Celso Da Silva April 13, 2003

What makes poetry unique when compared to other forms of literature? Poetry is literature art. Art involving language verses, imagery, and figurative language. The purpose of involving these characteristics is to paint a picture in the reader’s mind or make the reader experience a certain feeling or to spark vivid imagination. The word, “Poetry” comes from the Greek words poesis which stands for “creating” or “making.” (encarta.msn.com/encnet/refpages/RefArticle.aspx?refid=761568296) Poetry has some very distinct characteristics which include inspiration of emotion, imagination, and evocation. Mechanical characteristics involve form, rhythm and meter. Contrasting prose, poetry is specific. It is also common to find a lot of meaning within a short phrase or line. Poetry is made up of verses instead of sentences and paragraphs. A Poem can be almost any shape or size. There are several types of poems. Some poems may be a phrase or 3 pages long. There are several things poems include that make them interesting or vivid. Some of these things include metaphors, hyperboles, irony, personification, similes, symbols, understatements, assonance, consonance, dialogue, rhymes, onomatopoeia, repetition, conflicts, setting, themes, and tone. When used right these techniques can wrap the reader into the poem or make a picture come alive in the reader’s head. The base of the poem is getting an idea across to the reader. However, the sweet part is the allusion behind it mixed in with generous amounts of all the things that make a poem beautiful; figurative language. Like everything else too much of anything is bad so when a poem uses an excess of any of the techniques it does the adverse effect and the few words that are supposed to hold great meaning become useless rambling. In my opinion I find poetry beautiful and inspirational. The sad part is that I have difficulty understanding allusions within poems. Poetry has been many people’s source of hope, inspiration and even strength for thousands of years and I think poetry will be around as long as the human race has the ability to write, think and speak. Ok well now u gotta read some DOPE JUNK!:-D

It was the summer of love and I thank the stars above Because the women took the lovin over me And just to gain her trust, I bought a microbus Because I sold off my personal property A tie-dyed dress , she was a psychedelic mess We toured to the north, south, east and west We sold some mushroom tea, Sold some ecstasy, Sold nitrus, opium, acid, heroin and PCP Now I hear the police coming after me Now I hear the police coming after me The one scarlet with the flowers in her hair, She's got the police coming after me I smoke two joints in the morning I smoke two joint at night I smoke two joint in the afternoon It makes me feel all right I smoke two joints in time of peace And two in time of war I smoke two joints before I smoke two joints, And then I smoke two more Daddy he once told me, "Son, you be hard workin' man" And momma she once told me, "Son, you do the best you can" Then one day I meet a man, He came to me and said, "Hard work good and hard work fine, but first take care of head" Whoa rock me to the night Ja say We took this trip to Garden Grove It smelled like Lou-dog inside the van, oh yeah This ain't no funky reggae party, $5 at the door It gets so real sometimes, who wrote my rhyme I got the microwave, got the VCR I got the deuce-deuce in the trunk of my car, oh yeah If you only knew all the love that I found It's hard to keep my soul on the ground You're a fool, don't fuck around with my dog All that I can see I steal, I fill up my garage Cause in my mind Music from Jamaica, all the love that I found Pull over there's a reason why my soul's unsound It's you It's that shit stuck under my shoe It's that smell inside the van It's my bed sheet covered with sand Sitting through a shitty band Getting dog shit on my hands Getting hassled by the man Waking up to an alarm Sticking needles in your arm Picking up trash on a freeway Feeling depressed everyday Leaving without making a sound Picking my dog at the pound Living in a tweaker pad Getting yelled at by my dad Saying I'm happy when I'm not Finding roaches in the pot All these things I do They're waiting for you.

that was BRAD yes yes indeed BRAD is the absolute man R.I.P. dude your forever the best....

this is now 311 Along the way to close my eyes I lost where I was going the more it will spin the more that I try to stop my mind flowing away, away to all that I despise along the way to close my eyes You can't be let down if you don't expect the world expect to lay awake and by your sleeping girl if somebody cares then there is no way you can tell cursed consciousness is your private hell

ok and now for your stuff, i hope you injoied da masta pieces yo! Fish Dish Give a man a fish to make a dish And you will feed him for a day But teach a man how to fish And help keep his hunger away. Shahriar Shahriari Vancouver, Canada The reason why I chose this poem is because it's wisdom and truthful message. If you put everything a person needs in it's hands it will be very hard for it to do get it's needs when you are not there anymore. Instead if you teach the person how to get what it needs, it will survive and live happily even when you are not there anymore. The Teenager's Sorrow Beautiful is what we call, The features of a model's face, Where age moves ever so slowly, Never leaving a trace. Man has created a mold, Of what beauty should be, Has made sure that beauty, Is something you can only see. And though maturity and age, Are excuses to remain unfazed, What once was meant for education, Has become a fashion show stage. Criticism home, And the virus of the nation, We leave our homes and enter, Modern day segregation. So plagued we become By unattainable perfection, Sickened to the core, By such constant rejection, Because we've cannot accept, What we truly are, We cannot accept, Perfection is too far, So we try and we try, And we fall, and we fall, And never realize, No ones perfect or beautiful at all. Welcome to high school When I read this poem I was really impressed. This is the truth about High School. Each one of us has been influenced by the media what beauty is, especially in high school we can see how important for us "looki good" is. Each one of us is a victim of what we believe beauty is but at the end that beauty fades and what we are left with is our personality, our real character as human beings. When we leave HIGH SCHOOL we'll realize that but until than for all of us freshman...WELCOME TO THE FASHION SHOW STAGE HIGH SCHOOL.
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