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Random Musings of a Strange Strange Girl in a Strange Strange World


I used to think that I was the only one that got overwhelmed by life, by the stress and dissapointments and obstacles. But the more I cry out for help, the more I realize that I'm not alone at all. I've also realized that the best advice comes from people that have been in that same dark hole, searching desperately for escape. So I'm dedicating this page to all the good advice I've gotten... all the verbal "shoulders" I've had to lean on. I know that this will be the place I turn when I think I can't go on... If you're ever in that place, I hope that you can turn here too and find some peace of mind.

I have, unfortunately, experienced more of that stuff than I'd like to have. Just remember that even when you don't believe it will get better... It will.

The key with depression is that it feels damn lonely and if you don't feel you have anyone to go to, it only gets worse. This is when you start giving up and getting suicidal. I've started to go there and then I just think of all the people it would upset... I mean all the people... realize the list is huge and I stop thinking about it.

I never once saw you as a pain. I just always saw you as somewhat like myself.... so down on yourself it gets in the way of relationships with others. If I honestly found you to be a pain would I put up with you? Would I have stopped you? Would I care about you if I thought you were a pain?

You have to realize that every little confrontation isn't the end of the world..... like you sometimes do.....

There are far more people that would miss you and you know it.

I realize that you've thought about this a lot, but have you ever thought about someone else's point of view? Have you ever put yourself in someone else's shoes? while being completely free (or as free as you can be) of your own thoughts and ideas? Because.... let me honestly tell you if I had never done that..... I wouldn't be here right now.

Fuck happy and normal. There are no such things. Your world is what you make of it.

Sometimes blind trust in a person is something you need to have...... but since you seem so pessimistic in nature, at least carry the optimistic view that you will recover from anything and go on to live another day.


You have needs like every other human being out there.

I want you to go for a walk or something. You really need to clear your head a bit. Take a nap, it'll do you wonders, trust me.

You just need to get back to focusing on you and YOU having fun with YOUR life. Get back to the simple things.

If you had fun, who cares. Look at it that way: it was fun while it lasted and now it's time to move on.......

Maybe you are supposed to shut up and listen instead of complaining, and you are missing the lesson God is trying to teach you with this stuff, so you keep making the same mistake over and over. So shut up, listen, and stop trying to find the lesson and let the lesson come to you.

You will make mistakes, but if you learn from them, they won't be bad mistakes.

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