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Sick Sad World
Navigation Bar Home Not Funny Posters Pictures Thoughts What the? Staff Green Flouresent Protein Bunny assosiation United Trackers


Welcome to Sick Sad world. This site is designed for one purpose and one purpose only... To make you laugh. I have too much spare time and this wonderful site is the out come of all that. The posters page has some funny posters for your walls, the thoughts page is just my random blabberings and the what the page has strange things sent in by people from all around the world. The Not funny page has jokes that make no sence and the Pictures page has funny pics for you to look at.


I am in the process of re-doing the whole web-site. When it is back up (probly by x-mas could be done sonner but i've got exams,) the whole thing will be flashified and there will be new content too.

I've also started storing my music on this server. If you want u can find links to the pieces at the bottom of this page.

I have added a programs page, no button added at the moment but I will make one soon. At the moment you can get to it Here.

I've re-done all the pages by re-writhing them compleatly from scratch. The only natacable difference is the Navagtion bar wich actually works now. I have also added one more picture a few more thoughts and a page on Green flourescent protein bunnys.

Added the pictures page, check it out! A few dead pokemon is all at the moment but more to come.

Page loaded. There is no posters in the posters section yet. also plz book mark this page if you like it and tell your friends!! Come back soon for pics of dead pokemon!

DJ EnterpriZe - Project 12
