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The following story was compiled/contributed by members of the Massachusetts General Hospital MS forum at the suggestion of one the members for her daughter Alyssa. As you read through you can feel the roads we all have traveled. We thank everyone for his or her contributions.



Alyssa's Journey, "The Power Within."


Far Far away, beyond the clouds, the stars, and the moon, there lies a beautiful land, filled with green grass, waterfalls, beautiful flowers, and Magic. Magic unlike anything you could ever dream about. The people who live in this wonderful land of magic and make believe, are small people, about the size a fairy might be. Maybe they are fairies. But they are groups of people all living together in peace and harmony, using their magic only for the best intentions. But, all this will soon change, as one small girl, Alyssa, would have to save the peaceful land of good magic from a terrible evil magic that would cause terrible destruction...................

The strength of the Magic was in the friendship and support they all showed for each other. The evil that was growing was from the loneliness some felt due to their individual issues. The journey Alyssa set for herself was to find the strength and source of the Magic. She knew she needed to create a magic place for all to visit to share their hearts and souls, to get through each day. By doing this the magic would be joined and grow in strength and power.

But, the journey would be long and hard. This she knew, but was determined to face whatever hardships and trials would be laid before her. So Alyssa decided that the best thing to do would be to talk to those people in the land who lived in love and find the source of their power. That way she might be able to harness it and use it to fight the growing evil presence.

She had heard of a very old and wise woman who lived over the mountains, in the farthest corner of the kingdom. It was said that this woman could heal the sick with the powers she had inherited from her mother and her mother before her. Packing her rucksack and kissing her family goodbye, Alyssa set off, not knowing what she would encounter along the way.........

Alyssa walked until the sun began to set. She lit a small campfire and opened her rucksack. Inside was her favorite book, one she read over and over when she felt afraid. It was a story of magic. The fire crackled and warmed her small hands, and the magic of the written words warmed her heart and gave her courage. She grew sleepy, and closing the book and returning it to her pack, she laid back and watched the stars. One detached itself from the heavens and streaked toward her home on earth, and she wished upon it. She wished her journey would be safe, and the Wise Woman would live up to her name indeed. Over the hissing of the embers, a sound and a presence crept into her drowsing. A step, a snap of a twig, a curling whisp of another's breath! She sat up, alarmed, peering into the darkness anxiously. "Who is there?" she cried, cursing her quavering tone. A soft voice replied...

Can you help me? I am lost. I was sent to find the Wise Women. Who are you," she asked. Alyssa answered her voice soft and with caution told this shadow of....... ...Shadows her name. "I am Alyssa." The creature was low down beside her right knee. She slid herself back, pulling her feet up, and looked over her knees. Two dark, dark eyes twinkled back at her, reflecting all the stars above their heads. The last red embers of the fire shone on her scales, for although she was no longer than Alyssa's hand, her slender, coiling body was covered in shiny scales that seemed darker than velvet, darker even than the night sky. "A lizard?" thought Alyssa, "or a snake?" and scooched back a little farther, pulling her knees tighter against her chest.

"No," answered the creature, surprising Alyssa very much, for she was pretty sure that she hadn't actually _said_ anything. "Look closer." She peered over her knees and saw two small legs far to the back and two more to the front each ending in four thin, knobby claws that reminded her of her grandmother's hands. On her back, just behind the front legs, the creature had a small, fabulously wrinkled pair of wings so thin that they looked like the leaves she saw on the sidewalk long after they'd fallen off the trees in November. She had the idea that the creature was much older than her grandmother--maybe older than the leaves or even the rocks.

She looked again into the creature's twinkling eyes and saw a whole constellation reflected there as clearly as could be. She looked up into the sky and saw Draco, enormous and imposing, filling the sky overhead almost from one horizon to the other. Alyssa opened her mouth to say it, and at the same moment the creature said, "that's right, a dragon."

Alyssa remembered reading about many other dragons that breathed great gouts of fire, roared fearsomely, and battled saints and heroes in epic struggles. Most of them, she knew, were--well, BIG.

The dragon didn't say anything, and Alyssa thought about this for a while. She just looked at her deep, deep eyes, and at his dark, dark scales, and thought how very, very old she was, and looked once again at Draco stretching clear across the sky. Although she didn't see any change, she could feel the dragon smile as she began, "The essence of the visible/ is the invisible...

Just then, Alyssa heard a great howling. Slowly, and cautiously, Alyssa turned around to look. Standing behind her was a wolf-looking creature with eyes that sparkled like diamonds, and paws of wooly white fur. For a moment, Alyssa was fearful, then the tiny dragon said, "Don't worry, it's my ride." Alyssa giggled, he looked like a miniature Clydesdale pony. The animal walked slowly toward Alyssa, and lay down next to her. The tiny dragon hopped up onto the animal and buried himself warmly into the animal's fur. There he kept Alyssa and the tiny dragon safe and warm all night.

Then, in the morning...

Alyssa woke; yawning and stretching out long on the dewy ground, marveling at what she thought were dreams from the night before. She rubbed her eyes and was startled to see the tiny dragon and the wolf beside her. The wolf's breath made gentle wisps of steam in the cold morning air as he peacefully slept, the dragon curled up against him.

She tiptoed about the campsite, poking at the fire's bed of coals and preparing to make breakfast. As she pulled a tin cup from her knapsack to get water from a nearby stream, the wolf stirred, waking the dragon, which said...

"So, you are on a journey to find the old wise woman? It is a long way across the mountains, with much danger along the way. Choose wisely which path you travel and be careful of all you encounter, for a dark and evil wizard rules the land across the mountains. Head my warning and go back before it's too late." Alyssa put her head in her lap and cried. She was already tired and frightened, but she knew there was no turning back. She lifted her tear stained face to thank the little dragon for his warning, but he and his wolf had vanished. Now she was really all alone.

After eating some berries and packing her things, she set off towards the mountains. She walked for what seemed like forever when she came across two paths. She stood there remembering what the little dragon had told her, "choose your path wisely". She looked down each path and one led into a forest and the other through the swamps.

After thinking it through, she decided to go down the path, which lead...

to the forest. Alyssa tiptoed through the intertwining trees, twigs snapped beneath her feet, the sounds echoing through the silence and stillness. Yet there seemed to be whispy breaths all around her, was it the rustling of the leaves, was it an animal hiding in the trees waiting to make it's move on her? Alyssa wished there was some light in the forest, but the trees were so closely intertwined with each other that it was like walking through a black velvet cloak. Rummaging in her knapsack she pulled out a torch flipped the switch and very afraid of what she might see.

"We've been waiting for you", an enormous voice boomed. Alyssa nearly jumped out of her skin and dropped the torch in fright. She was now shaking like the leaves on the trees.

The torchlight suddenly shone in her face and she couldn't believe her eyes. There before her was the biggest tree she'd ever seen, two thick knobbly arms were holding her torch.

It was the Wizard of the Wood who manifested himself in the likeness of a great tree. I am the protector of these woods whom are you and why have you entered uninvited. The booming of his voice scared Alyssa, and it seemed as if the forest grew denser and was surrounding her as she stood trembling and began to cry as she told her story of her travels.

At that the Wizard transformed back into himself, an old man with the lines of many years of knowledge and life on his face. He was not an evil Wizard as so many believed. It was his way of protecting the woods from those that might enter to cause danger and destruction.

He then waved his hands and a gentle and safe fire was started to keep Alyssa warm and to feel safe. After she told of her journey, the great Wizard felt warmth in his heart he had not felt for ages untold. He told Alyssa he would grant her safe passage to end of his wood, but that was all he could do as he was not allowed to go beyond its boundaries or he would loose his powers and perish.

The next morning Alyssa awoke to find great many fruits and vegetables set out for her pleasure. They had been grown by the Wizard and were of a splendor and taste as only poets could describe. After she finished her meal the Wizard transported her to the end of the Wood so she could continue her journey. Before she departed he gave her a magic piece of the wood, and told her that she would know when to use it and how at the right time.

He also gave her these two pieces of advice, one a warning, one of knowledge….. The warning he gave first "beware the doubts you carry in your heart for they will surely manifest themselves to defeat you. Look to the stars for help they care deeply for the inhabitants of this planet and will offer guidance if you will only believe in your self." with a small hush the old man was gone, a smile spread across the young man that now stood beside her. As she watched, he melted into a strong sapling weaving in the breeze.

Alyssa turned and looked at the path before her the road was straight and smooth. Lined with many colorful stones, small birds flew over head.. talking! Several hovered over her head whispering" she'll never make it, the gosbed will get her before she goes half way up the hill"

As Alyssa looked back toward the path a monstrous hill loomed before her, great boulders lay in the road and small spiders faced her as she thought to begin the climb.

"Whatever shall I do and what was I thinking to under take such a journey. How will I ever reach the wise woman I was sent to find?" Alyssa sat down and hugged her knees to her chest and one tear slipped slowly down her cheek. A shadow fell over the road and slipped down the road towards Alyssa.

She felt as if all was lost when a tiny voice spoke to her heart. "Remember the essence of the visible in the invisible."

A small smile spread across her face and Alyssa stood and shouted at the hill that lay before her....

She shouted, "I may be small and weak of form, but my spirit is unquenchable! I WILL find the Wise Woman and she will grant my wishes that friendship and goodwill be with my people always, thus is the magic of life."

Alyssa picked her way carefully along the rocky path. Spiders skittered and danced in and out of the shadows made by the boulders. Then, a soft familiar voice hissed from behind her...

"Chose your path wisely" the voice of the little dragon whispered in her ear. She spun expecting to see the little dragon on the back of the furry animal. But when she looked she saw nothing behind her. She turned back around and continued through the rocks, think that there was no fork in the path before her.

As she rounded a curve in the path she saw a small campfire ahead of her, and sitting on a rock by it was an old knight wearing dented silver armor. His long gray mustaches hanging below his chin, his bald head gleaming in the firelight. Taking a step forward Alyssa accidentally kick a rock which clattered around on the other stones near by, sending up a noise that she thought would bring the whole mountain down. The knight looked up and saw her and smile crossed his old face.

"Come over her child! I won't hurt you. I'm returning from a trip to the old Wise Woman and have been given a quest! Its rather dangerous for a young girl to be alone and unprotected out here, come and I'll watch over you this day!" the knight called, his deep, kind, voice bounding through the rocks. With a sheepish smile Alyssa walked over to the knight and sat down on a rock opposite him. He smiled again, looking more like a grandfather then a knight. "What is your name child?" he asked.

"My name is Alyssa. I'm going to the old Wise woman." she said as the old knight's smile broadened.

"My name is Sir. Fores Hadow. As I said, I just came from the old Wise Woman. I've got some advice you may find interesting..."

As Alyssa leaned close, anxious to hear the old knight's tale, a sudden chill swept over her body. "How silly!" she told herself. "There can be nothing to fear from this kind stranger who only seeks to help me on my journey". But still the feeling of dread would not leave Alyssa. She peered closer into the knight's face. To her horror she saw that he.............

... was not a man at all! What she had believed his mustaches were dangling strands of silvery sage, upon which he was nibbling, his baldhead was of a greenish cast and his armor the strangest thing of all!

"Why, you're a, you're a TORTOISE!" she squeaked.

He replied with a wink, "My step is slow, but my bravery without question. I can be your shield, in every sense, walk thee behind me and you'll neither tire nor suffer sun and wind, nor arrows of mischievous evil shall pierce me on their way to you". He held out a leathery paw. Alyssa slipped her small fingers into it trustingly, and they trudged along their way...

While they were walking, Alyssa asked the tortoise about his home. The tortoise told her how beautiful and peaceful his land once was and that he too was on a journey to find a way to stop the evil that was taking over his land as well. He said that the sun would reflect off of the clear blue water in the ponds in his village, that the rain drops were the color of the rainbow and how the butterflies would sing to them every afternoon as they fluttered all around.

Alyssa was picturing this beautiful place when she looked up and saw sadness in his eyes. "We'll find the answer to stop the evil, we just have to" she said and the tortoise just smiled down at her little smudged face and said "yes, we must, or the land will be filled with nothing but sadness and despair".

Just then a bolt of lightening hit the ground just ahead of them and the strangest thing happened...

The ground opened up and with the words echoing from everywhere, they heard once again "Remember the essence of the visible in the invisible." And they were swallowed and the earth closed them in.

Alyssa held on to the tortoise for dear life. She had never been so frightened in all her life. She didn't know what was happening or why and just when she thought she might die from pure fear, they were enveloped in the brightest white light she had ever seen. It was almost hypnotic and it put forth a radiant warmth that made her feel suddenly at peace.

As she looked up at the light, she saw what must have been a hundred or more small creatures fluttering around in the distance. The tortoise held her close, for the creatures seemed to be moving towards them. As she sat huddled next to the tortoise with her knees drawn up close to her, one of these magnificent creatures came to rest on her knee. It was the most beautiful little thing she ever seen. "I am Bree, Queen of the fairy's and I welcome you both to our home. The evils of your world have not yet found our kingdom, it is a safe haven and I offer it to you whenever you may need a safe place to rest. But in return, there is something that I need from you and that is... go forth and retrieve, from the evil wizard, named Nazuras, the key that unlocks the great mystery of our Kingdom. For we believe that within this great doorway, lies the secrets of everlasting love and peace, which is in great danger to our kingdom, like what has befallen upon yours. This doorway is hidden way up in the mountains above our kingdom. You will need to set out towards the dark caverns in the eastern side of the mountains to find the evil Wizards palace.

But be careful, the wizard is very dangerous and his powers are far greater than any known. But, I leave you this advice, to remember that you too have undiscovered powers, and by remembering that the essence of the visible, is the invisible. Work hard at discovering your powers, for they will come to you in time...

Now rest my dear friend, for tomorrow the real journey begins............ the book in your knapsack, that you carry on your back, in there is a magic spell that will free the guardian fairy that is captured by the tundra gods. Alyssa thought and thought, and finally reached into her knapsack, and lo and behold, the book was missing !!!

* Oh My... what do we do now? * gasped Alyssa, the fairy, said * have no worries my dear, we will back track, and find the book... so off they went retracing there steps, they finally came to the campsite that she made, and there in the center of the camp was the book. the fairy was so happy that she gave Alyssa some magic....

Chapter 2 "The Journey Begins"

Alyssa knew the next part of her journey was to follow the path set out for her by the Queen of the fairies Bree. So she packed up her book and started in the direction Bree set before her with her friend and protector the Tortoise. On the eighth day of their journey, shortly before the sun was to set they reached the Mountains they were to climb. It was more that just a Mountain range, it was so large Alyssa, felt she would falter and not go on. She knew she could not falter, so she built a small fire to keep her and the Tortoise warm and cooked them a meal of fruits and vegetables they had gathered on their journey.

Alyssa feel deep asleep, it was during her dreams that the magic the fairy had given her was revealed. When she awoke she grabbed her rucksack and reached inside for the Magic left by the fairy, she felt nothing and looked inside. What seemed like and empty space, soon grew but not so one could see. It grew in her Heart and Soul; it gave her the confidence to continue on the journey and the knowledge of how to get to the Evil Wizards domain.

Shortly after dawn Alyssa and the Tortoise started on the journey up the Mountain to search for Nazuras domain and the wooden door that they sought. At first all seemed well as they traveled with little difficulty. But this was a ruse, as every rock; every tree or plant was in quite communication with the evil Wizard Nazuras……

Silent in their beauty, the plants of the kingdom of Nazuras began to grow and grow, and grow. Ivy snaked along the ground toward Alyssa and her knight in shining shell. Giant sunflowers blocked the sun. Blood red roses sharpened their thorns.

"Oh dear!" wailed Alyssa. "How can such pretty flowers be so dangerous?"

The knightly tortoise hefted Alyssa to his shoulder, and began to struggle through the ivy clutching at his feet. He drew his sword and hacked at the sunflower stalks, and Alyssa captured handfuls of the tasty seeds for later as they showered down. Roses cried out angrily as their thorns bent against his sturdy shell without making a dent.

"I suspected Evil Nazuras would use plants to spy on us, but never did I foresee he would stoop to use those so low on the food chain to act as his warriors" he wheezed, biting a whipping strand of ivy as it tried to grab Alyssa's ankle. "I fear no flora, even the fruit of cacti I find merely delicious."

They found themselves clear of the field, and the knight set Alyssa on her feet. As they shook the pollen from their persons, an ominous rumbling began up the path. Small pebbles then larger rocks, then quite large rocks rolled toward them, zigging to their zag as they leapt and dodged. Then, coming for them rolled an enormous boulder, crushing all in its path. All seemed lost as they found themselves blocked into an alley specially designed for the rolling ball of granite...

....Alyssa and the tortoise stood horrified as the ball of granite rocketed towards them. "What shall we do?" Alyssa cried. A soft voice echoed beyond the canyons, so far away, but very close to Alyssa's heart. Something was whispering to her, but being so far away, Alyssa only caught parts of the sentences.

Remember...invisible...visible...remember... the words connected and Alyssa then knew what she had to do. She raised her hand towards the boulder that was hurling towards her, picking up speed. It was so close now, that there seemed no hope. But deep from Alyssa's heart, a feeling was rising. A deep feeling of love and caring. It was the most wonderful feeling. A sudden beam of white light floated smooth and quickly towards the rampaging boulder...and then, silence.

Alyssa and the tortoise stared forwards at the empty gape where the boulder had been. A smile spread wide across Alyssa's face. She had discovered a new power. A power that would later come in even better use.

She looked towards the path ahead of her and far far off, she could make out the lines of a large and fierce cavern, and the many dangers that waited inside.... Alyssa and the knight made their way up the path without further hindrance from flora or fauna, rocks or natural happenings. In fact they reached the cave with remarkable ease. Glancing at each other they stepped into the cavern, the sound of rushing water ringing in their ears.....

up ahead of them was a beautiful waterfall. So beautiful that Alyssa could not tear her eyes from it. It was so grand and powerful that you felt the force pulling at you, to bow to it, to honor its glory. The tortoise sniffed the air in disgust. "This air is so full of evil magic that it makes one think of dreadful hateful thoughts if one stands still long enough.

And this was really a quite horrid thing so they moved briskly deeper and deeper into the cave. They walked on and on for what seemed to Alyssa, hours and hours which really could have only been fifteen minutes. Just when it seemed that they might be on a never-ending trail, it stopped in front of an enormous oak door that made you feel quite small.

The evil magic was so strong now that it made Alyssa dizzy to keep her thoughts straight. A voice behind made her nearly jump out of her skin. "You have made it this far." The friendly voice of her dragon friend rang out. "I grant you your second power." Alyssa looked around to try to find where the voice was coming from but it was quite clear that the small dragon wasn't there and the tortoise obviously hadn't heard the voice.

She stood a second longer to see if it had anything else to say and then went back to seeing how they would manage to get through the oak door. It was bolted shut tightly. "We will never make it now." The tortoise said sadly shaking his head. "Oh but we just have to go on!" Alyssa cried out.

She was tired and her mind ached but her heart wasn't about to give up. She lightly touched the lock with her fingertips and the lock melted away. "Oh my!" She cried out in surprise. It was now quite clear what her second power was. The tortoise pushed the door and it swung open.

They peered into the dark musty room and were astonished at what they saw... It was the wizard himself, perched high up on his throne. A wall of fire burning behind him and his creatures of doom on either side of him, ready to attack and protect their master and in his lap... the key in which they sought.

"A young girl and her tortoise are going to try and succeed where warriors have failed", laughed the wizard. "Go now, before I have my soldiers of evil cast you into my fire"!

Alyssa and the tortoise turned to flee when she heard a voice that said to her... Remember the power of kindness, and Alyssa understood. With a body trembling from head to toe, she turned to the Wizard and smiled. She stepped toward the Wizard and asked "How are you doing today, you seem at unrest.

This astounded and confused the Wizard as every creature he had met in his long and lonely past had either been afraid of him or were there to destroy him. This confused the Wizard to his very core. Alyssa had the very basic part of her people's power. Kindness

The Wizard confused by the feeling growing in him did not send his denizens to destroy Alyssa and the Tortoise. And for the first time started a conversation with Alyssa. The Tortoise just stood there frozen in utter amazement at this turn.

The Wizard asked question after question, as this was the first true talk he had had for ages untold. What the Wizard did not notice was how the ice that surrounded his Heart had begun to melt. The Wizards soldiers were very confused and attempted to leap forward to stop Alyssa. At this Alyssa screamed and began to cry. As she exclaimed that all she wanted to do was help her people.

The Wizard cast forth his arms and stopped fast his soldiers. For the first time in his entire existence the wizard shed a tear, this confused the Wizard and confounded his soldiers. With this tear everything in the Wizards world began to change.

First a light appeared, dim at first but growing in brightness and warmth. As it grew all the denizens of the Wizards cave began to change. "What is happening Alyssa whispered to her friend the Tortoise" As she turned to look at her friend she noticed he was frozen where he stood. Not from fear, but from shear amazement.

There was a load snap and the light grew to full brightness. At this all of the soldiers of the Wizard were transformed into fairies. And the evil and ugly Wizard was transformed back into that which he had been ages ago. A Wizard of true kindness who had once been the companion of Bree the fairy Queen.

The Wizard not only agreed to give Alyssa the key, he would take her back to Bree himself and make amends for his past. Alyssa had completed a part of her journey and had learned many a lesson along the way.

When they reach the home of Bree they were greeted with a joyous celebration that was only dimmed by the knowledge that she still had a long journey ahead. This saddened Alyssa at a time of great joy. The Tortoise saw the look in her eyes and advised Alyssa…..

Dear Alyssa - be patient, you have worked miracles thus far. The journey ahead may be hard, but you will prevail as you have done. For the moment enjoy the company of friends; rejoice with them at the melting of the Wizards heart of ice and his release from the prison that was his life.

Alyssa's mood brightened and she turned to her new friends and embraced them with such joy. "You are right Sir Knight - we will enjoy this night and think of the journey ahead when we wake in the morning."

With that Alyssa spun into the circle of friends and danced and danced to the wonderful music playing around them. Late, late that night she fell into an exhausted but peaceful slumber, dreaming only of good things.

When she awoke in the morning, she was alone, but she didn't feel frightened. She called Tortoise's name, but her voice only echoed, a solitary voice, through the woods.

Alyssa was puzzled....... "I wonder..........

...I wonder what could be causing this isolation, the source of the evil I keep hearing about. So far I've seen creatures, and fairies, and everyone has lived together in harmony."

She walked the path through the woods, and as the day wore on, the walk became easier and easier. The trees thinned, the path became spacious, and little flower borders appeared at its sides. By noon, the path had become a regular road, and some little houses appeared at its side, the people busily working in gardens, in fields, or in neighboring shops.

Alyssa walked on, and by late afternoon, the road was lined with cheerfully painted houses, each sporting window boxes with bright flowers, large windows, and a welcoming front porch. Lots of shops were pushed in cheek-by-jowl, their signs advertising all types of wares and merchandise. Alyssa did not see anywhere to camp, but one of the dangling signs said "Inn", so in she went.

"Welcome," said a very short, very round man from behind a counter. "What can we do for you?"

"Well, I'm hungry and tired," answered Alyssa. "Do you have food, and a bed?"

"Of course," answered the innkeeper, for that is what he was. "Delicious food, a soft bed, and all for a mere pittance." "Umm," said Alyssa, "money. Hmm. I...

"Well, maybe you have something to trade?" said the innkeeper, eyeing Alyssa's rucksack.

"No," she said immediately, thinking of her precious book, "but I can do dishes and whistle at the same time."

"Dishes! Wonderful! Just the thing!" said the innkeeper, "if you'll just finish up our dishes, you can have a bed and a late supper and welcome."

He bustled Alyssa back through a busy dining room, through a kitchen filled with delicious cooking smells, and stopped in front of a sink containing tower of dishes stretching to the ceiling. He handed Alyssa a scrubber, slipped a drying rag onto her shoulder, and before she could say a word he had disappeared back to his counter.

Alyssa sighed and picked up the first dish. At least there was a nice window over the sink, and she could watch the sun set.

An hour later, she had worked the pile down and her appetite up. The day's walk, the afternoon's work, and the smell from the kitchen were making her famished. She had one snack in her rucksack, a handful of sunflower seeds, so she paused and pulled them out.

She glanced out the window as she raised her hand to her mouth--and stopped, astonished. The clouds had piled up on the horizon into a huge, unmistakable dragonhead, the red sun glaring through its eye.

Her hand traveled the last inch toward her mouth, but she stopped again as the dragon-cloud swirled, the sun's fire this time shooting from its mouth. <Consider the source> echoed in her mind.

She thought of the evil sunflowers and looked at the fistful of seeds and was repulsed to see them wriggling in her hand, looking remarkably like maggots. She hurled them into the sink and flushed them down the drain as fast as she could, shook her rucksack out, and washed her hands more than Lady Macbeth.

She looked out the window again, opening her mouth to thank the dragon, but if anything its mouth was open wider, the red glare from its mouth more threatening, and the voice in her head said again, even more insistently, <Consider The Source>

She looked around frantically, expecting more maggots, but she saw only the quiet kitchen. She searched every cubboard and nook, and finally sat down, pooped. Still the voice of the dragon pushed into her head. She reviewed the uneventful day. It was all completely ordinary. She had walked up the road; she had walked by some houses, into a town, stopped at an inn, and done some dishes. What's so earthshaking about.

<Who made the road?> interrupted the dragon, sounding irritated, <and of what? The houses? The town? The Inn? the tap for the sink? the drain? the dishes? where does the water go?>

Alyssa was overwhelmed, tired, and hungry, and began to cry. All she wanted was some warm food, and a soft bed, and she'd argue civil engineering all day tomorrow. <Consider the source> repeated the dragon's voice, though much more softly. <Who made the dinner? Is that cooking meat? Whose? and who stuffed the quilt on the bed? and whose feathers are in there?>

No dinner. No bed. Now Alyssa really _was_ crying. How could she help this? <Not all on your own>, came the dragon's voice, <With me, and with the Wise Woman, and there are others. But you have to see the evil to know it, and you have to help us figure out how it is isolating people...

....Alyssa could do nothing but cry. She sat on the floor, surrounded by unwashed dishes and soapsuds, crying and crying. Her tears flowed. There seemed to be no stopping them. It seemed that all was so confusing and she did not know what to do next. So many people and things she had met on her journey and yet she was growing more confused and unhappy by the minute.

What should she do next? How would she know if what she decided was the right thing?

Wizards, trees that talk, dragons and tortoises were no use to her now. She felt that the only person she wanted right now was her mother and wished that she had never set off on this journey. She wanted to go home.

How was she, a young girl, supposed to fight the powers of evil all on her own? She couldn't even find a bed for the night or wash a few dishes! Alyssa sat on the kitchen floor and wept.

As she wept a puddle began to grow around her. Just a few drops at first, it grew into a small stream. Alyssa opened her eyes and looked around. What she saw surprised her immensely.

She was no longer in the kitchen, amongst the leftovers of others meals. Instead she found herself........

Sitting next to a stream in an endless field of flowers. There were no houses, shops or people anywhere to be seen. This couldn't be real, she thought to herself; it must be a dream. "Yes, you are in my dream" a voice spoke out to her. She looked up towards the voice and again, she saw the face of the dragon up in the clouds.

"Why have you brought me here" she asked, "I am so hungry and tired, why don't you want me to eat and sleep at the inn" she asked the dragon. "It was the evil itself that sent you down that road and into that inn, it is trying to keep you from learning it's secret. You would have eaten his evil magic and fell asleep forever. Now when you return, run from that place, run until you are safely away from that town."

"But I am so very tired, how will I be able to run away" she asked. "I will give you my strength so you can reach safety, then you must sleep, for you must awaken in the morning and set off to find the old wise woman. The hatred is building amongst all living creatures and you Alyssa are the key to our worlds survival."

Alyssa was so beaten down and her spirit was broken. "How", she asked herself, "can I do this task all alone"? She closed her eyes as she rubbed them. They ached from exhaustion. When she lifted her head to protest to the dragon, she was back on the floor of the inn's kitchen.

She didn't know if it was the dragon's strength or her own fear, but she jumped up and ran out of the inn and never looked back for fear that something may be following. She wasn't aware, but something was following her that night and it... had her interests at heart. Huge as its paws were, they were furry and padded softly on the grass. They carried her swiftly to the tired and hungry Alyssa.

Alyssa tripped over her own feet, her strength gone. She was unable even to weep, and all turned to black as the night sky as the sun sank below the horizon. The last thing she registered was a blissful warmth and a comforting breath against her hair.

As the dawn light filtered through the tall grasses, she opened her eyes and felt refreshed. Something tickled her cheek, and she brushed at it, then sat up in alarm!

"Fear not little one", the Cat purred soothingly. I was sent by the Wise Woman to see you through this part of your journey. She knows that Cats seek kindness from humans, and to that end, humans must be taught kindness. We lurk about the edges of their homes and towns, always alert for evil and prepared to defend ourselves and our beloved people from it."

"Oh but I don't need to be taught kindness," Alyssa assured Cat, "I am very kind, and so very glad of your company. But, I have nothing to feed you!"

"Don't worry about that," Cat replied, "Ahead in the distance I can smell there is a stream of fresh water, filled with tasty shrimps and watercress, I will gather if you will cook."

She agreed happily, and draping her arm across Cat's neck they padded off together in search of breakfast and the start of a new day's adventures.

They did not have to go far before they reached the spot the Cat had told Alyssa about. The Cat showed Alyssa how to gather and cook the shrimp and watercress. They ate to their Hearts content. And settled in for a nights sleep. Alyssa feel into a deep sleep that lasted the entire night without incident, she awoke feeling more refreshed that she has in weeks.

As they were preparing breakfast they felt the ground tremble, once then again. It started to grow constant and in amount. Soon their very bones were rattling. The Cat coaxed Alyssa onto his back and they trotted of to some bushes to hide.

The rumbling in the ground grew and grew. They only needed to wait a few minutes to see what was causing this, as a troop of Dwarves approached. These people small thou they seemed, were one with the ground and it trembled as they marched.

Alyssa and the Cat stayed crouching in the bushes, they thought they were going to remain unseen, but as the last one was passing Alyssa sneezed, they stopped as one and turned to say….

"Who is there? I know there is someone there. Show yourselves. We mean you no harm. We are the dwarfs from the Kingdom of the wise woman herself. She has sent us to guard her kingdom from evil. It is within our powers to protect her at all costs. She knows of your journey, and asked us to give you this magic wand"

The small dwarf opened up his pack, and pulled out the most beautiful wand Alyssa had ever laid her eyes on. She looked at her friend the cat, and saw the spark of mystery and approval in its eyes. She wondered for a moment if this was another trick.

For how was she to know what was real, and what was evil. But she was also remembering to listen to her heart, and this felt right. There did not seem to be any evil in the air. The dwarf handed her the beautiful gold magic wand. She trembled slightly as she reached for it and felt the cool smooth metal embrace her palm. In the instant she touched it, she felt such an overwhelming......

.....sense of peace and love that she almost cried out. 'Oh, cat!' She cried....'How beautiful! Now I think I know what I have to do!'

The cat was smiling to itself and licking its fur contentedly. 'Come on then.' It said, quietly. 'Let's get going. We have a lot of ground to cover and not much time.'

They set off again together, happily. The fear Alyssa had previously felt had left her now and she felt more confident than ever. She would do it! She knew that she could take on whatever came her way and win.

The sun was setting as they hurried in the direction of the old woman's house. Birds were singing their nesting tunes and all felt calm. It did not take them long to reach the old woman's house, every step they took seemed like ten and they felt no need for sleep.

'Look!' said the cat, pointing to a small house nestling amongst the trees. Smoke was curling lazily from the chimney.

The house had a welcoming air. 'That's my mistress's house. Come on, she's expecting us.'

Alyssa followed the cat to the doorway, which was surrounded by roses. In the distance she could hear the noise of children playing in the gathering dusk. They entered the house. Alyssa's heart was hammering in her chest and her palms felt sweaty. As she adjusted her eyes to the brightness inside she saw......

That the room seemed empty except that the room was surrounded by mirrors. This confused Alyssa, she sat down in the center of the room to think of this and what it might mean. She spent several hours looking at the mirrors showing different refection's of her. After what seemed like an eternity to Alyssa it finally came to her.

There was no Old Wise Woman; the one she sought was in fact herself. Her travels had made her the Wise Woman she had been searching for and actually became during her long journeys. It was all now very clear to Alyssa. She understood.

She turned to thank the Cat who had entered the room and saw it clearly for the first time. It's imaged changed for every mirror it's reflection was in. In one it was the cat, in another it was the Knight and the Tortoise. So much made sense to her at this moment she felt overwhelmed, but knew what the answer was and what she needed to do.

It time to begin her travel back home……

While this seemed to be the end of her journey and search, there was more to be learned at each step of the way... The first being....

The journey to finding herself (as she now called it) had been long and tiring but also exiting and full of adventure. She thought it was so wonderful in the little house among the mountaintops that she decided to stay there and rest for a couple days. This did not seem like a bad idea to the cat either.

She used her wand to make a bed and rug (for the cat) and refill her sack with food. She cuddled up in the cozy little bed and in moments, was sound asleep. She awoke later in the night by a knock at the door. Sleepily, she rubbed her eyes and rolled out of bed. Then she stumbled over and opened the door.

Hello? She called out. Her voice was swallowed up in the pitch-blackness around her. Then from nowhere, a tiny floating light made its way through the night. It gradually grew bigger as it neared her. Alyssa could make out the shape of a tiny fairy, no bigger than a flower. The little fairy flew up past Alyssa and into the cottage. Then it landed right on her pillow. Alyssa watched in awe, as the tiny fairy cleared her throat and began to talk.

"I have been searching for you. I was sent by Bree, Queen of our fairies. She has sent me to help and guide you home. I know I am small and wont be of much help, but your journey is far and I am good company." Alyssa smiled and sat down next to the fairy. "It must have taken you a long time to come clear up the mountain. I am very grateful that you came Miss fairy." The fairy smiled shyly and added, "Call me Ashley."....

Ashley asked Alyssa, "Before you return home, there is a question you must answer. What are you?"

Alyssa thought hard, hugging her pillow. She replied to the fairy,

"I am a being of rainbow color and quicksilver. I am reflected in still waters, and others see themselves reflected in my eyes.

I am a being of needs. I hunger, and tire, and weep, and rejoice when my needs are met.

I am a giver of strength. Others bring their strength to support me, their sword arm, their senses superior to mine that for the time may have failed.

I am strong. My magic is within; waiting for the key that turns it. I open doors, repel evil, discover other magic's that resonate and call me. I am Alyssa."

She reached for her pack and carefully withdrew a shard of mirror, and looked at her reflection. A little girl looked back, a child fragile of appearance, with deep clear eyes. The eyes drew her, into the mirror she fell.

Alyssa came to herself with a start. She was in a strange land! A road she didn't recognize, stars overhead that spoke of dreams no person she knew had ever idealized in familiar constellations.

A soft familiar voice whispered from all around her...

...that she trust herself. Since she was now the wise woman of the mountains, she needed to listen to what her heart said to do.

She waved her wand around in the air, thinking hard. To her surprise, golden sparks flew from the tip of the wand and formed a misty cloud. The cloud almost instantly took shape of a small dragon.

The cloud became solid and the dragon landed before Alyssa's feet. A smile spread across Alyssa's face, for she was grateful to meet again with her old friend.

Almost instantly though, there was a sour smell in the air. "Hello my dear." The dragon said smiling. "I have come to tell you some very important news. Your home has been so invaded by evil that there is absolutely no hope.

You are far better off staying here in the mountains. There is no evil here and with that wand," the dragon said eyeing the wand with a wild look in her eyes. "You could live in peace and there would never be anyone to tell you what to do."

Alyssa opened her mouth to speak but the dragon cut her off again. "Promise me Alyssa, promise me that you will never leave these mountain tops." "I promise." Alyssa said meekly. "Good."

The dragon said with a sigh of relief. In an instant, the dragon left and took the sour smell along with it that Alyssa suddenly recognized as Evil Magic.

She thought for a long time. Shall I listen to the dragon and stay here? Or shall I go on with my journey...

Alyssa thought of the promise she had made, and all the while had a nagging in her very core. But she felt comfortable and safe, and this was a feeling that appealed to the young Alyssa. She nested back in the comfort of the place she had been transported, all the while a nagging as yet quite voice was calling her from beyond.

Alyssa awoke one morning, sat down to eat the breakfast that was always waiting for her, as has every meal or thing she needed. She started to think about the journey she had been on and everything she had been through. She had been through many a hardship, but had always come out of the struggle and effort with newfound strength, wisdom, and friends.

Midway through a bite of her breakfast muffin, it hit her. This was all too easy; everything she had been through while it had been difficult had been worth the effort despite the difficulties. Everything that had meant something to her had been that, which she had learned through the hardships, this was just to easy.

She said out load to herself, "I cannot stay I must go back to where I was, where I belong". But she then thought to herself how am I to do this.. It was then what had been the quiet yet nagging voice deep inside her called out in great strength to say….

..."I DON'T WANT TO BE ALONE!" her inner voice cried. The spell broke, the truth of her instincts overcoming the falseness of the promise demanded of her. The breakfast table vanished. In its place was a broad flat stone. The muffin in her hand became an apple, gnarled and hard. It must have come from the tree that shaded the spot where she sat.

"I'd rather have this apple than the sweetest treat cooked up by evil" she decided, munching determinedly. She knew she had to keep her strength up for her journey home, so near now. The road ahead was familiar terrain, and after filling her pack with more little hard apples, she set out with a light heart.

Her skipping feet picked up a rhythmic refrain. "Not alone, not alone, not alone." And suddenly, she was not alone. Beside her skipped a very peculiar being indeed. It had a long sinuous neck; bright beady eyes twinkled over a yellow beak. Its body was round and its slender legs ended in webbed feet. Feathers covered it, white and shining.

"I'm a silly goose!" it declared.

"Welcome, Goose", Alyssa replied, delighted. "I feel rather silly myself for remaining isolated from friends who need me."

Goose nodded, clacking her beak sharply and flapping her wings a little. "Birds of a feather must flock together, my dear. Climb onto my back, little girl, we'll take flight and you can see the great patterns of life."

Alyssa did so rather dubiously, for she remembered the dragon she had seen in the clouds. Nevertheless, Goose bobbed, heaved, and they were off! Gracefully soaring, her bright hair streaming, Alyssa held tightly to Goose's neck. "It's wonderful!" she shouted to Goose, "I think I can see my house from here! But, oh, what's that dark cloud forming over my land, it's frightening, Goose, it's frightening me so!"

Goose banked to circle, but the darkness spread and seemed to send tendrils toward them. "We must turn back" honked Goose in alarm...

...Alyssa thought frantically. Do I turn around? Do I go face the evil dark cloud? She stared at her land below her and a whispering voice floated and was carried away again with the breeze. Yet to Alyssa it was clearer than anything.

"Remember the essence of the visible in the invisible." She then thought of her family, waiting for her return home, her sisters and her mother and father. She stared down at the land, at her friends and her school and neighborhood, and she knew that she could not go back, could not abandon her country. She shouted to the goose, Let us fly to ground!

Hurry! We don't have any time to lose!" "But we can't! The goose shouted. "There is no way I am going down there now!" The wind had grown very strong and the dark cloud swelled. Lighting crackled through the dark sky. "I'm turning back!"

The goose shouted over the roaring wind. With that she whirled around and frantically started flapping her wings. Alyssa knew she could not convince the goose to turn around and go back and so, with nothing but her faith and trust in herself, she leaped of the back of the goose and plunged down towards the ground.

She seemed to fall forever and she closed her eyes waiting for the shattering hit, when she surprisingly fluttered to the ground with a soft thud. It could have been nothing but the work of her magic.

At her feet lay her golden wand. And she knew exactly what she had to do. She picked her wand up and ran off towards the furious cloud that now spread through the entire sky...

cloaking the land in darkness. Alyssa fought the forceful winds as they pushed her to the ground over and over again, as lightening ripped through the sky.

The town's people were running for shelter and Alyssa wished she too could run and hide but knew she had to stop this evilness. Just as she got back on her feet, a black swirl came down from the cloud like a hand reaching for her; it wrapped itself around her golden wand trying to tear it from her hands. Alyssa held on with all the strength her little arms could muster and she screamed into the darkness...

That's when Alyssa remembered all the friends she had encountered along her journey... She knew then at that moment to get out of the hand of evil that she was going to have to reach out for some help from these friends..

And it would take her inner strength to do that because Alyssa was a strong person with a heart of gold, but she knew that she needed the help to save the people in the village as well. Even with her wand she knew it was not the only thing to get rid of the evil that was now over the whole village...

Alyssa then started to close her eyes, and started to slowly twirl her wand as much as she could with all of her strength, and started to call all of her friends for help...

"How shall this evil be dispelled?" Alyssa cried, buffeted by the winds that blew sharp grains of sand into her eyes, making them sting and tear. The wand grew warm in her hand, and began to - SING.

It was a song of hope, first one clear silvery voice, like that of a fairy. Another joined in deep, slow harmony, like a tortoise plodding. Rich expressive mewling underscored the beat, and then a powerful howl like a fierce she-wolf calling her cubs crescendoed as the tune swirled into the dark mist that held Alyssa in its clasp. It was carried on the winds over the village of Alyssa's home.

More voices joined the singing. Alyssa could hear her mother, her family, her neighbors, and her friends. They all sang joyfully and strongly, for Alyssa was coming home. The wand in her hand grew so warm she could no longer hold it. She thrust it into the ground like a spear. The great song wrapped around her, in her, and the mist took form. It became a dragon, with wings that spread and carried it aloft as the winds carried it away from Alyssa's homeland.

The wand grew and grew. Branches spread out from its now mighty trunk, leafed with fresh green, white flowers bloomed and filled the air with the sweet scent of the music breathed in and out, and bore fruit.

Alyssa's village folk poured en masse to where she knelt beneath the tree, all wanting to hug and hold her, so grateful where they for her safe return. "Oh mother!" Alyssa wept, clutching the dear figure, as she'd never let go. As they turned to go at last to her warm, comfortable cottage, secure in the love they had for each other, a movement from the tree caught her eye.

Gripping the bark of the great tree, it's tiny dark eyes twinkling, was a tiny green lizard. It winked at Alyssa, scurried to a fruit and began to devour it, fore-claws turning it swiftly until only the core remained. Then it was gone from sight in the leafy mass. On the path home, a boulder took form. It was a tortoise, stoic in the warmth of the setting sun. It nodded at Alyssa, greenery dangling from its jaws.

When Alyssa entered her cottage, her mother announced, "I have a surprise for you". She pointed to the warm hearth, fire crackling merrily. There on the rug sat a dainty white kitten, licking its paw. Alyssa cried out with joy and rushed to hug the kitty, who purred contentedly in her ear.

Outside a full moon was rising, bathing the quiet land with serene light. From the hillside a wolf howled, and the geese in their sturdy pen honked defiantly and cheerfully in return.

Alyssa was home. She hoped she would never have to leave it again.

Later, after her mother had tucked her in to bed and she was beginning to drowse, the kitten on her pillow, she looked sleepily out her window. Against the bright moon, a cloud curled. It shifted and became a dragon, one red eye shining against the moon's orb. "Remember the essence of the visible in the invisible", the wind moaned in a brief gust that carried the cloud away.

The kitten lifted its head and hissed quietly, then draped a tiny paw on Alyssa's cheek, as though to hold her safe. Alyssa knew that one day she would again have to venture forth from her place among friends, but for now her village was safe from the evils of changing time. She was fairy blood, and hers was the charge for time to come, to keep all the land free of evil. But for now she was just a tired little girl, and she slept, her dreams of all the strange friends yet to be made.

Tomorrow she would tell everyone her tales, and surely they would look into the mirrors of their souls and help her unlock the magic deep in hers. They would teach her, and she them, for her future travels from her home that she might spread the kinship and love in faraway places in need...

Alyssa awoke the next day with such a feeling of love and warmth; she bolted out of bed to see her family and friends. And while her town and people were safe, as she had unlocked the answer to their power, she understood that this was a journey of and for life. The knowledge one needed was never ending, and always gathered as one walked through life with an open mind and heart.

As she wondered around her town and met again so many a friend, she grew a bit sad to discover the storm had done so much damage. Much of the town and surrounding farms had been damaged or destroyed. What could she do?

Alyssa went home later that day and pulled her book from her sack, a shard of wood feel to the floor. Alyssa squeaked with glee as she remembered the shard of wood that had been given to her so long ago at the beginning of her journey.

She ran outside, placed the shard on the ground and touched it with her Wond. The very air began to sparkle and swirl, not a fierce wind but one that was gentle yet strong. As it grew all the damage that was done during the storm was repaired, all of the town and surrounding farms. The trees that had once stood were replaced in full size and with full foliage and fruit.

Alyssa had finished this part of her journey, and all was well.




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