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My family is very important in my life. They have all played a very important role in my up bringing and I have them to thank for making me feel so loved and making me feel proud and honored to be in this family. We are all unique in our own ways and when we get together it is nothing but fun and laughter. I enjoy being with my family more than anything in the universe. Here are some random pics of my family. I will try to post as often as I can to keep the constant and of course for all my family to see as well. Enjoy!


If Interested click on the links below to see pictures of various events I photographed. I am trying to get photographs of everyone. Some of you may wonder why I am doing this well I take a lot of pictures and it helps my C drive breathe and lets my family see the pictures as well!

Christmas 2003

My Tia Claudia's Baby Shower

Pictures of baby Alex

Easter 2003










Victor and Maria


Maria, Victor, Ulises, Pedro, Alejandro, William

Their Wives or Husband:

Marcos, Berta, Cheryl, Aracely, Claudia, Jenny

Their Children:

Susan, Marcos, Alejandra (me!), Victor, Jason, Tonia, Cheryl, Ulises, David, Sabrina, Pedro, Melanie, Alex, Stephanie, and William.

Their Children:

Paola (my cousin Susan had a baby)

Yea that's about it my mom has a sister named Mirna she is married to Geno they have two kids Alyson and Angelo.

RIP to my grandma Elsa and my great grandpa Adan.  Los amo mucho!

**yea this was lame so what!**