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June 17, 2003
It is officially summer now...I had my party (11 people came), I went to Anna's party (finding nemo is a great movie, by the way. You should go and see it if you haven't already) and I went to Tia's party...and all I can say about that is Wow those were funny videos, especially the one where you couldn't see the monkey! Chelsea and I have a new obsession lately, MULLETS! My idea is that we give Opie a backwards mullet...long in front and short in back. But nobody else lieks it. Okay, so we're going to start a "clique" about mullets. Mullets Galore and Mullet Junky are great sites.
~*~*~Johnny Nic
sw33ty / kandy / tortia / 182 / kicker / opie / guppie

CHiCKNiCK is © Johnny Nic © 2003