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The Postule Web Site!!!

UPDATED: March 22, 2004

Yo so I have a few pictures from my Poconos Spring Break trip. Have a nice laugh. Spring Break Pocono Pictures.

Uh yea. Hey hows it goin? I'm bringing the site back up because I feel like it. Although nowadays I woudnt waste my time writing about Kids Meal Regal. I'm not sure if I'll do updates or anything maybe I will. Maybe one day I will get back as well. For now enjoy the archives. I am also working on a web site right now about Jerseys. Hero's Jersey. Some of it is not operational yet.

Quote: "You can't erase the past." -Dave

If your here that means that you are at risk of being a Postule. Or perhaps you love Postule's just like me. Well in any case I present to you the first unnoficial Postule Web Site. I guess you could call this the first Official Postule Web Site because Postule doesn't really mean anything here in the United States. I think it means somthing dirty over in France, but who really gives a crap.

This site contain's Info on all employee's from the Old Skool Regal Gang becuse that's who the site is serving the most. Some of them don't like all the pictures I post, or pretending I'm a girl Online and making a fool out of him. Well that's too bad.

This site is more of an Inside Joke for me and my friends. Although there is also some section's like the AIM section that can be fun for the whole family. Ok maybe not for the whole family becuse it's full of swear words, Adult Content, and alot of Postule Negativity. Though nothing Illegil is brewing in here so don't go crying to my server. Either go grab a tissue from Jim Kearns or get the hell out!

The whole point of the AIM conversations is to agrivate the Online Screen Name. Some might think that it is childish for a nineteen year old man and his friends to spend his time talking nonsence to complete strangers over the Internet. We find it funny so that's all that matters.

Well some of you may not know is that I have been unemployed during the summer and early fall and had some spare time. Also I actually work on this site in class, but I think it might be frowned upon. Besides those of you who know me, are not surprised by my actions and nonsence statements.

Don't be afraid to turn in any AIM submission to me. I have been recieving a few lately. If you have anything you wish to contribute contact my AIM name.

This site contains vulgarity, but no nuduity, yah I'm sad too. Not a chance of ever cointaing Racism, but plenty of Postulian antics.

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This Web Site in Maintained by Dave. All of the Idiotic, and assinine Content belongs to me. Why would you want to steal this crap anyway? Special and much thanks go out to Scott the Postule, Dan Min, Jeremy Brown Ass and anyone else who has helped out. (C) 2002 All Rights Reserved.
