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Hola! Welcome to Indigo. This site is a hodgepodge of links and things I want the world to know. So enjoy!
I'll post updates here:
August 17,2004
Ugh! I'm really annoyed today, since my disfunctional computer is loading really slowly and by the time the page loads this ad for a stupid search engine shows up instead of what I was waiting for. Anyway, I'm going to try to have some of the new pages up by the end of the week.
August 15, 2004
I've decided to use Angelfire for my site again(Well actually, I didn't have much choice. My computer's messed up again and it won't display the Geocities pagebuilder). Anyway, I've decided to make the site a paranormal site and use this page for personal info. Why? Because I can!!! I'll try to update more now.
May 7, 2004
Happy late Cinco de Mayo! Anyway, due to my lack of html skills, I've decided to move indigo to, where I won't need any skill whatsoever! Also, if I can figure out how to save my dolls under gif or jpg without them getting messed up then I might put some of them on it! The're not exactly works of art, but I like them.
April 29, 2004
I added this blog to Indigo! I think it makes the text look more organized. I posted more of Falling Star, Rising Sun. Finally, the image above is whatever image I get when I search for Indigo on a picture search on Google. I'll change it every now and then.

A few things I feel are important to say:


Super Roleplay Site
Angelfire- free websites like this one
Tomlinson Middle School Library(more for myself than anyone else)
Obiwan's free paranormal page(ghost stories)
Bored?! Please read my story! I'm panya-nut!