Tell me, how will you feel, when you read this and know you could have stopped me? Will your heart sink, will you choke on tears, will you punish yourself? I hope so. I hope you'll rip your own mother fucking face off, knowing that I could still be alive, that you could still have me with you. You are going to die a slow and painful death and im going to make sure of that. Oh yes, im coming back, and I can assure you if you don't already wish you were dead, you will. By the time you read this, I will be gone.

"Amputate a mans leg and he can still feel it tickling, tell me, when your little girl is on the slab, where will it tickle you?"

-Dr.Hannibal Lector-Silence Of The Lambs-

My Story *Fear*
My Story *Dirk*
My Story *Untitled*
~*Kaylas Page*~
Tawnya's Page
Moses' Story *Aliens?*
Illustrations 2
My Story *I Slept With Death Last Night* (VEpart1)
My Story *A Father And His Child* (VEpart2)
My Story *The Aroma Of Blood And Roses* (VEpart3)
My Story *Waiting For The Sun* (VEpart4)

Email: freakrocker_magick888@hotmail.com