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My friends are wonderful people, they are always there to make me smile and cheer me up when I am sad! The following people are really special to me and have stuck by me no matter what! Some I talk to daily some I barley talk to but when we get together we have the best of times.  Thanks for being wonderful and being part of my life. I  love all of you very much!


Ok the original idea for this was scratched cos I am one big lazy turd and I just didn't think it would look cool and stuff so yea I bring you old idea into new idea! Yea for that! Ok so if I left you out it's your own damn fault for not submitting a pic So do me a favor and email me at and things will be fixed and all will be merry!

<~~Frank & Jay ~~~>

No pics but get a mention: Ariane, Sandy, John and Adam