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Don't like the colors i used in my site? WELL TO BAD, i'm color blind so i dun care what it looks like. Now that we got that out of the way, we can move on.

Hey everyone. This page is, and probably always will be, under construction. I am always looking for ideas of what i can add to my website to make it better. If you have any ideas please Tell me so i can add them to my site.

While your on the net why don't you check out my other website Filthy Phills Domain. It's got Jokes, Funny Cartoons, Funny Pictures, Downloads, Winamp Skins & plugins, Darwin Awards, Bin Laden stuff, Games, and heaps more. Check it out today :-)


The material on this page is a correlation of ideas gleaned from various sources. If any material on this page is copyrighted please inform me and the material will be credited or removed at your discretion.