by Riio

Billy, Slightly, Peter and the rest of the lost boys were on a ship. The Jolly Roger, to be exact. Below deck. They don't remember how they got down there, why they were there or whether they were going to be let out at some point. The hatch was locked shut, and the ship was rocking with the violent storm that was raging above deck. The ship was tossed back and forth, and the young boys heard the pirates above shouting as they tried to regain control of the ship.

Peter looked around. Wendy was gone, as was Michael, and John. This was another adventure – it would all blow over soon.
Slightly and Billy huddled together in a corner, not caring about whether the Lost Boys saw them – they didn't care about anything. It would soon be over. Billy knew that the ship would not hold against the storm. As soon as the ship went, so would they. Slightly reached out and gripped Billy's hand, then closed his eyes and waited for the end.

I'm dead, thought Slightly.

He felt himself floating gently for a second, then with a gentle bump came back to earth. There was a swish of something around him, and he felt sand fill his mouth, rough on his tongue and making him want to retch. Lifting his head from the sand he lay in he realized that he had washed up on the beach of some island. He felt two arms tug him to his feet, and gazing around, he realized that most of the Lost Boys were washed up too – a little ragged, but survivors. Slightly counted the boys. He had been wrong – all Lost boys, plus Peter, plus Billy, were alive and present on the island.

“I think we should set up camp!” announced Peter. “Come on!”

All the boys followed him a little way up the beach, but Slightly stopped and turned back. Billy was standing at the edge of the beach, staring out at the gently rocking water. Bits of ship drifted past, and the dead bodies of all who had been above deck. Slightly joined his side and took his arm.

“Mullins.” Muttered Billy.

“Come on, Billy.” Said Slightly gently. “He died at sea, and Hess had a pirates burial in the water – what slightly more would he want? He died saving you!”

Billy remained silent, but there was a distinct change in his personality. He looked lost.

Allowing Slightly to lead him away, Billy tottered up the beach to the Lost Boys and helped them make camp.

The boys had been on the island nearly a week when Slightly met James. The Island was christened Everland by the Boys.
“It's a slightly good name, don't you think?” Slightly had said to Billy. Billy remained silent, staring blankly. He hadn't spoken much since the first day on the island. In fact, he hadn't spoken at all.

“He slightly misses Mullins.” Thought Slightly to himself, and decided not to press the topic further.

On this particular day, Slightly had to go and collect food for the group, since all the Lost Boys had developed some sort of illness over the past few days. Slightly agreed brightly, wanting to keep high spirits – he was quite enjoying life on this new Island. He was sure they would get to go back to Neverland at some point.

“Keep an eye on Billy, for me, wont you?” he said to them. “He's been a slightly unhappy recently.”

The boys looked at each other sadly and nodded. Slightly felt sorry for them – the illness really was making them miserable. He looked fondly at Billy, and noticed a blue-black bruise under his chin, and wondered where it had come from. Billy shifted slightly against the rock he was leaning against, and continued to watch the waves.

Slightly realized that he wasn't a very good navigator in a place he wasn't used to, and though he had found good food, he was lost. Utterly.

Pushing through some leaves, suddenly he came face to face with a young boy, about his own height, but with dark skin and blonde hair – obviously having lived on the island for a while.

“Who are you?” Said Slightly in shock.

“I'm James.” Said the boy. “Welcome to my island.”

Walking back to camp, James and Slightly talked. James knew the way, somehow.

“How long have you been here?” asked Slightly.

“Years and years.” Replied James.

“You don't look slightly years and years old?” noticed Slightly.

“That's because I'm immortal – I can never die.”

“Oh.” Slightly was a bit shocked. Suddenly James stopped and turned Slightly to face him. He face was serious.

“I need to tell you something about your friend, Slightly – the one named Billy.”

“You know him?”

“Yes, Slightly. He came from this Island. Billy is immortal, Slightly.”

“So THAT’S why he's been slightly unhappy!” exclaimed Slightly. “He can't die! He has to live slightly forever...”

“Yes, Slightly, that's exactly it.” Said James. “here's your camp – I must leave you now.”

James walked through the trees and Slightly never saw him again.

“I have food for you!” called Slightly, happily. The Lost Boys looked even more crestfallen. Slightly sat down heavily next to Billy.

“Maybe you should eat something, Billy.” He said encouragingly. “You're looking slightly thinner than ever!”

Billy cocked his head to one side and looked at the footprints along the beach, but remained silent.

“Slightly nasty bruise you've got there, Billy.”

Billy didn't answer.

Peter looked at the Lost boys and nodded, and they all got up and walked towards Slightly and Billy.

“Can we talk to you, Slightly?” asked Nibs.

“Of course, Nibs. I'm slightly free.”

Tootles ran to the bushes suddenly and was sick.

“Is he alright?” asked Slightly in concern.

“That's part of what we wanted to talk to you about.” Said Peter, swallowing hard. He seemed as ill as all the others.

“Slightly, not everything is good with you...”

“What are you talking about, Curly? I'm slightly fine!”

“Yes,” said Curly. “But Billy isn't.”

“Oh don't worry.” Said Slightly brightly. “He's just slightly unhappy because he misses Mullins.”

“No, Slightly.” Said Peter gently. “It's more than that.”

“I know!” said Slightly. “He's unhappy because he's immortal – he can never die!”

Peter looked at the others in exasperation, then back at Slightly, who was leaning against a rock with his arm slung around the now greenish shoulder of his true friend Billy. Billy had obviously been dead for around a week now, his throat bruised and neck sitting at a strange angle where it had been broken when he hung himself. Slightly gazed lovingly at the rotting body next to him and leaned back in content.

Peter watched all of this in sadness, forgetting the stench for a moment. It was hard on the island. They were all trying to cope, but why did Slightly have to be the one to crack?

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