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Saturday, October 18, 2003

time • 4:52 pm
blogging can be a bitch sometimes.. like i wanna blog but the actual process takes so long. so i'm not gonna blog for a long time. but anyway.. last night i went out with chris and ended up with marlon, andrew, and dennis.. i saw cory and cory too.. and some other guy.. but anyway.. it was a pretty chillen night.. i don't feel like explaining. i'm outs.

-emm » 4:53pm

Saturday, October 11, 2003

time • 9:56 am

ANYWAYS -- mm i'm bored.. damnit dennis works for so long today. oo man i can't wait til monday to watch Wade Robson Project haha oo and Real World on tuesday!! oo and Real World vs. Road Rules on monday too!! haha dang. i have no life. oh well, i don't need one. unless someone wants to buy me one. ONLY $5.99 and TARGET! anyway, i dunno what i'm doing today.. i'm gonna sleep over dennis' house tonight though... iono if we're gonna go out before we go home.. who knows what'll happen.. i guess it just depends on how tired he is from work.. if it was busy or not.. this past week sucked.. haha it was like one of the most suckiest weeks ever.. like NOTHING happened.. even anything REAL little. it was all boring.. oh, i got my plan changed for my phone.. FUCK.. my plan SUCKS SO BAD! i hate it. my plan was dope before. oh! wanna see the car i built a long time ago?! here...

blah.. i'm gonna go take a shower. don't forget to vote. late.

-emm » 10:16am

Saturday, October 4, 2003

time • 10:00 am
hi uhm.. people that read this shit. haha my ear was bleeding last night on my second pierce on my right eat.. GROSS! haha.. damn i haven't blogged in a while... school is taking up way too much time. haha i HATE school. it's evil. and inevitable. FUCK. anyway.. hm iono what i'm doing today. yesterday i chilled with dennis all day.. right when we got home from school we slept until like.. 5 and then we both felt like shit and watched tv and ate the rest of the day. haha.. yea i think he's sick =/ but i gave him medecine on his way home.. even though medicine sucks.. maybe it'll work for him.. the whole week was pretty fuckin gay. oh yea.. i got my cell phone and computer taken away for a few days. that sucked. so i went over to my sister's house and used her computer.. oh and one day.. me and dennis went to ryan's house to uhh chill cause i had no house key and my brother was being an asshole and locked me out.. so we chilled there til my sister came there and we ate the philly cheese steak pizza.. MMMMMMMMMMMM.. shit was great.

-emm » 10:06am

Monday, September 22, 2003

time • 10:28 pm
well i ditched today.. and me and dennis went to all these places.. it was fun ^_^ we ate at ihop too.. but yea anyway.. man i don't feel like talking about anything right now so i'll blog later.

-emm » 10:31pm

Sunday, September 21, 2003

time • 9:22 pm
hmm.. this weekend was pretty cool i guess.. me n dennis ended up not attending homecoming because of technical difficulties.. we're thinking about going to cimarron's but iono. anyway my cousin nicole came down and so i chilled with her all weekend. we chilled at sunset park on friday.. it was pretty fun.. we fed duckies and played volleyball with dennis and my cousins.. haha the little ones are so cute. anyways. then me, dennis, and three of my cousins went to the premium outlets haha but none of us bought anything. uhmm then i went to my house.. oh yea that was saturday.. on friday me and nicole chilled with jethro that was pretty cool too. haha today we went to meadows JUST to buy crepes.. that's how fat we are! we walked around a lil and didn't buy anything again. but we bought some stuff at wal • mart! of course.. you can always find something there! but anyway.. oh! i tried food from canada.. they were ketchup chips they were weird! you'd like 'em if you like salt and vinegar chips.. they were good! haha and i was kinda in the mood for chips when i ate them. man i missed the used concert on friday. oh well. i'm outs.

-emm » 9:31pm

Sunday, September 14, 2003

time • 2:36 pm

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit *tsk tsk tsk*

-emm » 2:38pm

Sunday, September 14, 2003

time • 2:16 pm
damn.. i have cramps this sucks soooo bad! damn midol. shit don't work. anyway iono what i'm doing today. hMmMmm.. i'm just pigging out ^_^ i have funyuns, reese's mini peanut butter cups, mini crunsh bars, and m&m's! all i need is some inscents and soothing music and i'm good to go for tha day! mm anyways, i'm still debating on whether i'm gonna go to the used concert on friday.. damn. oh well iono. i think i gotta watch my neices for a lil while. damn. babies and cramps don't mix. i'm outs.

-emm » 2:19pm

Saturday, September 13, 2003

time • 12:58 pm
uhmmm hey.. weird people. i haven't blogged in one week. not like anything goes on in my life anymore anyways. but yea.. hmm.. dennis had work aaaaaaaaaall week. it sucked. so he'd only come to my house after work for like an hour or whatever.. and most of those days he was here to help my momma cause of our house moving crap. iono anyway. i keep getting sicker and sicker. man i been sick for almost a week. this sucks. everything just sucks now doesn't it? ok yea i'm gonna go now. i'll blog later.

-emm » 1:01pm

Saturday, September 6, 2003

time • 9:57 pm
hello blog readers.. well i just got done eating.. haha even tho i ate at micky d's like an hour ago.. i ate my momma's wonderful chicken.. mMmMm it's so goooood. anyways. today i woke up to a LOUD ASS drilling noise.. it was those people putting new tiles in our bathrooms.. and we're getting our new carpet on monday. yea my momma's weird.. she just decided we needed a change. haha that'd be funny if my cat shitted on the carpet the first day. HAH. anyways. i went to the greatest place on earth today. wal • mart .. me n dennis just went there and uh.. looked around. we were gonna buy a camera but i dunno what happened to that.. and we just played with those big ass balls. oh yea.. we saw evangelinest there. then we left and went to the mcdonald's by the terrible herbst gas station.. haha even tho there's a mcdonald's IN wal • mart.. we wanted to go to the mcdonald's that had the checkers/chess board and the comfortable couches. haha yea whata waste of gas. well we stayed there for like an hour and a half eating and playing games haha. then we went to lone mountain and chilled there together.. and drove around in unknown areas we've never been to.. then we went back to my house and played donkey kong country III haha all we like to do is play. but yea it's pretty fun.. oh yea when we got home we laid down on my swing in the backyard =) it was so dope. i'm gonna go with my momma later to the store. i need to buy some things for my damn project that was due on friday. haha but yea i'm gonna go now. peace!

-emm » 10:03pm

Friday, September 5, 2003

time • 5:24 pm
i'm bored.. i ditched again today.. i didn't feel good this morning and neither did dennis cause i think he gave me his sickness.. but yea so we just slept all day.. then we went to mcdonald's like around 12:30pm and then he dropped me off at school and my momma picked me up.. then he went to work.. but yea i ran all these errands for my mom and now i'm home.. well actually i got home a long time ago but i've been playing DK country I, II, and III. haha yea i'm hooked on damn games.. i'm waiting to see the new damn aar video. my page is so.. boring.. haha i should change it. but then it does describe me.. i'm such a plain person. dang..i hate school so bad errr.. i hate doing damn homework! i'm gonna go find something to keep me occupied 'til dennis gets off work. then off to the 99 cent store! haha =] bye kids.

Thursday, September 4, 2003

time • 4:28 pm
hey pooper people! i'm fuckin' sleepy.. but i don't wanna take a nap 'cause if i do i won't be able to sleep tonight and i hate when i can't sleep.. so i'm just gonna wait for dennis to get off work.. hmm... oh yea i updated my "pics" portion of my page.. i added automobiles and uhh deleted unnecessary pics.. is that how you spell it? oh well.. damn.. i'm pretty sleepy. i hate school so fuckin' bad! it was cool today though cause marlon was there =D it was like old times! awwww i miss last year =( this year is a piece of bird's shit man! fuck.. i'm gonna die this school year.. damn.. anyway, i haven't blogged in so long. i don't even know what to talk about anymore.. i mean type about.. yea uhh okay bye. i'll be back another day when i have more things running through my little brain.

Saturday, August 3, 2003

time • 1:11 am

hahahahah DIANNE is the biggest GROUPIE i've ever known!!!!!!!!!!!!!

time • 3:19 am
i built a model car! ^_^ it was fun! okay well dennis just bought me parts and i put them together.. it's a porsche boxster it's so fucking cool! it kinda looks like my brother's car.. anyway.. this yesterday morning around 3 am i got picked up by jon and billy and i chilled at jeric's house.. we went to a party and then uhh drove around to a couple places.. then i went home around.. 7 am.. i fell asleep around 10 and woke up around 1pm hmm then i left again with jon.. we went to pick up frankie and smoked a lil.. then.. uhhh i forgot what happened after that.. but me n jon went to dennis' work and i stayed with dennis and the three of us went to taco bell.. then we all went BACK to jeric's house and me n dennis left not long after.. hmm then we went to wal • mart!!!! woo hoo that's where we bought our cars.. then we went back to my house and built them ^_^ .. marlon came over a lil later too.. after we got done we went to chill at dennis' house... and stuff.. now i'm home.. but i might leave again .. not sure.. anyway.. im gonna watch this show dennis told me to watch.. blog later.

Wednesday, July 30, 2003

time • 6:25 pm
i HATE straightening my hair!!! it takes sooo long! and it's hot so it makes me hot! and uuugh. but i HATE the way my hair looks without it.. damnit.. issues.. issues..

WELL ANYWAY yesterday i went to the mall and bought a shirt.. then today i went to the mall and bought some shoes.. hoepfully i go to the roots concert on aug. 3 oh and last night i went to chill at dianne's house .. then we migrated to danica's house or.. dennis.. same house.. i came home around .. 2:30am. i dunno what we're gonna do tonight.. marlon is craving cheesecake (of course he wants to do something involving food) it's okay marlon! we're FAT BUDDIES! =D i'm just waiting for dennis to get off work.. i'm home alone .. as usual.. i'm so bored. kinda. i just got outta the shower.. okay now i'm just starting to say things that pop out of my head. dang i'm listening to aaliyah, i almost forgot how dope she was.. man! i wanna put more posters up in my room cause i saw dope ones at WOW but there's no more wall space in my room.. i should take down some things.. my room is starting to look cluttered.. i'ma go.