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Hello and welcome to the number 1 official Fat Twat Club (FTC). We are here for one thing, and one thing only, To show people, our members, that fat is good, we like fat, we need fat FAT IS SEXY!!!!

We also know that us fat twats get alot of comments, looks as to how we look, but we are here to build your confidence about yourself, we are here to show u that FAT IS SEXY!!!

That is the key phrase which we will always tell you here in the FTC....FAT Is SEXY, no matter what people say, no matter how other people feel, we know that fat is sexy, and its because of this we need to carry on the great tradition of Fatness

So we need to eat all the good foods, all the greasy foods, the kababs, the chocolate, the cream cakes, chocolate fudge cakes we need fatness, Fatness is the real way to be... And make sure to take a look at our gallery to show you the true beauty of fatness!!