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Articubone's Ice Art Gallery

Hmm... I wonder why it's called a gallery, of all things... hmmm... Anywho... On with the pictures! (You do realise that this isn't finished yet, don't you? Good, 'cause it's not)
I'll put up thumbnails here later, but until they're done you'll just have to wait for everything to load. Sorry about the size of some of them, I'll resize after my music exam, when I might actually have some TIME....

One of my rp characters, Midnight.

Aurora and Night... I did this one before I realised that taking another persons character was illegal... but they're so sweet...the original is at

A dark pegasus. Crosshatching is my enemy. Then again, this is from 2 years ago..

Moons, brother of Midnight. Needs redrawing.

A skating horse. As I said before, crosshatching is my enemy.

Yet another rp character: Scellonia, the purple fox. This one is much more recent than all the others.

Someone else's character from an rp long ago.

A simple unicorn. Needs redrawing or at least fixing up. If only I had the time...

A rearing horse. Also needs redrawing, methinks...