You may remember my sister Jen from her previous online relationship endeavor, Date My™. Well, she did manage to meet a number of promising young men, but it all ended up in a classic case of “Oops, I lost my condom!”

Now Jen is 19 years old, intelligent, beautiful, and knocked up. Her deadbeat boyfriend split town, and it‘s my responsibility as her big brother to find a suitable mate before the birth of her child in June.

Daddy said he’s willing to let her get by without being married when the baby is born, but she’d better damn sure have a good prospect by then. He's a church-going fellow, and it just doesn’t stand with his morals to have illegitamate children running around his house.

If you’re interested, or would like to know more, please feel free to browse around the site, or e-mail me for more information. And please, Date My Pregnant Sister!

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