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This was created from my many dreams, fantasies and real life events including 

the paranormal, UFO & other entities.


The Ghost

The first paranormal experience I remember having is when I was about 6 years old.  

My sister, brother and our father were out walking along side the creek bank beside of our home.  

We came upon a bat lying on it’s back in the sand.  

My dad commented on how very odd it was to see a bat out in daylight, 

especially so close to the water.   The evening wore on and my siblings along with 

our dad went inside.  I, being the explorer of the family decided to stick around to 

see if I could find out the reason for the bat by the creek. 

I stumbled around on the rocks along the creek and played in the sand until I 

came to the conclusion that I was not going to find anything out I did not already know. 

  It was just starting to turn dark outside when I began walking home.

At this time there was an old 3-story house setting on our property.   

 It had been the home of my Great Grandparents many years ago. 

 It was very close to our home and I used to sneak up the stairs and snoop 

around when mom was not watching.  I passed by it and looked up at the window

 and saw an old lady dressed in an orange colored scarf.  It was wrapped around her head 

and draped around her neck.  She was looking out the window of the top floor of the house.  

It scared me because I thought there was someone whom was not supposed to be there 

in the house, so I ran and told mom and dad about it and dad went into the 

house and searched around.  He told me there was no one in the house whatsoever, 

but he did bring a picture he found lying in the spot I had saw her.

It was of a man and a woman and in the picture the woman had on an orange scarf!!



The second experience I had was my encounter with a Sasquatch…Bigfoot, Yeti.

or whatever you may call it.

I was about 8 or 9 when we got the biggest, deepest snowfall in years.  

My Aunt & Uncle lived right behind my family in a trailer.  

My 1st cousin Kim and I were out playing in the snow and busting ice in the creek 

when we heard something up ahead of us busting thru the ice as well.  

We knew that all of our dogs were tied and it was making too much 

noise to be a bird or any other small animal, but we just ignored it for a while…

then it became louder and closer to us.  

The ground, trees…etc. was covered with at least 2 foot of snow and it was still falling, 

which made it hard to see thru the trees.  

Kim and I started to get scared so we crossed the creek 

and started going back the same way we had came when all of the sudden there

 stood this huge hairy man!!!  He was at least 6 ft tall. With hair allover his body, 

except for his face, which was dirty and his teeth were huge and rotten. 

We both screamed and ran home as fast as we could.  

We even accused her brother of dressing up in costume and scaring us

 like that but there was no way because when we got to her home he was still in the bed asleep!!!


The Abduction

 The third and most intriguing experience I had was when I was 11 years old. 

  It was in the summer time and school was out.  I had a friend that did not live 

too far away from me that had asked me to spend the night with her one weekend.  

Mom told me yes it was okay and drove me to her house.  

She lived up a long winding dirt road that dead-ended at her house.   

It was early when mom dropped me off and we had time to 

listen to music, dance, talk about boys...etc…what most 11 year old girls do.  

At approximately 6:00 pm we decided to take a walk. 

  We walked out of the road about ¼ mile when I started hearing loud splashes 

and booming sounds coming from the woods up in the hills beside the road.

Once I even caught a glimpse of a...what seemed to be...bottle rocket flashing 

out of the corner of my eye.  When I turned my head to get a better view of it, 

it fizzled out and disappeared.  We did not think too much 

of the noises or the flickering lights,

 we thought it may be someone working up in the mines in those hills.  

So we walked on.  We walked for what seemed like a few miles but was only 1.5 mile 

when we decided we would start home so we would have time to 

get to her house before it got dark out side.  

I was wearing a red snoopy watch and remembered looking at it at 7:30 pm 

and telling my friend that we had plenty of time to get home since at this time of

year it did not start getting dark until around 8:30-9:00 pm.  

When we got within 1/8 of a mile from her house...note it was still daylight.  

My watch read 7:45 pm, when out of the blue we saw a neon red glowing ball floating 

in the sky from side to side.  

I looked over at my friend and told her to look up and when she did the object came closer,

 it was right over top of us and the light was so bright from it that it hurt our eyes.  

It was like we were frozen there just staring up at it and could not move.  

When we came to our selves and tried to do the first instinct that came to us … to run home, 

we then discovered it was now pitch black dark outside and we could not see 

anything but darkness in front of us.  

We still ran, hoping we were almost to her house, when we saw her porch light we ran even harder.  

When we got inside her mom was upset with us...she said she had been yelling at us for over a hour to come inside.   We both glanced up at the clock to see the time now was 10:00 pm!!!!


This traumatic experience has sort’ve scarred me for life.  

I am now 36 years old and it still makes me wonder where that lost time went.  

I had and still have strange dreams unexplainable, of different worlds, 

of alien landscapes with 3 suns and numerous moons, 

where there are hostile alien life forms that frighten me and 

when I wake up it is almost like I know the landscape because I have been there.  

I can see myself standing upon an alien ridge looking out over the landscape, 

with the images of the many moons in the distance.   

I am dressed as a warrior and can breathe the air on this planet but somehow 

I am aware that this is not Earth.  I have had a few sightings since then…

the last quite recent, but nothing like the one I had 25 years ago…that one will always haunt me.


The Poltergeist

When my oldest child was only but 5 years old our home was invaded by an 18th century poltergeist.  

The *man* was dressed in knickers and a ruffled shirt 

with a ponytail tied with a ribbon…sort've like Thomas Jefferson.  

He used to get annoyed if no one paid attention to his little tricks and pranks.  

Once I remember he was highly upset for some reason or another and decided to 

knock my candle sconces off of my wall.  They went hurling across the room, 

almost hitting my brother in law at the time. 

 This entity would also come up and pull at my clothing or lay his hand on my shoulder or touch my hair.  

He liked to switch off the radio and TV or change the stations I would be listening to or watching.  

He would shake the bed, rattle pictures on my walls..etc.  

It finally got to the point that I would talk to him and tell him when 

I was not in the mood for his antics at that particular time and he

 would not do anything to upset me.   

Then one day he just disappeared, shortly after he made himself visible to us.





 My grandmother had just passed away back in 1994.  

I was distraught and couldn’t sleep, so I decided to stay up late and watch some TV.  

I was sitting on my couch when for some reason something made me look out the window.  

When I did I saw this thing in the sky coming in for what seemed like a landing.  

I stood in my living room window and watched it as it lowered itself onto the neighbor’s pond. 

  It looked like a giant fan, it had large rotating blades on the front of it, not like a propeller on a helicopter, 

but different,  they were on the front not top of this machine.  

  It had many different colored rotating lights allover it with one large 

white bright one that shinned into the pond as they did whatever they were doing.  

It was like they spotted me watching them and shone the light right into my window.  

I screamed and ran into the bedroom to wake up my husband.  

He would not get up so I ran back into the living room and when 

I looked back out of my window the thing was gone.  

It made no sound whatsoever and only seemed to be gathering water, 

or fish perhaps.  Evidently no one else saw this thing except me or at least no 

one was admitting to it.  

I saw it again once more up in the sky.  

My children and I were sitting on the hillside watching a 

meteor shower when I saw it coming out of the sky in front of us.  

At first I panicked, but then I calmed down and watched it move on across the sky. 

  I haven’t seen it or anything like it since then.



The Musicians   

My family & I recently moved into a large house in the country.  

It is really nice here, nice big yard for the kids.  Nice neighborhood..etc. 

Not long after we moved in I woke up one morning listening to Bluegrass Gospel Music Playing.  

At first I thought maybe my son had left his music on again all night, 

as he sometimes does to help him sleep, but he doesn’t listen to that type music.  

So I go into his room to turn it off and it is not even on.  

I search throughout the house to find something left turned on, a radio, CD player, TV..etc.  

There was nothing turned on. I just sat and listened to it for a while then it just faded out. 

  I have heard it again a couple of times since then. 

  I mentioned it to some of my neighbors and they told me that years ago

 people would gather here at this house after church to have dinner and play music. 

  Most of those musicians have passed away since then.