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Pharses 2001-2002

As some of you may know the portfolio I carry around, it contains two full college-ruled sheets of "Pharses." The word is not phrases; when my sister was introduced to the tradition some years back, some one slipped and mixed up the letters, so the name has stuck ever since. And while the Geeks thought it strange at first, many would agree that it is quite popular even to those who would seem to "normal" to sink to such a level. And I must warn you that some of these Pharses have...other meanings that are apparent. That may very well be the reason that the pharse made it to the list :) Feel free to ask me for an explanation, though you may not understand it unless you were there in the first place. Anywho, on with it!

Top 11 Pharses of 2001-2002

11. "Who touched the monkey?" Sara Haney
10. "Nacho cheese! Weeeee!" Alazda
9. "I'm either going to Hell or China." Amanda
8. "Becky Glon..." "oooooOOOOOOooooo!" Sug
7. "Up your ziggy with a wa-wa brush!" Sara O
6. "Come on you funky party weasel!" Elicia
5. "Stop soplaring my pen!" Devon
4. "Let's go bathe in chocolate!" Elicia
3. "Screw Superman! I like Batman better!" Brie
2. "Run, run! The veasels are coming!" Elicia
1. "You can't kill him! He's alive!" Amanda

"Chica magnet." Sra. Hoffman
"It's our friend!" *th-thunk* Sra. Hoffman and Ashley C
"I'm practicing for my career." Katie Anderson
"One shoe!" Becca
"Raaaaandy!" Sarah K
"My hand's getting tired, can you hold my butt for me?" Betsey S
"Cheatoskis." Sra. Hoffman
"My Physics book was raped by cheese." Elicia
*click* Sug
"It was Colonel Mustard-" Mark
"in the library-" Dustin
"with the wrench." Kara
"Let's go bathe in chocolate." Elicia
"Becky Glon..." "ooooooOOOOOOOoooooo!" Sug
"I don't suck, I lick!" Amanda
"Hey! Can we please...zippity-do-dah?" Mr. G
"It's a little thing called dumbass!" Amanda
"It's a waxy cheese ball!" Alazda
"I shake my fist at you!" Stacy
"Did you know an oak tree can't have an elephant?" Elicia
"Be proud of your empollonhood." Dustin
"I think I'm gonna do it all at once." Alazda
"You can't kill him! He's alive!" Amanda
"It's just like English with por." Dustin
"Simple rocket science." Doc
"Accurate screw machine?" Alazda
"Demonstrates incompetence." Sra. Hoffman
"That's just what I need--cold water up my pants." Elicia
"Lesbian slug!" Brie
"I'm gay and my boyfriend's a lesbo?" Elicia
"Look through the Jell-O!" Betsey
"Here, see this? Put it in your mouth and swallow!" Becca
"Don't suck Pokemon roll up your nose." Brie
"Be the cheese." Elicia
"It is on the back." Nate
"You can sit on your ass, and it can sit on its ass, but it can't sit on your ass." Brie
"When 'x' gets gimungous..." Aron
"My carrot does better tricks than y- oh wait, that didn't sound good..." Alazda
"I've noticed it, I just never played with it." Elicia
"Yesterday, a dog urinated on a tree in Nebraska, now you're breathing it in as oxygen." Mr. McLarty, Sr.
"Screw Superman! I like Batman better!" Brie
"When this water goes bad, I'll be 19 1/2!" Alazda
"It's freezing cold and it's see-through. What? It's a cheap costume! And I don't mean 'cheap' in that way either!" Brie
"We're getting some nice maggot development..." Mr. McLarty, Sr.
"It's like incest in the Mafia." Becca
"Don't squeeze the damn thing!" Brie


"She laid a skittle!" Brie
"Not the hair!" Becca
"Everyone likes that big sword." Elicia
"I have a big stick." Kat
"I'm either going to hell or China." Amanda
"She's choking on my husband!" Becca
"Stop peeling the banana's head!" Amanda
"Why aren't these ice cubes freezing?" Dave
"It's like a cooking gun." Anonymous Physics student
"Stimulated emission..." Doc
"You called your mom a heinous bitch?" Amanda & Becca
"I meant that literally, not oinkily." Alazda
"Need I say oink?" Devon
"This sweater makes me have fat shoulders." Christine
"Up your ziggy with a wa-wa brush!" Sara O
"Stop soplaring my pen!" Devon
"Wanna come bowling with me and the hot bisexual guy?" Elicia
"Move your meat and lose your seat!" Sara Hatley
"I have a vestigual brain!" Becca
"TA-TA box." Mr. McLarty, Sr.
"Why can't bread electricute toasters?" Dr. Goodstein's narrator
"If 'if's and 'but's were candy and nuts, everyday'd be Christmas." Sug
"f of u." Sug
"Who touched the monkey?" Sara Haney
"What is it doing to my pencil!" Becca
"Eeeeeya! *smash* Ooooowww..." Becca
"What an alluring albino mouse you have!" Elicia
"What dumpy wings you have!" Becca
"She's gonna snort the fish." Brie
"It's not Thanksgiving, you can't give anyone the bird." Devon
"Put that thing away before you hurt someone!" Amanda
"The wrongitude of that one was way off the charts." Devon
"Let go of my pants! Stop untying my pants!" Mas
"We better make sure to rebobanate the tape." Mark
"I just wanna stick a turkey baster in my ear and suck it all out." Dustin
"Synchronized implosion." Devon
"Don't sp-aaaaah!" Brie
"Look-I'm driving my car!" Sara O
"Bumper coches!" Sara O
"Don't say the 'f' word." Mark
"I'd like to see someone milk a bird." "That would be extremely hard considering brids don't have nipples!" Elicia & Brie
"And to find the sex--second approximaion..." Sug
"It's a wangity slang!" Mark
“That’s no fair! You’ve got a stick!” Shadow
“It doesn’t mean he’s going to leave more offspring. It just means he’s going to have more sex.” Mr. McLarty Sr.
“Triple fripple?” Brie
“Is that where cheese comes from?” Elicia
“Passion Fruit Eruption.” Devon’s drink
“You know where they pulled my name out of.” Alazda
“Run! Run! The veasels are coming!” Elicia
“My rib!” Becca
“You’re an ass!” Alazda
“Picky freaking picky!” Brie
“Look, there’s powdered sugar on my ass!” “Since when am I your ass?” “Whose ass?” Alazda, Becca, and Sara Haney
“Come on you funky party weasel!” Elicia
“Come on you punky farty weasel!” Elicia
“It’s God’s dandruff.” Devon
“He can just make Head & Shoulders.” Becca
“Is God’s crap holy?” Amanda and Alazda
“Gay cheese!” Elicia
“If I got my boyfriend pregnant, I’d have slightly bigger problems.” Brie
“Can grapes pee?” Amanda
“Mooooom! Daaaaaad! I’m dying! I’d rather be in Calculus!” Alazda
“They shot the penguin!” Brie
“Guess what, Becca?! I have two!” Alazda
“Did you just call me an artistic shit monkey?” Alazda
“It’s denotation is ‘woof woof’.” Becca
“Pero, that’s the way it is.” Dustin
“I went to Hooters and ate a pickle.” Sara O.
“You’re so…stupid!” “Well…I’m stupider!” Becca and Amanda
“I’m going to ask the question so I can be unstupided.” Elicia
“I’m going to be the mother of your children and get my family two pigs!” Alazda
“We were having a conversation where only you were talking.” Jake
“I’m an apple, not to be confused with asshole.” Devon
“Sorry, you’re just going to have to fuck yourself.” Alazda
“Today’s fuck you day.” Amanda
“Your apple pooped on my nacho.” Alazda

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