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Dawn's Corner

Me and the girls in May 2003

Hello! Welcome to my corner of the World Wide Web. This site is all about me, Dawn. I am a single mom to my two sweet little girls, Olivia and Nadia. They are two awesome girls!

Right now I am a student nurse. I'm very excited to be in school and I'm really looking forward to my future career. I think I want to be a pediatric nurse, but there are several other areas of nursing I'm interested in as well. I also volunteer with hospice.

I like to read; my current favorite books are the Harry Potter series - I've already preordered book 5 and I'm anxiously waiting. (I am kind of a dork sometimes!) I like to watch movies and tv, anything really funny or scary or interesting. I spend a lot of time online whenever I can, usually at night when the girls are finally asleep.

I'm a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints; LDS or Mormon for short. I was raised in the church and I really believe the gospel is true. I'm pretty active in my ward with Relief Society and helping out with my girls in Primary.

I started making websites years ago when I first got a computer and it's a fun hobby. I play with this site and try to keep it updated with pictures and news of me and the kids. So check back often and see what's new in Dawn's corner!

Visit Olivia and Nadia to see what they're up to!

since 4/19/2002

Looking for Dawn'z Dollz?

Families Are Forever Olivia's Page Nadia's Page Peanut the Pug My Angel Baby Dawn's Poetry

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