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Working for THE MAN: The Journal of Jessika Special Edition

DAY ONE: Have gone to the mall to apply for jobs at Build A Bear, Johnny Rockets, Pacific Sunwear and Fast Forward (even though I can't tell the last 2 apart). Pretty easy and fun. Will end up working at Kroger I think...which is fine by me. It's just a summer job anyways...I'll bring back all the applications tomorrow and hope for the best...oy vey! I'll be updating you guys... ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== DAY TWO: Have nearly filled out all the applications but I cannot find my social security #. I don't think I should just "wing it" and make it up either. I can't find my driver's liscense either. I turn in the ap's tomorrow, and possibly have an interview or two...and I'm trying to think of what would be appropriate to wear. Argh this is too hard. I'll just have to rely on my dazzling smile, sparkling personality, and quick wit. ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== DAY THREE: SOOOOO EMPLOYED! Whoooo...At Johnny Rockets! The retro obnoxious 50s diner at the mall. Hurrah. I get to wear a hat. So, I guess now I'll have lots more stories to tell here, I suppose...hopefully. I hate it when the Hispanic cooks talk about me, though. And I only got hired today! They don't speak English. And they WERE talking about me! Argh! It's frustrating. ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== DAY FOUR: Bought ugly UGLY FUGLY shoes to work in. And khaki pants and stupid see through (practically) white blouses for job. OH! And a BELT. I do not wear belts. I just DON'T. The work uniform is complete. Had to get those pretty almost white light coloured khakis. I know this is gross..but what happens when I have my period, here? Potential for embarrassing stain/leak situations. I've read my trauma rama in SEVENTEEN. I know how this stuff works. ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== DAY FIVE: (Actually 3 days later) First day of work. Really stupid. Only had to be there for two hours. But I still get paid for it. I basically sat up there and signed papers. It was great. I've got a shitload of stuff to do though! ARGH! Waitressing is haaaarrrrddddd! I've got tons of stuff to memorize, and I'm sure it'll get easier as I go along...but DAMN! Totally panic-stricken here. At least I still have some training days to go through (like, ALL next week) so that'll be less, harrowing, I guess. But still, the Johnny Rockets management team are as anal as can be about how you look...oh my's so tempting to try and fight the system. But I really don't want to piss them off. I NEED MONEY! ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== DAY ONE OF EMPLOYMENT: Okay, so the very first day of really working was really hard but fun, too. I am absolutely horrified of the P.O.S. (Piece Of Shit) System for clocking in orders. Horrified of it. Absolutely fucking horrifying. But it was fun, and I got to dance. I did however, set off the alarm in the back door..but ran away really fast so they didn't know it was me. I didn't know!!! I felt awful, but it's not bad b/c the store wasn't even open or anything so it was okay. I feel soo bad even now, I hate to irritate people and cause problems! Ack! Help! HEELELLPPPPP!!! THIS IS SO HARD! I also got Mr. Employee of the Month for 8 Months in a row for a trainer too. And he knows his shit. And I don't know mine and I feel really bad!========================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== DAY TWO OF EMPLOYMENT: It was better, less scary. P.O.S. is still scary, oh well. I guess I should take the time to describe my co-workers:

MARK: The manager, he's really cool. Smokes a lot. It's cool.
DENISE: A bit stricter than Mark, but I like her.
JOSH: Very achievist, but cool. I think I'll like him okay. (Everybody at Martin knows him apparently, except for myself).
OTHER JOSH: Very nice, and cool--doesn't talk much.
DONALD: His name is Donald so that's cool. Hits on every girl in the work place, but I like him.
COOL PANTS GUY: Forgot his real name. Wears really cool pants.
DESTINY: Really cool girl. I like her a lot. She's really cool and open about stuff.
RACHEL: Really cool like Destiny. She's kind of new as well, so I feel better. She's cool.
MICHAEL: I know him from school, and he's as cool as ever. New like me, so it helps.
GIRL WITH BRAIDS: I don't remember her name, but she's very nice to me.
GIRL WITH COOL GLASSES: I think I remember her name, but I'm not sure. She's nice. Been there a long time and knows a lot.

Those are the only people I can remember now. I think I'm going to like most of the people I met so far. Now if I can only get past the job being incredibly HARD! ================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= FIRST REAL DAY ON THE JOB W/O ANY HELP: It was okay. Really fucking hard. But I got some good tips, and it was okay I think. It's really hard and I'm really sick of working, but oh well. ================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= SECOND DAY: Hmm...we sure do steal a lot of silverware here. ================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= THIRD DAY: I had a bunch of ladles in my car. And one guy got a booster seat. Is this considered embezzlement? Neil and Brian came by to visit me and I felt better. I got a $10 tip, so that was good. ================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= FOURTH DAY: I don't steal from work. I just laugh. (And house ladles) My coworkers are testing the I-HOP 24 hr service theory from Monday to Tuesday. I am going to come by and visit them. Maybe they could break a record or something. Hmm... ================================================================================================================================================================================================================================= FIFTH DAY: Scheduled until 9. Wanted me to stay till 11...I couldn't and they got really mad at me. I had to take my friend home, I really did. It sucked. Don't want to go back to work today. Maybe I should start stealing silverware, too.

Things I've Learned in the course of Applying for Jobs

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