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full name emilee ann dimalanta
location 702
area north west
age fifteen
boy status lovin' my baby gerald
school centennial high
level sophomore
birth place honolulu, hawaii
birth date Tuesday, February 2, 1988 @ 2:02 am
eye color dark brown
hair color brown
height 5'4
weight 99 lbs.
siblings brother, 23 brother, 22 sister, 20
places i've been hawaii, california, utah, arizona, new york, new hampshire, new jersey, connecticut, massechusettes, rhode island, philippines, nevada
places i wan't to go japan, florida, australia, africa.. . haha im weird
pets cat, trinity
contacts email address
aim lPeople S U C lK


food thai, italian, and junk!
drink boba, dr pepper, and WATER!
tv show friends
movie/s frequency, momento, training day, armageddon, x2, finding nemo
scary movie mothman prophicies
number 2
fruit orange, kiwi, nectarine
color olive green, black
animal fox, chicken
subject in school i hate school
candy sour worms, ferrero rocher, and toblerone!

this or this

chicken or beef? chicken
red or blue? blue
black or white? black
hot or cold? cold
summer or winter? hmm.. that's hard
two piece or one? 2
dead or alive? ALIVE!
girl or boy? boy
tampon or pad? tampon
finger or toe? toe
slow or fast? depends.. .
day or night? night

turn ons/_offs
-guys' nice hands
-guys' adam's apples [hey i think it's sexy]
-guys' veins
-guys' cologne
-guys' clothes
-guys' hygiene
-guys' sense of humor
-guys' voice
-guys' knowledge of dancing

-guys' bad hygiene.. . yuck!
-guys' dry skin.. . yuck!
-guys' bad personality.. . yuck!
-guys' lack of humor.. . yuck!
-guys' "hard core" acts.. . yuck!
-liars.. . blah!
more to come later.. im hungry im gonna eat

likes and dislikes
• incubus, food, to eat, boba, chapstick, lotion, my cell phone, electronics, dennis, my friends. =)

• pickels, almonds, caramel, walking, frustration, plans, GIRLS [not all], drama, drama starters, ANTS, haters, posers, MOCKERS, back-stabbers, two faced people, fake people, PeOple hOo cOnstAntLy tYpe lYke Dis, aZn pride, PEEnoy and PEEnay pride, gaysians, dawgers, stalkers [why can't people jus leave you alone!], dissers, LIARS, biters, etc. [although sometimes i don't care]