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Born in 1988 in a small hospital in Michigan, 6 weeks before her due date, Bee was rushed to a larger hospital to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. She was so small and jaundiced. She spent a while with tubes and wires all over her in the incubator.

A few weeks later, a bit more weight on her bones and the jaundice cleared up, she was released from the hospital and sent on her way into the world. With an absent mother and a father who drove long haul trucking, the younger years were rather eventful.

Bee moved around A LOT until around the 6th grade when her father, in disability, promised her that she'd stay at this school until graduation. Mona Shores it was. Though this school was what people would call a "rich" school, Bee and her father didn't have a lot of money.

She was always the loner, but at Mona Shores, she found a good group of friends. They were all the "outsiders." Not the most popular, but the most fun. They were her rock when she needed anything. Always there for her.

At 17, Bee realized that she had feelings for women. Her first girlfriend didn't last long, but it was amazing. Those three months opened her eyes to a whole new world that she never knew existed for her. She felt more deeply than she ever had.

The ending wasn't so happy. Bee fell into a deep depression and isolated herself. In this depression, she went back to an ex and ended up pregnant. 17. This took her a while to get used to. Luckily, since she'd lost weight with the depression, her peers at school didn't notice that she was pregnant; they just thought she gained the weight back.

In May of 2006, she graduated High School with a 3.25 GPA and on October 24th, 2006, the light of her life was born. Skigh Brown, weighing 6 lb 9 oz and 19 inches long. Twelve hours of labor and the emergency C-section was worth it to look into that little boy's eyes.

After a brief mistake of marrying Skigh's father, Bee moved on with her life. When Skigh was 2, she decided to go back to school. Atfer 4 years, she finally got her Associate's degree in Human Services, though it hasn't helped with anything since.


On to present day. At 24, almost 25 years old, Bee decided to make a change in her life. She wasn't going to let Borderline Personality Disorder run her life anymore. It was time to take back control of her own life. So, with a mentor and a lot of determination, Bee struggled through her journey. It wasn't easy, and it's still a struggle, but all of the work that had been done and is being done is worth it.

With a child who is her world and some great friends surrounding her, Bee is confident that wherever life takes her, and whomever is there on her journey, she will be happy and taken care of.

Borderline Personality Disorder Information