
WeB pAgEs

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~*~*~As AlWaYs UnDeR CoNsTrUcTiOn~*~*~ Hey... I finally came back to do some changes can you believe it lol... Well school started and I aint had much free time to myself if you understand... Yea Im a Junior now and Homework is pileing up this year but Im actually Doing Well in classes and as my parents keep telling me it is time for me to start thinking about my "Future" and I have I've narrowed it down to 3 Feilds of interest Which ate (1) Criminal Justice (2) Health Care & (3) Teacher Hopefully I'll make up my mind soon and it'll help me make out what I want to take in my Senior Year. I've Decided to Start work on my Site again though after Much Delay, Ya'll may wounder whats new in my life then again yall May not, Not that I care if you do or Dont But Heres a Quick Run Down... Im a Junior Im now 16, I can Drive and Yeah... You can Also Check my Livejornal Under the site list to see What I failed to answer here! Much Luv,CHRISTIAN Im Also Back Wid Danny

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