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The Portal

About Stuff



Hey there! Thanks for visiting our site. We are Lauren and Dora, and we are the creators/writers/illustrators of The Portal. See, we love reading and writing fanfics. One day, Dora and Lauren were talking about fanfics, when they stumbled on an idea: Take characters based on themselves and people they knew, and write fanfics about them. The twist: the four main characters are stranded near Roswell, New Mexico and discover a portal which takes them to alternative realities. They meet stars and singers, find themselves in movies, books and TV shows, and wreak general chaos. How can anyone resist that?

One week ago, the lives of many of my friends and I was tragically changed. At 1pm on the morning of November the 16th, Dora ("Floppy") and Melissa (who has been a fan of ours from our start) were involved in a car accident caused by a drunken, speeding driver. Melissa died instantly and Dora has been in the ICU for the past week. She is getting better, but her friends and family (and me) would appreciate prayers. Melissa was only seventeen years old, and a careful driver. Dora is eighteen and a wonderful person. They were the people I least expected to be casualties of a stupid, random thing such as this. Melissa was so careful, and Dora is very against alcohol or drugs of any kind. I ask anyone who reads this, and anyone that you love, to NOT DRIVE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF SUBSTANCES LIKE THESE. Even though you're young, you're NOT IMMORTAL. You are NOT INVULNERABLE. If a horrible accident like this could happen to my two friends, two innocent people, it could happen to anyone. If you drive, please remember to "watch out for the other guy." (Thanks mom & grandpa.) I am not going to update the fic until Dora can see it updated. Please keep reading and praying.
Oh yeah, for language and stuff, we rate this site a PG-13. Hope you enjoy! -Lauren

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