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Was it just a dream or was it real. Let me fill you in yesterday I was surfing the Internet cause there was nothing else to do. When I got this e-mail from an anonymous sender. I opened the e-mail and it said you have been chosen to complete a mission in a different world unlike your own. If you chose to accept this mission you will be greatly rewarded. If you do not accept this mission any recollection of this e-mail will be immediately erased from your mind. If you want to accept this mission click Accept at the bottom of your screen. If you do not want to accept this mission click Don't Accept at the bottom of your screen. Well being the curious person I was I decided to accept the mission. I clicked accept and my computer went blank everything was gone all there was, was a black screen I checked the power and it was still on then I started to oh no I just let a virus into my computer. Then screen started to ripple I touched the screen it was no longer solid it was like liquid then I tried to pull my hand back but I couldn't it started to suck me in. My hand was stuck and then it started to pull me in like a black hole I tried to pull my hand free finally I got my hand out. I quickly turned to grab a hold of the table behind me. I wasn't fast enough though and flew right into the computer. I started seeing the numbers one and zero fly by my head knowing that all programs are made of these numbers I knew I must be inside the computer. Then I realized I wasn't standing on anything I had no idea what way was up and what way was down. Then I started falling down or maybe I was falling up? While I was falling down I saw a big ball it looked like earth about halfway to this earth like world I blanked out when I woke up I was laying on a bed in a house. There were lots of strange smells in the house. I sat up and had no clue were I was. Then a strange very short old looking woman walked into the room. "Hello," she said, "my name is Enta I was the one who found you lying in the sand outside my house, come we must go see the others." It felt like something wasn't right. I walked into a dining type room and figured out that the smells I had smelt earlier were food there was a big feast commencing. There was one table and sitting around it were my friends, Becky, Carolyn, Andrew, and Aaron. I sat down and asked them how they got here Becky said she got a strange message on her phone that told her to go to the old Train Bridge and when she got there this big rock sucked her in. Aaron said he saw a strange looking monster outside his house and he ran after it and slip through a portal or something. Andrew was had gotten up and was going towards the bathroom when he fell through a hole in the floor and Carolyn said that she heard her little brother and sister crying so she went to investigate and walked through a portal. After obtaining that information I began to eat. The food was so good. Soon Enta came back into the room she sat down and said, "I have called you all here because the digiworld is in danger. Evil forces are rising and planning to destroy the Digiworld. You five are the ones that are written in the prophecy. In the prophecy it states there shall be a great evil rising 5 children shall come and pull the 5 Digi-Sabers from the stone of light. When this is done great powers shall be given to them to defeat the evil forces." When she stopped speaking we all looked at each other like what in the world is this I said, "You mean to tell me this is the Digital World like on the little kid show Digimon. Yes, this is the Digiworld, she said. Then she got up and said, "quick we must get to the Stone of Light before it is to late. So we all got up and followed her outside we walked to the edge of a mountain. Then Enta said if you are the prophesied ones you shall be able to pull the Digi-Sabers from the Stone of Light. You must all stand back I have to open the gate." We looked at each other gate, what gate there was no gate just a mountain. Enta said a few strange words then towards the bottom of the mountain a gate appeared and started to open the gate looked like it was made of pure light. Once the gate was open we went inside. Inside the mountain was room filled with what looked like hieroglyphics. In the center of the room was big stone that glowed like light was coming from it. This stone was the Stone of Light. As we moved closer to the Stone of light I saw that it was shaped like a steps there were to low ones on both sides then there was another level that was medium sized then there was another level that was high. On the low and medium steps there was two swords stuck in the stone on the high step there was only one. Then Enta took out a scroll and said I am going to say a color then a description of the person who is supposed to wield that saber. First she said light blue, this person has just had a loss in her family she is short and has black hair. Becky walked towards the light blue Digi-Saber and stood there. Then Enta said Blue this is a boy who likes music has blonde hair and is very smart. Aaron walked toward the blue Digi-Saber and stood there. Then she said yellow, this is a girl who is very religious has blonde hair and is musically inclined. Caroline then walked towards the yellow Digi-Saber. Then Enta said green this is an athletic boy who was black hair and has a separation in the family. Then Andrew walked towards the green Digi-Saber. Then she said red this boy is very good at athletics but does not like to work hard he also has blonde hair. Then I walked forward towards the red Digi-Sword. Enta then said all of you pull when I say pull ok, Pull. We all pulled the swords all of them came out of the rock perfectly. Then Enta said, Riley you will wield the Element of Fire, Becky you shall wield the Element of Ice, Carolyn you shall wield the Element of Electricity, Aaron you shall wield the Element of Water, and Andrew you shall wield Element of Wind. Then something unexpected started to happen that Enta didn't even know about. The stone of light began to dissolve. Under the Stone of Light there were these little computer type things they were our Digivices. Enta said, that they are used to Digivolve Digimon, digimon are the creatures that live in the digiworld some are good, some are bad, and some are neutral. We could tell which one was our one because of the colors. Mine was Red and Black, Becky's was light blue and yellow, Aaron's was blue and white, Andrews was green and white, and Carolyn's was yellow and light green. Then out of nowhere came a Digimon with three horns. We started to run Enta was telling us to use the Digi-Saber and Digivice to Digivolve. I started to push buttons on my digivice when suddenly a blast of bright light came out of it. I turned around knowing I could probably drive this digimon away with the light when something came over me my hands started to move without my control and then I heard my own voice say, digivolution activate. Then everything around me was gone I standing on a platform and my arms up so that looked like a cross and this armor was coming at me I felt it latch on I felt a new strength a power that made me feel very strong and athletic. Then I heard Pyromon Guardian of the Flame. Then everything was back everyone was standing behind me and the digimon was still running toward me my digivice was still glowing I looked at it, it had stats on the digimon that was running towards me it said Rhinomon a Virus type digimon at Champion level. I lowered my digivice and it disappeared. Then my brain was filled with information on attacks and defenses. I yelled Pyro-Blastor and through a ball of red light at Rhinomon he fell over and a barcode went around him I held out my digivice and said fractal code digitize. Then I felt all the strength and power leave me, I felt weak and drained. I collapsed on the ground and fell unconscious when I woke-up I was in a bed at Enta's house and everybody was standing around me. They all started to talk, saying things like how did you know what to do and how did you do it. Then Enta said well you better go to sleep, because your journey only has just begun, and you need to get some rest. Enta had six beds everybody laid down and were soon fast asleep. When I woke-up I was back at home in my own bed, but my Digi-Saber and digivice were lying beside my bed so I guess it was real. I decided I should call Andrew when the phone rang I picked it up it was Becky. "Hey Riley," Becky said, "What", I said, "did you have a dream about a quest and trying to save another world" Becky said, Yah but it wasn't a dream its real I found my digi-saber and digivice beside my bed when I woke-up," I told her. Then she said me too well what should we do, call, I said call Carolyn Andrew, and Aaron and tell them to meet us at your house Riley, she said to me. I hung up and started to call Andrew when my digivice started vibrating and making a loud static noise. I picked it up and I could hear some ones voice, Hello...Hello, "Hello," I said, come...the digiworld at...once said the voice. It kind of sounded like Enta. I ran to the computer and checked my inbox on my email I still had that message. This time when I opened it the portal immediately opened I jumped in and when I hit the sand got up. I hid behind a rock there were digimon all over the place and Enta was being dragged out of her house by two digimon according to the digivice they were two Black Raptomon at Champion level virus type. They were talking; it sounded like the one on her right side said where should we hide her and the one on her left side said some where, where those kids can't find her. If they do find her master will kill us. Then I looked up and saw 4 things flying down. It must be the others I thought. All the digimon started to leave. I could see the others getting closer all the digimon were starting to run and getting further away. I couldn't see them any more. Then I looked up and saw the others coming closer then they hit the ground and got up. I ran over to them and said, hey how did you get here. Well, they said when no one was at your house we called Andrew and Aaron and got them to come over then we saw that your digivice and saber were gone so we walked around the house and then we saw your inbox opened the email and jumped in. Oh, I see, I said, then I told them about what I saw happen. Then we went inside Enta's house we saw a note on the table. It said, I don't have much time left I am going to be kidnapped and hidden in a different world. You need to all digivolve and harness your power. There is one thing and one thing alone that can defeat this evil digimon and that is, "well" said Becky, "what is it," that's all, there's no more," Aaron said. I wonder what it is that can defeat this evil digimon said Carolyn. I wonder how strong this evil digimon is, said Andrew. "Maybe there is some sort of clue to how to the thing we need," said Becky. We looked around the house Enta had a lot of weird things in her house. Then I heard Becky say come hear so everybody ran over to Becky she was in Enta's bedroom. "Look at this it's a picture. I think that's Enta right there, but I don't have a clue who these other people are," Becky said. The picture had ten people in it. Take the picture out of the frame and see if there are some names of the people on the back, said Carolyn. Becky took the picture out of the frame, and there was another picture of the same people with what looked like digivices in their hands. Then there was another photo with the same people and digimon. "Did Enta have a digimon too?" asked Andrew "its possible," I said. We didn't see any names or anything. So we all kept looking around the room and then I Carolyn found a map of something. There were five places circled on the map. I told Carolyn to keep the map. We looked through all of Enta's room and didn't find any more things. We kept looking around the house. Then I found a trapdoor that lead down some steps I called everybody over. We walked down the steps they lead to a basement cellar thing. In this basement there was a big shelf of scrolls we saw that one of them wasn't pushed in all the way. We took it off the shelf and unrolled it; it was the prophecy that Enta had with her in the mountain. We looked at it but couldn't decipher it because it was written in the same hieroglyphics that were on the walls in the mountain. We then found a big iron door we opened it and immediately a bright light emerged from it and sucked us all in. We couldn't keep our eyes open. When we opened our eyes we were back at my house. Well that solves my question on how to get back, said Aaron. Now we no it was real, I said. Yah, but what are we supposed to do, said Becky. Well its obvious go back to the digiworld and find Enta and save the world, said Andrew. Yah, but the letter Enta left said she would be taken to a different world, said Aaron. Carolyn was just about to say something when our digivices started make noise and vibrate. We picked them up, and tried to make it stop finally by pushing buttons then a sphere that looked like a map and indeed it was then the same sphere came out of all of ours the vibrating and noise stopped. So we grabbed our swords and followed the arrow on the map. It lead us straight to the city park were we saw a dome of fog. Keep checkin back for more of the Story

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