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this page was made by bec
Looney Bin!!!
    *WARNING* You are about to enter a crazy zone
      How To Know You Are ALooney Bin Loser
        (that's not sposed to be an offense, it's sposed to be a compliment, we are PROUD to be looney bin losers)
      • U go around saying phrases that make absolutely no sense watsoever. (e.g. ELLEBELLEBEH!! or U might like to hear my ORGAN!!!!!!)
      • You talk in weird voices such as a retarded voice or Osama Bin Laden's accent but you dont have a mental disorder or come from Afghanistan
      • You go up to complete strangers and act as if you know them or say something COMPLETELY stupid such as going up to a lady scratching a scratchie and saying "Did you win anything?" in a high-pitched, scratchy voice
      • You wave at complete strangers and when they wave back you yell "Yay! 10 points!!!!!"
      • You go for a walk purposely dressing ureself up in weird clothes that looks like something ure great grandma would wear and tieing ugly pieces of fabric around your body, wearing a scruffy wig attached to a weird hat, brown socks pulled up as high as they can go, pink floral slippers with lotion that's not rubbed in on your face and tons of powder also not rubbed in and eyeshadow all AROUND one eye and the other eye bare. then to add the perfect touch u put a flashing rudolph nose on and go for a walk for 2 hrs and play the wavy game
      • You take photos of complete strangers making sure they see you doing it
      • You go up to people you dont know and say "OH MY GOD!!! I'm your BIGGEST fan!!!!! Can I PLEEEEASE have your autograph!?!?"
      • You make bets with your friends on which scrolling marquee on this page will win the race
      The Wavy Game
        the wavy game would have to be my favourite game that is not a computer game. It can be played in the car or while your out walking... well, actually anytime your out in public. What you do is you wave to anyone and everyone in your path trying to get them to wave back. You can say 'hi!' to grab their attention EXCEPT for when your in the car. Here's what their reactions are worth:

        Thumbs up 3

        smile 5

        nod 5

        single hand wave 10

        two handed wave 15

        flash headlights 20

        honk 50

        introduction 50

        take a photo 100

        pulled over by the cops 500

        We have gotten every single one of those reactions except for being pulled over by the cops. Yes that's right, someone was actually looney enough to take our photo. If you get a bad reaction such as the finger or being sworn at then you get 0 points. You cannot get points deducted from reactions. Our record is 1310 points in 5hrs!!!

        Hall of Fame
        Kat's Page - Looney Words
        LoOnEy PiCs
        Thanks for visiting Looney Bin Losers!!! now go out there and scare everyone with your weirdness!!!

        WAT!!?? WAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO MY HIT COUNTER!?!?!?!?!?!?!? IT WAS AT 53 B4 AND NOW ITS ON ZERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAT THE BLOODY HELL HAPPENED??? well wateva the number is there, add 53 to it ok?