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Are You Saved?

Have you been searching for truth and hope? Are you afraid of what the future holds? Would you like to know a love greater than any other? Then there is only one thing you need to do--accept Jesus as your personal savior. He is waiting for you. Plain and simple, he loves you and he wants you to come to know him. And the truth is he is the only way to the Father. Without Christ, you are lost.

God wants you to accept the sacrifice of his son. Jesus died so that we might have a way to live eternally with our Father. IF you want to accept that then there are a few things you need to do today to start a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Step one: Learn about Christ. Find out what this all about for yourself. Everyone says that you can be saved with out this, but I think that it is important. Get to know what he was about. Read the new testament. Discover what his love is. And decide for yourself.

Step two: Repent. Turn your eyes away from the world and toward God. Confess your sins and ask for the blood of Jesus to cover them. Once you do this your sins are forgiven.

Step three: Be baptised. Full immersion baptism. This washes away the sins and brings you into a relationship with God. It is the symbol of being born again.

Step four: Receive the Holy Ghost. Allow the power of Christ to work in your life. Be a new creation.

Step five: Live out loud. Let people see by your works what God is doing in your life. Just read it, pray about it, and go out and LIVE IT!