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The Renegade Critic: The review site for people who hate reviews.
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Who am I?

I am the Renegade Critic, after years of reading and listening to the opinions of others(a good percentage of I whole heartedly disagreed) I realized it was time to get my opinions out. On this site you will find my reviews of movies, DVD's, and games. I pride myself on my integrity and good taste, as I consider this website a gift to a film going public who is hopefully wary of some of the more recent Hollywood trash and is looking for an enjoyable venture "down the entertainment road less traveled". Understand that however cynical I may be, these are my opinions and by no means are meant to be definitive answers. On my site I try to keep all reviews un-biased and very spoiler-light, because I hate when a film is ruined by a review. So enjoy your stay, click around, and be sure to check back in the coming days for new reviews, as there is not much here now. You may ask yourself…. ”Why does he love everything?” The answer is I don’t I only put things on the site that I feel people should see (I’m not some crazy fan-boy out to praise a certain director…and to prove it “Episode I” SUCKED!), but in the rare case where I see something so god-awful that the word must be spread I will write a scathing review.


3/9/06- You asked for it and you got it... “Cell” is now up under Books.

1/1/06- “Cry_Wolf” is up under DVD and “Munich” is up under movies…guess which one sucked.

12/17/05- “King Kong” is up under movies.

11/4/05- “The Warriors” is up under Games.

11/4/05- “Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang” is up under movies.

10/24/05- The “Links” button actually goes somewhere now.

10/23/05- “Land of the Dead” is up under DVD.

10/19/05- “A History of Violence” is up under Movies

9/9/05- “Dead & Breakfast” is up under DVD.

Question, comment, concern, or do you have a movie you want my opinion on? If so drop a line to

© 2005 Adam Blomquist