My Art

Click each for a larger view!





My drawing of Zac was featured in the March 1999 issue of BOP Magazine!

This is something I
did way back in the
MMMBop days. It's made from tiny MON ads. Click for
a larger view!

Sorry for the grainy quality of the scans!
My 2004 drawing of Taylor is my first attempt after not drawing for 5 years.

Second place winner award
I received this award on May 1, 1999 from Monica Geist
of "Masterpiece of Hanson" for my Zac drawing. Thanks
goes out to Monica for this award and thanks to everyone who voted for me!

Second place winner award
I received this award on June 1, 1999 from Monica
Geist of "Masterpiece of Hanson" for my Ike drawing.
Thank you Monica and also to all who voted for me!

You have won my Masterpiece of Hanson Artistic Excellence Award

I won this Artistic Excellence Award from Monica Geist
on Jan. 22. 2000 for my Zac drawing! Thanks Monica!

I won this Hanson Artist of the Month Award for the month of March from "Masterpiece of Hanson" for my 2004 drawing of Taylor. Thanks, Monica! And "Thanks" to all of those who voted for me!

Fist drawing by: Monica Geist
Second one by: Me
Same photo but different styles!