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Convo 2

This is a real conversation between Miss Doofy and a troubled client.

ravensrose04: hi miss doofy
MissDoofy: hi, i am miss doofy. how can i help you
ravensrose04: i heard that u predicted that osama bin
laden had a truck with round wheels is that true?
MissDoofy: yes, that is true
ravensrose04: wow then can you help me?
MissDoofy: of course i can
ravensrose04: goody!
ravensrose04: my room is posessed
ravensrose04: what should i do?
MissDoofy: i see....
ravensrose04: it scares me...
MissDoofy: Well...what happends there that leads you
to believe it is possesed
ravensrose04: well on new years i had a seance
ravensrose04: and my friend caitlin started to laugh
ravensrose04: an the spirits got mad
MissDoofy: Ah, I see
ravensrose04: and never left
MissDoofy: What has happend sense this seance?
ravensrose04: um....lotsa stuf
ravensrose04: like weird handprints on over sized
stuffed bears
ravensrose04: an things moving themselves
ravensrose04: an breakin themselves
MissDoofy: Ahh, very scary
ravensrose04: yes it is
MissDoofy: I think I know what you should do
ravensrose04: what?
ravensrose04: tell me miss doofy!
MissDoofy: Now my child. Listen very carefully
ravensrose04: k
ravensrose04: i can try 2
ravensrose04: itll b hard thou
MissDoofy: First you must get a pig
ravensrose04: ok...
ravensrose04: *get a pig*
MissDoofy: get 4 candles
MissDoofy: One blue
ravensrose04: k
MissDoofy: One orange
MissDoofy: One green
MissDoofy: and One yellow
ravensrose04: *4 candles: blue, orange, green, yellow*
ravensrose04: got it
MissDoofy: Alright. Now....
ravensrose04: yes miss doofy...?
MissDoofy: You must put the pig in the middle of the room
ravensrose04: ok
MissDoofy: and surround it with the 4 candles
ravensrose04: *pig in middle of room*
ravensrose04: k
ravensrose04: *candles round pig*
MissDoofy: Then repeat these words....
ravensrose04: ok
ravensrose04: what words?
MissDoofy: Shamacka Lasoo soso Channy Buttchin
ravensrose04: ok i can do that
MissDoofy: Good
MissDoofy: Repeat them 5 times
ravensrose04: can i substitue the pig w bacon or ham?
ravensrose04: k
MissDoofy: Yes
ravensrose04: ok
MissDoofy: Then...
ravensrose04: which would be better?
MissDoofy: Bacon
ravensrose04: ok
ravensrose04: then what do i do?
MissDoofy: Then...after repeating the words...
ravensrose04: k
MissDoofy: You...take a elmo doll
ravensrose04: a tickle me elmo surprise?
MissDoofy: and make it tickle the pig (bacon)
ravensrose04: ok
MissDoofy: Say the words one last time...and then the
spirit will be gone.
ravensrose04: thank you miss doofy! your a life saver!
MissDoofy: It's all in a days work my child.
ravensrose04: i must go find some bacon now
ravensrose04: bubye
MissDoofy: I must now go...
MissDoofy signed off at 1:22:17 PM.

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