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The Pink Headed Troll

Once upon a time, a lovely woman gave birth to a baby girl. GASP! All the doctors and nurses screamed out in horror, as the awful truth was wasn't a baby girl at all, but a PINK HEADED TROLL!!!

As she grew, the Pink Headed Troll grew a spikey flamed shaped pink curl atop her head, and her evilness knew no boundaries. She would tie the other trolls shoelaces together, put Ex-Lax in their pudding, hack into the school computers and infect them with the Michelangelo virus, and start wars in Third World countries.

Then one day, in the midst of her preparations for destroying the Barbie factory in Walla Walla Washington, she met Twist and Sister, the infamous Twisted Sisters, whilst they were hiring a bounty hunter to hunt and destroy Barney the Dinosaur. And then the world knew true fear.....

Growing bored with pillaging and world destruction, the evil trio has now turned their sights on another realm...BAD SLASHFIC.

In between taking her Black, Blue and Purple headed offspring to Dictator School and soccer games, the Pink Headed Troll enjoys GOOD slash with Xander and Spike....and Angelus...and Wes...

And she will quit smoking Marlboro Light Menthol 100's the day she can start mainlining heroin...

Returneth from whence you came