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E.A.L.R. Hey Folks. This is our website for the final project of the year, each of us were assigned an E.A.L.R. (essential academic learning requirement) and we're supposed to make a project. Our E.A.L.R. was to provide more than one explanation for events of phenomena and to defend or refute explanations using evidence. We chose the phenomenon of crop circles.


We are defending the phenomenon of crop circles.

Crop circles are unexplained designs that are imprinted over night in fields of mostly wheat and corn, but have also occurred in barley, oats, grass, trees, and even snow. In other words, any natural material in which a distinguishable impression can be made. They occur in crops during the spring & summer seasons throughout various regions of the world, such as in the U.S., Canada, throughout Europe, South America, Asia and Australia. In fact, the only two countries where crop circle have never been reported are China and South Africa. For the thousands reported every year, most go completely undetected. Most of the complex formations happen in the United Kingdom and they are also more likely to be detected because of the country's smaller land mass, therefore a large majority of researchers head to England every summer to conduct their independent research. But worldwide there are individuals in various countries, including the United States, that are recording the appearances of crop formations in their respective country in an attempt to learn more about their mysterious nature. The earliest known formation was in 1647 in England. Yet, they began to appear in significant numbers in the early 70's as individual circles that swirled either clockwise, or counter-clockwise. A major transformation occurred in 1990 when the circles became complex pictograms composed of straight lines, angles and spiral.

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