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My Favorite People

My Me-Mowr!! She loves horses and has four or five of them. She takes excellent care of all of them and always sticks up for her friends.
Dwayne. .......
Tobu McTobu!! A.K.A. 'Stachio! He's a dork, but I am too so that's a compliment!
Sheep-E!! Dis is ma anime lovin' Sheep-head!! I luv-a ma sheep lika she was ma sister!! (Which to everyone else's knowledge she is. ^_^)
Pinda Cinda!! Dis is ma Pinda. She's a rootin' Tootin' bad mamajamma. Don't mess with her or she'll break bad on your arse!!
Pai Pai!! Dis da Pai Pai!!! She's the baddest pole dancer--I mean, pole TWIRLER you'll ever see...the way she--I mean the POLE, glides up and down....I'm gonna hush now!!! O.o
Misty "Hey-Zoos" MY SON!!! I LOVE YOU!! NEVER FORGET THE LAWN GNOMES!!! ...Did you just spend my money??
Sherry Sherry is psycho and in love with Ben. He's from New York! *OI! I'm walkin' here!*
ALEMEX!!! Alemex is the shiznay and is just plain greatness! ^_~
Droo-dee-hoo!! Dis is the Chino Moreno lookamalike that talks ta mah Pai and Tobu online. He's spiffy.
CALEB!!! aka YAKK!! Yakk is one of my bestest bests friends and is like a brother to me. He's HOT, so if you dare hit on him without my permission, I'll shoot you. ^O.O^ *snicker*
TJ! He's the dude. Yep, the dude. TJ, the dude. The dude's prettttttty Kewl, wid da capital "K".
Zamir LOOK!! It's the red headed JEW!! Just playing! Zamir is cool, he's from Ohio and his dad has a Dodge Dart....^_^
Epsie Dis is Pai Pai's new beau in California! (o.O) He's crazy and likes Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom *drool*, CKY and Jackass! Oh yeah baby! lol! Go pai pai!! (he luuuuubs her)


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