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                     ACTION PLAN

                    TO BECOMING A PEDIATRICIAN







-         Graduate high school,  06/03

-         Enroll to Mt. Sac,  09/03

-         Take my under-graduate classes,  2003-2005

-         Transfer to UCLA with my Associate Degree

-         Major in biology

-         Get my PhD and enroll in medical school,  2009

-         Graduate medical school,  2011

-         A year of internship in pediatrics,  2012

-         2 years in a pediatric residency,  2014




Obstacles:                                       Ways to Overcome It:


-         Paying for school                        -  Get a part time job

-         Peer pressure                             -  Be a leader, not a follower

-         Criticism from other people       -  It’s life, deal with it

-         Lack of free time                        -  Keep in mind it will pay off



 People I will be Working

 With To Get This Job:

Family- I’m going to need their full support.

Friends- I need them to be patient with me.

Teachers- I need them to push me the extra mile.





Inner Qualities Needed:


-       Be patient                           -   Be open-minded

-       Be caring                            -   Be quick and on top of things

-       Be a hard worker

-       Be dedicated

-       Be experienced







Skills/Knowledge Needed:


-        Need to take biology classes

-        Need to take a psychology class for children

-        Need a year of internship

-        Need 2 years in a pediatric residency




Rewards to the Job:


-        Make money! (ranging from $120,000-$140,000)

-        Have leadership

-        Make your own hours

-        Take a vacation whenever you wish

-        Hold the power to change a child’s life for the better