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The Almighty Angelic Demon Also Known As Heather

"Hello!!", said a loud booming voice coming seemingly from nowhere.."VILE, DISGUSTING, PUTRID HUMAN!! You have now entered...THE REALM OF HEATHER!! FEEL THE HORRID, UNBEARABLE WRATH OF UTTER TERROR!!!", it continued to roar. You felt so scared that you almost..oops!, you did!! You wet your pants! Well, now, go clean yourself off, Well I'm in the process of giving my old site a MAJOR face lift-again. I've been paying too much attention to my new tripod site, which rocks by the way. And I don't want anyone who still visits my old site to be left in the dark with my everchanging life, since this site has twice as many hits as my new one!...I make no sense... Ummm ppl, just to repopulate my new site at tripod, I'm adding a WHOLE NEW GALLERY of JTHM and all his, well he has no friends but his buds anyways. YEah, you heard me, new gallery, so go there, it's not much yet, but hey, it just started. There's a link to my new site at the bottom of the page, so after visiting my guestbook and this site, please check it out or the monkeys will not hesitate to beat you with your own shoe. There, enjoy yourself. Yeah, I'm not in my right mind...I'm sure u can forgive me.. WHHOOOO HOOOO!! YEAH!! So, you alls have to e-mail me and tell me whatcha think and send me death threats and viruses oh what the heck E-MAIL ME ANYWAY!! (and for you psychos out there, I wasn't serious bout the viruses...Yeah, that's just for you Brandon, I know the way you are!! Freak!) Umm.. just to let you know, underpants gnomes are raiding yer underware drawer as I speak, you might want to go check on them before they whip out the embarassing stuff and show yer mom all those naked pix of me. (*cough* Brandon I saw that web cam *cough*) I entered a bunch of pix and some kick ass songs i wrote into the Glass Hammer, hopefully they'll get published...Anyway, ummm.... lets see what else did I want to say, oh yeah my site kix major bum, and don't you forget it or I'll go all King James on yer bum!! Also, this is a subliminal message *SIGN GUESTBOOK SIGN GUESTBOOK SIGN GUESTBOOK SIGN GUESTBOOK!!!!* Signed, Supa fREaK St*rr, aka The Almighty Heather. MUH HA! HAAA!! (evil satanic laugh) that was lots of fun! Really, it was. Yeah, I know, I'm INsane.... oh and I would like to add that all pix of JTHM, Squee, HNB, and Zim are some kind of copyright by Jhonen Vasquez and Slave Labor Graphics. There, now I'm not commiting copyright infringement... enjoy.
Personal Ads

Not so Exciting Stuffs about Me

My Other Pages

page 2: Things that Happen to me and Queer Names, check it out!!!
page 3: Strange Laws and Funnee Stuffs
page 4: My deadly tribute to JTHM
page 5: The ZIM page!!
page 6: The IDIOT Page--Dedicated To Erin ;)
Episode #1 in the Please! Stop This Madness series, published in the Glass Hammer last year
My NEW website, kinkier than ever
