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Convo 1

This is a real convo between Miss Doofy and a troubled client.

seceretagent11: I know your probably buisy right now but i need a phsicic emeditly!!]
MissDoofy: i am here
MissDoofy: what is ur problem
seceretagent11: well...
seceretagent11: Osama Bin Laden has been seen in the
mountains can you predict (or whatever you do)
if he's still alive?
MissDoofy: I sense that he is, but his time is short
seceretagent11: where can i find him?
seceretagent11: ??????????????????????
seceretagent11: is this a once and done deal or
MissDoofy: You cannot stop him
seceretagent11: but...
MissDoofy: He will be in the last place they dared to look
seceretagent11: and that is...
MissDoofy: In his car
MissDoofy: underground
seceretagent11: he has a car?
MissDoofy: in his car.
MissDoofy: yes
MissDoofy: a truck
seceretagent11: a truck?
seceretagent11: one with wheels?
MissDoofy: yes.
seceretagent11: circular wheels?
MissDoofy: yes
seceretagent11: MADE WITH RUBBER???
MissDoofy: yes
seceretagent11: aw ha the MISSING CLUE!!!
MissDoofy: yes
seceretagent11: what time will my husband be home?
MissDoofy: not yet
MissDoofy: laster than you expect
seceretagent11: no way you really are a phsicic!!!!
MissDoofy: I knew you were going to say that
seceretagent11: wow!
seceretagent11: i'm speachless
MissDoofy: This friday will be important
seceretagent11: how can i ever thankyou???
seceretagent11: whys that?
MissDoofy: I cannot say
MissDoofy: It may disrupt your future
seceretagent11: TELL ME TELL ME I NEED TO KNOW!!!!'
MissDoofy: It involves...your eye
seceretagent11: MY EYE?!?!?!?
MissDoofy: yes
seceretagent11: :::gasps::::
seceretagent11: should i wear my contacts?
MissDoofy: no
seceretagent11: oh good because i don't have any
MissDoofy: see?
MissDoofy: Miss Doofy knows!
seceretagent11: wow
MissDoofy: be careful around sharp objects
seceretagent11: speachless yet again
seceretagent11: sharp objects?! oh no
MissDoofy: oh yes!
seceretagent11: the pointy kinds?
MissDoofy: what other kind is there?
seceretagent11: your right there aren't any
MissDoofy: You see...Miss Doofy knows!
MissDoofy: the trees...they know
seceretagent11: trees what kind?
MissDoofy: all kinda....oks...maples
MissDoofy: they all are very intellagent
MissDoofy: you know...the plant kind
seceretagent11: oh my!
MissDoofy: yes yes!
MissDoofy: my oh my
seceretagent11: i was just about to ask that
MissDoofy: see....i know once again
MissDoofy: turn on scooby doo
seceretagent11: how did you know i had that on??
MissDoofy: it will teach you a lession that will be
useful at a later time
MissDoofy: because i am miss doofy
seceretagent11: i'm watching Scooby Doo on Zomby Island
MissDoofy: yes yes that is the one
seceretagent11: incredable
MissDoofy: i must take this time to for commute with
my inner sprit.
MissDoofy: you can see this whole convo on my web page
seceretagent11: dude that is sooo cool
seceretagent11: really?? sooo cool
MissDoofy: yes really
MissDoofy: make sure to go there and leave a message on the guest book
MissDoofy: i must go now. good bye my child
MissDoofy: *woshhhhh*
seceretagent11: thank you

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