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hey! this is my webbie! like it? its still under construction, so please ignore the messiness!

about me | funnies | quizzes | links | ob pics | Thanks!l


oh no! i have heard that our orli is going out with Kate Bosworth!! im not sure if it is a rumor or true, and if u do know, please tell me in my guestbook. (i hope its not true.)

updates:march 12, 2003

sorry peeps! i havent been updating! dont worry, by the end of spring break i will have a new layout, all new stuff, etc. i added some new pics!

updates:february 26, 2003

i went to the theatre again!! ttt is the best, don't u agree?! oh and legolas... sooo hot... opps, and somethings wrong with the blue lettering...

updates:february 21, 2003

milo here! i went 2 c ttt again!! it was sooo good! and legolas was so hot! lol! im still feeling pretty bad, and i didn't get anything major done here.

updates:february 20, 2003

IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!well, it was yesterday. bad news, im sick! yes, 4 my b-day 2!!!

updates:february 18, 2003

hi peeps! it my b-day tomorrow! yahoo! nothin else new 2 report, sorry...

updates:february 17, 2003

milo here! i added some new orlando pics, and by the way, i don't put up everything that i update on this page, so check around and u might c somthing new! oh yeah, i also put some comics up on the funnies page.

updates:february 14, 2003

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!! i was planning on putting up that new page, but.... u know. i got busy, then i tried to finish the page, then my dam computer froze!! then i lost it all and got frusterated!! AHHH!! ill get it up tomorrow, or the next day...

updates:february 13, 2003

milo here! happy valentines day!! (well, nearly!)

updates:february 11, 2003

yahoo! im working on a new page! orlando facts! yes, everything you need to know anbout orlando! it will be up soon.

updates:monday, february 10, 2003

hi! i fixed the tagbord, and everything is peachy. (i think.) if anything.... ANYTHING is wrong with my site, you can tell me by signing my guestbook or tagbord. my email doesn't work.

updates:sunday, february 9, 2003

milo here! im really sorry if my tagbord isn't working for u. i dont know wut is wrong with it. by the way, i added a countdown to The Return of the King on the bottom of the page! and i also put a changing photo on the ob pics page.

updates:friday, february 7, 2003

hi peeps! i added some really kewl links to the links page! go see them! oh yeah, and some new orlando pics.

updates:hi every 1! milo here, sorry, im trying to fix my webbie up, but i was sick over the weekend. more fun pages coming soon!

updates:oh no! im really sorry, some of the graphics dont work!! ill fix that soon!

updates:sorry! i just saw my ob pics! none of them work! im really sorry, i'll fix that soon!

updates:tuesday, january 28, 2003

its elijah wood's birthday today! yes, he is 22. i just put that up incase peeps like him, and im sure lots of u do! (im one of those peeps!) by the way, i would apprecialte it if no 1 tags unipropriate things on my tagbord, or in the guestbook. thank u!

updates:sunday, january 26, 2003

milo here! i finally got a new page out!! go me! by the way, thank u soooo much peeps 4 viseting my site! and thank u 2 E-B for telling me about elijah woods b-day! (its on the 28 of jan.) i am a big fan of him too! speaking of elijah, my sister just put up a new site about elijah! it's called version blue! go to the links page to go there!

updates:friday, january 24, 2003

hiyah! hey, take no notice of the harry potter thing. i dont know how it got there, and it is totally messed! sorry about that!

updates:monday, january 20, 2003

milo here! i will have those newpages up by, oh, maybe next monday. im sorry, but i am a very busy person!! ill add some more links to some really cool orlando sites!!! :D

updates:saturday, january 18, 2003

yo peeps! i haev been working on some new webpages, but... i lost it!! noooooooo!!! i was so angry, but i promise as soon as i cool of, ill get back to work!

updates:sunday, january 12, 2003

im back! i havent had a chance to do any thing to my website, cuz ive been really busy. but, i have some good news!!! on jan. 13, its orlando blooms birthday!! :D yahoo! he is turning 26!

updates:saturday, december 28, 2002

milo here! i hope everyone likes the ob pic page. i will add dolls/pixels very soon. if u have any ideas or comments for my website, please tag the tagbord!

updates:friday, december 27, 2002

milo here! i'll be adding pixles that i've made, and graphics of orlando bloom.

updates:thursday, december 26, 2002
happy boxing day!

updates:wednesday, december 25, 2002
MERRY CHRISTMAS!! i worked some more on my webbsite, and please, PLEASE tell me what you think! if you want to express your comments, please either use the tagboard or my guestbook. thanks!

updates:tuesday, december 24, 2002
hey peeps! milo here! this is my website! my twin sister, myles, started it. so its kinda rough right now, but im making in better! as you can see, i am obsessed with orlando bloom! lol!

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