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SUMMARY             - Very hard-working girl and determined to get the job done

-  Looking for a job in which I can work with children

-  I need to enjoy the job that I am doing

EXPERIENCE         Wet Seal, West Covina, CA                        (10/02-present)


-         stock merchandise

-         help customers

-         size clothing

-         censor merchandise

               Kaiser Permanente, Baldwin Park, CA       (06/99-11/01)


-         worked in many different departments such as: Pediatrics, Emergency, Family Practice, Gift Shop

-         out of the two years I spent most of my time either in the Gift Shop or at Information directing people to where they needed to go


EDUCATION          South Hills High School, West Covina, CA        (09/99-06/03)

-         fluent in English and Armenian

-         conversational in Spanish and Turkish



-          taken a course in Family Living to make it easier for me to work with children

-         also taken a course in Psychology to better understand how a child thinks and gives a reason for their actions


INTERESTS             -     enjoy children a lot

-         hoping to work with children and enhance their lives with what I have to give



SUMMARY               -    two years of volunteering makes me qualified

-         have hands on experience with the filed in which I want to pursue

-         saw the everyday life of what things would be like and have a better understanding on how to handle situations