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Vincent D'onofrio Is Love.

Lizzard's Weird and Unusual Quotes

Hi peoples.
Welcome to my quote page where the weirdest and best quotes live. My quotes are mainly things that other people have said, so don't get mad at me for what's in the quotes.
Okay, so I finnally found the second quotebook, so I can start updating again!!! Aren't you happy? I know I am.
If you have any comments about my site,or just want to know the story behind a particular quote, please feel free to e-mail me.
Love ya all,


Todays Quote(s) of the Day
"I'm pantsless and I'm goint the dishes"

Quotes: Volume 1
Here's some quotes that don't belong in any particular book:
Long Lost Quotes updated 7/17/04
Band Quotes updated 1/16/03
New Quotes
