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Sister is the cute little girl you had in your biology class that never said a word to anyone. You thought she was shy, but in reality, she just hated you all. She seems quiet, but she’s just thinking of all the mean things she wants to say to you. But she’s small, so she doesn’t say them because you’ll beat her up.

Sister likes grammar. What really pisses her off is when people misuse grammar. She has issues with it, and will tell you so. Probably rudely. She likes to kick, and chances are she will kick you in the balls if you make her mad enough. Actually, you don’t even have to make her mad. If she’s in a bad mood, she’ll do it for free.

Sister met Twist and the Pink Headed Troll because the three share a common bond. Slash. They like to read it. They don’t like to read bad slash, but unfortunately, there is a lot out there. So, the three decided to make fun of it.

Sister likes hot men doing hot things, and chocolate ice cream.

Together, Twist and Sister make up (yep, you guessed it) Twisted Sister. They are aware that it's strange, but nothing about their page is normal.

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