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~*~Anna's Mystery Meaning Page~*~

The current mood of the Internet at

This page is so mysterious, I still don't know why I made it. Hope you find something to do with it. I think I'll use it as a catch-all for the stupid stuff I refuse to put anywhere else. Enjoy.

I like Skittles, but these are a little weird...

This is my pet hamster! His name is Clyde. I love him and he loves me too! He may even get his own page soon!
Sir Stickly of Manchester, England was a fine chap until his untimely run in with a mad Leprechaun...

Quote Of The Millenium:
"Before you insult someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. This way, when you do insult them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes."

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