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Me and my g/f

Mine and Lenny's favorite guitars!

Look at me!!balh blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
blah blah blah blah

Thats me and my g/f again...!



There is this new band called that Flames of Anus... yeah they are terrible. My recommendation would be to stay as far away from all the members as possible.

This is lenny... look at this funny lookin pic of him when he was in 4th grade... according to this test he took he should still be there... hes also in the flames of anus... the band... if you wanna call it a band. oh yeah, and hes going into 8th now, hotter than ever and lookin for a new man.

I'm thinking lenny should invest on that book!