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The Kennedy Space Center Webpage
By:Hannah and Lindsay

Today the public mainly focuses on human space travel.

Click here to visit the Kennedy Space Center

The Titan Spaceship

The Titan Spaceship was used to send two Viking probes to Mars in 1976.
Also the Titan was used to send Voyager I and II statellites to Neptune.

This shuttle fleet includes four orbi ters they are Columbia, Discovery, Atlantis, and Endeavour.
This Space Shuttle has four major parts they are two rocket boosters, a large orange external tank, and the actual orbiter itself.

Shuttle Landing on Back of 747

                 The shuttle orbiter arrives at KSC in one of two ways. It either lands from space on
                  our 15,000-foot runway or it is ferried on the back of a Boeing 747. As a result of
                orbiter modifications including modified carbon-carbon brakes and use of a drag
                    chute, the Kennedy Space Center is now the prime landing site for the shuttle fleet.

The Firing Room

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, BLAST OFF!!!

Wherever the orbiter is located, all testing of its vital systems through the actual
     launch itself, are monitored and controlled from one of four firing rooms in what is known as the Launch Control Center.

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Last updated 6/3/03