

At home we have been playing 'Non specific Ghost Stories' every day since the gig, it works at an almost subliminal level

Rome Burns are definitely on my List of Bands to see again. Lin G from Cambridge, Why didn't you tell me about them?.

Rome Burns gets a very well deserved 8/10

by Sue M-B: 29-09-03

From the same gig: Voices of Masada, Rome Burns, The Faces of Sarah, Corrision, All Pictures from the Gig